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اللهم إني أسألك العافية في الدنيا والآخرة
[Allāhumma inn-ī ʾasʾalu-k al-ʿāfiyah fī dun’yā wal-ākhirah]
O Allāh, I ask You for my wellbeing in this world and the next
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
*“And if Allāh, wants to have mercy on his slave then he puts in his heart compassion and kindness,
And if he wants to punish his slave,
he removes from his heart mercy and compassion, replacing it with harshness and hardness.”*
[Kitab al-Ruh | Pg. 250]
Хьан къоман лазам – иза хьан лазам бу. Цхьана йукъана хуьлу, хьан дайн мел Ӏенийна цӀий хьуна хьайн даг тӀехь цӀийъоьху чевнашца хаалуш санна; цара мел Ӏенийна бӀаьрхиш хьан логехь хораман шад хилла сецаш санна; дерриг а сабӀарзделла долу, шаьш даьхначу Даймахке долу сатийсар, хьуна хьайн сица хаалуш санна.
We often read these quotes and say “oh SubhanAllah” and like and go on with our life. But for once stop and think. These men were also born one time and came from a womans womb. Im not saying you will reach the level of the salaf. But atleast try to follow and do similar things. We after all say that we are upon the manhaj of the salaf))
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
”I once attended fajr prayer with Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله*; he then sat and remembered Allāh until it was nearly midday. He then turned around and said to me,
This is my early morning meal, if I do not take this breakfast, my strength will drop.”*
[Al-Wābil as-Sayyib | Pg. 60]
Your tears may fall, blood may flow, scars may not close, you may lose your brother, your sister, that's life. But one thing is certain: you will only rest in Paradise, Inshâ’allah.
Absolute, eternal and stable happiness does not exist here, life is made up of ups and downs, it is you who chooses how you experience these things.
Either you wait and hope for reward, or you lose both lives.
*Oh Allah! You have revealed The Book...You control the clouds and dominate their path,You defeat the armies of Your enemies, Oh Allah, All Mighty are You, All Powerful are You,
Oh Allah, defeat your enemies!
Oh Allah! Scatter their aim, shake the earth beneath their feet, strike fear into their hearts.
Oh Allah! Cripple their limbs and blind their sight, and send upon them epidemics and calamities.
Oh Allah! Disperse their gatherings and shatter their unity; Make their condition severe amongst themselves, and make their plots turn against them-show us the glory of your Power and make their destruction a lesson for those who do not learn lessons.
Oh Allah! Hasten their destruction, and make their wealth a bounty for the Muslims.
Oh Allah! Aid our Mujahideen brothers.
Oh Allah! Unify their ranks, and gather them on the word of truth.
Oh Allah! Make accurate the aim of their weapons; strengthen their determination
and make them steadfast, and bestow upon them tranquillity.
Oh Allah, put their hearts at peace and guide them to that which is all-good.
Oh Allah! Give them authority in Your Glorified Name, and give glory to them with your infinite armies in the heavens and the earth.
Oh Lord of the Worlds! May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah and upon all his followers and companions.*
Абу ӏабдуллахӏ аль-Баттӏале хаьттина хилла:
«Майралла хӏун йу-те?», тӏаккха цо жоп делла:
«Халачу сохьтехь собаре хилар ду».
«Ас-Сабру ли-бни Аби ад-Дунья», 44.
Social Media and Endless Scrolling Wasting time is worse than death, because wasting time separates you from Allāh and the hereafter. Whereas death separates you from this world and everything in it.
[Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah), al-Fawaid, 458]
Your friends should be reminding you of Allah سبحانه وتعالى. And you should together strive to get closer to your creator. And not take you further away. Also there are brothers and sisters that are practicing. They do not commit major sins. But they also don’t do a lot of good deeds aswell. They haven’t improved at all and are the same as they were years ago. This also important to look for when choosing companions. That they strive to improve!
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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
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