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Last updated 1 Jahr her

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 Monat her

9 months, 1 week ago

Incurable time stuffer ?

Har doim ozini nmadir mayda ishlar bilan band qilib turadigan odam

Since I’m an incurable time stuffer, at some point I decided to get my money ready while waiting on the queue.

Har doim nimadir bilan ozimni band qilib turadigan odamligim sababli pulimni qolimga tayyorlab oldim navbatda kutayotganimda


9 months, 1 week ago

To evoke a stereotype?

Xato tushuncha yaratish

When stereotypes are evoked, they fill people’s minds with distracting thoughts.

Qachonchi xato tushunchalar yuzaga kelganda par odamlarning ongini chalgituvchi fiklar bilan band qilishadi ❄️


11 months, 3 weeks ago

Thoughts ??

1.It is common knowledge= hamma biladigan narsa?

2.Grasp the importance= muhimligini anglash ?

3.Take the view= believe?

4.Foregone conclusion= bolishi aniq boʻlgan narsa ?

5.Subscribe to the theory= hold the opinion?

6.Widespread belief= keng yoyilgan ishonch?

7.Opinions are divided= different views?

8.My firm conviction- I'm convinced?

9.Judge harshly- qattiq kritika?

10.Pass judgment on= criticise?
11.To Think laterally= imagining widely ?

13.Fertile imagination= wide imagination?

14.Wrestle with a problem = struggle to solve ?

  1. Nagging doubt= yomon shubha?

16.Jump to conclusion= quickly come up to conclusion


1 year ago

How am I preparing for the IELTS? ?‍??

Hozirda, amaliyot payti boʻlganligi sababli ancha bosh vaqtim boʻlyapti ?2.30 dagi darsimgacha. Preparation qanday ketyapti desam, men oldin xato qilgan narsa tasklarni teng va kerakli ulushda taqsimlamaganim ekan.? Va yaqinda bitta tanishim buni qanday manage qilishni oʻrgatdi. Aslida biz aytamiz "menga 8 kerak yokida 7 kerak" deb noaniq, unknown va abstract maqsad qoʻyamiz a proper time table va schedule? siz bosib oʻtadigan yoʻlimiz ancha olis va impossible tuyiladi.?

Masalan let's say * ismli shaxsga 8.5 ball kerak ? ?

1.Birinchi qiladigan ish expected scoreni aniqlash:❗️❗️❗️❗️

W.7 5?
S.8 ?

  1. 2 ishimiz current scoreni aniqlash:

R.8 ?
W.6.5 ?

Keyin nechi ballik raznitsa farq borligini aniqlab olish :

7.5➡️9 (3)?
8➡️9 (2)?
6.5➡️7.0 (1)?
7➡️7.5~8 (1,2) ?

Keyin aniq qilib test date and place even formatni ham yozib qoʻyamiz let's say: ?️

Tashkent, May 20, CD ✉️

  1. Nechi oy borligini hisoblaymiz:

3 oy ✔️ 90 days. ?️

Birinchi oylar hisobida tasklarni boʻlamiz va aniq target qoʻyamiz. Masalan, listeningdan bir oy ichida "32 tadan 36 ta topish leveliga chiqaman"? speaking Dan " 3 marta mock topshiraman" ?readingdan " time spend ni * Minga kamaytiraman ?*deb.... Va shu tarzda oʻzizni targetizni qoʻyasiz

( 1 oylik plan deb yozasiz)

Bu skillar scope hamma aspectni qamrab olishi kerak !!!

Endi navbat haftalik plan ga: ??

Xuddi shu tartibda:

✈️"1 ta Cambridge kitobni 12 ta passageni ezmalab siyqasini chiqarib readingini ishlayman? vaqtga qoʻyib toʻliq tahlil qilaman qancha vaqt ketishidan qatʼiy nazar. (Language ga e'tibor beraman, chiroyli koʻringan joylarini yodlayman)

✈️ 4 ta full listening qilaman, language analysis ?qilaman siyqasini chiqarib synonym table qlib chiqaman, xato boʻlsin boʻlmasin tahlil qilaman. (Nice chunksni yodlayman)

✈️1 soat+ active listening 1.7 X da eshitaman. (Subconsciously, soʻzlarni yodlayman) ?

✈️ Vaqt boʻlishi bilan podcast passive listening sifatida, must have! (Qulogʻimda English eshitilib turishi kk karoche..) ?

✈️Reading habit ?(inglizcha) har kuni comprehension boostga 25 min reading must do ! (Formula, structure, tilga etibor beraman) ?

✈️ Writing essay typelarni aniqlab?bir haftada 2 ta task 1/2 turlarini koʻrib let's say 3 tadan har biriga essay yozaman... (Oʻzizga moslaysiz)

✈️Theory based writing as well
(Pauline Collins, Simon essay analysis)

(mashuncha mashuncha koʻrishim kerak deb yozasiz)
Get your essay checked, seek feedback from the person who has higher score in writing

Use ai gimini balo battar... xullas

✈️Cd boʻlsa typing shugʻullanaman, paper bolsa speed va mistakelarga ishlayman ( bir haftada * erishaman)

✈️Speaking bir haftada
mashuncha part 1/ 2 koʻraman.
Topic based chunks yodlayman. Yozib chiqaman. Activate qilaman.... Oʻzim bilan oʻzim gaplashaman partner topmasam burnimni oqizib yurmayman bahona qilib ...

✈️Kattaroq speaking ball odamdan mock olaman check qiiishini feedbacks berishini soʻrayman.

✈️30 minut kamida shadowing qilaman, albatta chunkslarini yodlayman Implement qilaman. Har kuni kunora takrorlab nutqimga internalize qilaman.

✈️ daily plannerni bir kun oldin qilib yoting va kechda report bering oʻzizga hoki kimgadir bir hafta shularni qilsangiz qaysi aspectda oqsavotganiz bilinadi.

✈️Agar bitta tiny blockni(haftali, kunli task) xato qoʻysangiz bu borib katta maqsad yani 8 socreni 1 step uzoqlashtiradi sizdan.

Btw, qivotgan ishizdan rohatlanish, energiya oling, mazza qilib qiling, otherwise you will end up with agitation and depression at its wits end.??


1 year ago

Ikkiyuzlamachi odam ????

Synonyms ?

1.Hypocritical (adj.)
2.False face
3.Two faced
4.Double dealer


1 year, 2 months ago

Out of someone's league?

Kimningdir darajasiga mos emas holat yoki oʻta yaxshi yoki oʻta yomon holatda nimanidir boʻlishini tasvirlash (kimnidir urvenida emaslik)?

Baking cake is something that is out of my league ??

Pirog tayyorlash bu men uchun mutlaqo notanish va mos bolmagan jarayondir.


1 year, 2 months ago

Cramp up?

Oyoqning yoki tananing qaysidir qismida tomir tortishib qolishiga nisbatan ishlatiladi?

His legs had cramped up due to dehydration from alcohol. ?

Uning oyoq tomirlari alkagol taʼsirida tortishib qoldi.


1 year, 2 months ago

Mecca of something (ex. happiness)?

Something/somewhere is of central importance. It is based on Mecca itself which is where millions of Muslims take a pilgrimage to show their faith.?

Ex: central place of happiness

nimanidir o'chogi, manbai, ko'p uchraydigan joyi ma'nosida keladigan idioma ?

Ex: Baxt oʻchogʻi

Ex: family is absolutely a Mecca of happiness where everyone has a chance to meet with close ones frequently.

Uz: Oila hamma yaqinlari bilan tez tez uchrashib muloqot qilish imkoniyati bor baxt o'chog'idir.


1 year, 2 months ago

Give somebody a cold shoulder ?

Odam bilan mensimasdan/xohlamasdan koʻrishish/qoʻl uchida salomlashish ?

Intentionally ignoring a person whom you know because of the past anger or inconvenience between you and this person ?

He gave me a cold shoulder but I had no clue why he did so !!

U men bilan xohlamagandek va sovuq salomlashdi lekin bu holat nimaga sodir boʻlayotganini chunmadim!!!


1 year, 2 months ago

Ditch out?

get rid of smth that no longer wanted ?

xalos boʻlish/ortiq xohlamaslik chopvorish ?

I ditch out theservice of my lovely skincare products company as their products don't deserve the payment required.

Men oʻzimning eng yaxshi koʻraman yuz parvarishi mahsulotlaridan voz kechdim chunki mahsulot sifati talab qilinayotgan toʻloviga arzimaydi


We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 Monate, 2 Wochen her

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 1 Jahr her

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 Monat her