Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago
🌴مباشر بعد قليل بحول الله وقوته مع الشيخ زكريا بن شعيب العدني حفظه الله
✨ Salafi Da'wah Will Never Die!
Shaykh 'AbdulHakīm Dahhās حفظه الله
📡❗️ **LIVE NOW
🎙️ Points of Reflection Regarding The Statement of Allah in Sūrah Āl-‘Imrān Verse 103 – by Shaykh Muwaffaq Al-Jabūrī** (حفظه الله)
? Amount Obtained: ₦19,486,329 (≈ $12,539)
? Amount Remaining: ₦80,513,671 (≈ $47,461)
JazākumuLlāhu khayrā to everyone who has supported with money and promotion so far!
But let’s not stop here for the sake of Allah. Let this be more than a one-time act of sadaqah. We should continue in making the investment and strivings in the path of Allah.
For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:
(Nigerian Account)
? Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
? Bank: UBA
For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:
?️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868 | Sort code: 30-64-42
May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!
– Arrisaalah Publications
You are humbly invited to this knowledge-based and family event to meet and listen to the scholars.
Happening Live in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria ?? (In shā Allāh) | January 17th - 24th, 2025
You're all invited ?****
? Amount Obtained: ₦16,056,678 (≈ $9,992)
? Amount Remaining: ₦83,943,322 (≈ $50,008)
JazākumuLlāhu khayrā to everyone who has supported with money and promotion so far!
But let’s not stop here for the sake of Allah. Let this be more than a one-time act of sadaqah. We should continue in making the investment and strivings in the path of Allah.
For the sake of Allah, kindly support this cause by donating into:
(Nigerian Account)
? Account Number: 1026379011
↪️ Account Name: Arrisaalah Islamic Centre
? Bank: UBA
For those outside Nigeria, kindly donate (for Allah’s sake) into:
?️ PayPal: [[email protected]]
✳️ Lloyds Bank | Account name: Azeezat Periola | Account number: 80934868 | Sort code: 30-64-42
May Allah reward you with the highest places in paradise as you donate and share!
– Arrisaalah Publications
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago