Lofty Roses

Scripture from classical 'ulamā derived straight from their kitāb

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3 years, 7 months ago

“The heart, in its journey towards Allāh, is like a bird.

Mahabbah (Love) of Allāh is its head; Khawf (Fear) and Rajaa (Hope) are its two wings.

If both the head and wings are sound, the bird will be able to fly properly.
However, if the head is cut off, the bird dies; and when the bird loses its wings then it is susceptible to every hunter or predator.

Some of the Salaf recommended a healthy person to give precedence to Fear over Hope, and when leaving this Dunya (i.e. during illness) a person should give precedence to Hope over Fear. This was the way of Abu Sulaymān.

Alternatively, others said: It is befitting for the heart to lean towards Fear; if it favours Hope it will corrupt.

Others said: the most perfect state is a balance of Hope and Fear, with a heavy reliance upon Love.

Love is the transport; Hope is the guide and Fear is the driver.

And Allāh takes a person [to the destination] through His kindness and generosity.”

- Ibn Qayyim (Rahimahullāh)

3 years, 7 months ago

"Strangeness is of two types. One of them is he who reforms himself when people are corrupt and this is the lowest of them in rank, and the second is he who corrects what people have corrupted, and this is the highest and better of the two."

- Ibn Rajab (Rahimahullāh)

3 years, 8 months ago

~• Wisdom and Benefits •~

Allāh, Glorious and Most High, has made patience a race horse that never falters nor stumbles, a sword that never loses its sharpness, a vanquishing army that is never defeated, and a fortified stronghold that never breaks and is never taken by force. Patience and divine help are two blood brothers.

Divine help comes with patience, relief follows difficulty, and ease follows hardship. Patience aids and supports a person more than an army of people, and in the attainment of victory it is like the head to the body. In His Book, the Truthful Guarantor has promised that He will replay the patient with a reward that knows no bounds; He informed us that He is with the patient through His guiding them, aiding them and granting them clear victory.

He, Most High, says,

"And be steadfast, Allāh is with the steadfast."

[Surat Al-Anfāl, Āyah 46]

The patient are victorious by virtue of this 'witness' both in this life and the next, and through it they attain His internal and external blessings.

| Trials and Tribulations |

3 years, 8 months ago

*الدنيا مقرونه بلاكدار،
The world is accompanied by calamity,

فلا تتسخط من وقائع الاقدار،
so do not be angry with facts of fate,

واصبر فإن الله يحب الصابرين.
and be patient, for Allāh loves the patient.*

3 years, 8 months ago

Whoever is created for Jannah will forever be afflicted with calamities. The believer remains firm and never complains and the concealment of pain and affliction is one of the attributes of the great, so know full well that you were not denied except to be given, and you were not afflicted except to be cured, nor were you tested except to be purified.

- Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

3 years, 8 months ago

In the heart there is a dispersion
that is not collected except by
turning towards Allah.

And there is a loneliness that is not
removed except by the company of Allah
in seclusion.

And there is a sadness that is not
pushed away except by the happiness of
knowing Him and dealing with Him

And there is an anxiety that is not
stilled except by gathering yourself
to Him and fleeing from Him to Him.

And there are fires of remorse, that
are not extinguished except by
contentment with His commands,
prohibitions and decrees, and
embracing patience regarding that
until the time of meeting Him.

And there is severe desire, that will
not cease until He alone becomes the

And there is an emptiness, that is not
filled except by His love and
continuous remembrance of Him and
sincerity to Him, and if one were to
be given the entire world that
emptiness would not be filled ever!

- Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

3 years, 9 months ago

“There is no joy for the one who does not bear sadness, there is no sweetness for the one who does not have patience, there is no delight for the one who does not suffer, and there is no relaxation for the one who does not endure fatigue.”

— Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

3 years, 9 months ago
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