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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

7 months, 1 week ago

Yikes! ??
Host of Discovery Channel's popular show "Dirty Jobs" Mike Rowe, asks why are young people dying suddenly.

".And so one of the questions we have to ask is, did our mass vaccination, vaccination program end up harming some people? Let's say that all vaccines have the intention to benefit you by keeping you from some particular disease, measles, mumps, polio, whatever it is.

But all vaccines also have adverse effects for some people. And that equation has got to be reasonable, meaning it's got to be, some people are going to be harmed by this vaccine, but millions are going to be saved, for example. But that's not the way this mass vaccination program worked. It ended up harming a tremendous number of people who wouldn't be harmed, young people.

"Young athletes dying right on the basketball court, right in front of people never in the national news, ...Nobody, you know, has ever been at a sporting event and some guy dropped dead and certainly no 16 year old kid. But there are hundreds of them "

8 months, 1 week ago

BREAKING PEER REVIEWED STUDY: Life expectancy loss between people who received two doses of a vaccine and those who were not vaccinated over a period of 739 days.

Here's the breakdown:

RMTL (Restricted Mean Time Lost): This is a measure used to estimate the loss of life expectancy.

1.37 times: People who got two doses of the vaccine had a loss of life expectancy that was 1.37 times greater than those who were not vaccinated.

Confidence Interval (CI): The range within which the true effect is likely to lie, which in this case is between 1.27 and 1.48. The fact that the "p-value" is less than 0.0001 suggests this finding is statistically significant.

37% life expectancy loss: On average, those vaccinated with two doses lost 37% more of their expected life years compared to those who were unvaccinated over the study period.

9 months, 3 weeks ago

Press Conference from Japan: A Call for Global Solidarity: The Largest Global Protest Against WHO.

.... a campaign to protect the lives of our citizens from the public health dictatorship of the Gates Foundation, WHO, the Japanese government, created through an artificial pandemic.

..Japan's own Anthony Fauci, Health Minister Keizo Takemi, ....stated that the main source of funding for these activities comes from the Gates foundation.

...WHO has not stopped using the pandemic agreement and IHR revisions as a lever for the **global vaccine business and the building of a totalitarian framework.

From this Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare press room, to everyone nationwide I once again appeal for everyone to gather at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Hibiya at noon on May 13th, to hereby declare a national movement!!**

9 months, 3 weeks ago
Aussie17's PharmaFiles
11 months, 4 weeks ago

"A Time Bomb"

From Dr Hiroshi Arakawa, Molecular Biologist, Institute of Molecular Oncology (Milan)

"...even if you appear to be a healthy newborn, you may be carrying a time bomb that you don't know when it will go off in the future..."

"This time, what was confirmed in the placenta was not only the spike protein, but also the vaccine mRNA itself, and this fact indicates that the transfer of mRNA preparations inoculated to pregnant women into the placenta is a fatal flaw common to all LNP/mRNA preparations.

It shows me something again. If LNP-wrapped mRNA can reach the intrauterine environment, the same can be said of LNP-wrapped contaminant DNA. Contaminant DNA may also be transfected into the fetus, which has a small number of cells.

The toxicity of the coronavirus vaccine in the uterine environment predicts the induction of premature birth and miscarriage, as well as the impact on congenital physical and intellectual disabilities.

Or, even if you appear to be a healthy newborn, you may be carrying a time bomb that you don't know when it will go off in the future. It is believed that the coronavirus vaccine is also largely involved in the current decline in Japan's birth rate. As long as mRNA vaccination continues, there are concerns that the declining birthrate and population decline will further accelerate."
Dr Hiroshi Arakawa

1 year ago

??? Press Conference out of South Korea - COVID Vaccine Victims demands accountability!

"Dear citizens, during the last three years of COVID-19, our people have suffered tremendously. Among them, no one has suffered more than the families of the victims of the COVID-19 vaccine. Due to vaccine side effects, there have been around 2,700 deaths and about 19,000 severe cases. These are official statistics, but the actual numbers are said to be more than ten times higher. Trusting the government, they were vaccinated with vaccines that hadn't been properly tested in clinical trials, losing family members and depleting their savings on treatment costs for severe cases, shedding tears of blood every day."

1 year ago

Popular Youtube Doctor / Influencer, Dr Boz makes a dramatic U-Turn on the experimental gene therapy.

It bothered me from the beginning, but it really makes me nervous once you see what this I had heard whisperings about this, but I didn't believe it. I did not believe it. so this bothered me from the beginning, though, that they kept using the word vaccine when it was not like a normal vaccine. This is a messenger RNA. this is a strand of single DNA, or rna that you make DNA from, so that you're teaching the body about how to respond to this by impacting your dna. So it shouldn't have been called vaccines. It should have been called gene therapy product, because it was really changing the gene.

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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago