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Both of these Task 1 reports are 8+, I guess
⚡️⚡️⚡️DAAD Granti haqida
Grant quyidagilarni qoplaydi:
**1️⃣ Oyiga 934 yevro stipendiya
2️⃣ Butun sug'urta paketi (health, accident, personal liability)
3️⃣. Sayohat xarajatlari - 1275 yevro
4️⃣ Germaniyada borganda bir martalik o'qish puli - 460 yevro
5️⃣. Germniyada o'qish boshlanishidan oldin 2 oylik intensiv nemis tili kursi (4500 yevrolik kurs tekin beriladi) va har oy 500 yevrodan stipendiya
6️⃣. Ijara uchun 350 yevro oylik to'lov qoplab beriladi
7️⃣. Oila bilan ketilgan yana qo'shimcha oila uchun 360 yevro oylik stipendiya
8️⃣ Universitet kontrakt to'lovlari qoplanadi
9️⃣. Viza xarajatlari butunlay qoplab beriladi
9️⃣. Nemis tilidan xalqaro sertifikat olish uchun to'liq imtihon xarajatlari qoplab beriladi
? Magistraturani tugatgandan keyin 2 yillik doimiy yashash ruxsatnomasi
?** Bular rasmiy e'lon qilingan afzalliklari bo'lib, Germaniyaga borgandan keyin ham juda ko'plab ijtimoiy yordam paketi ajratiladi.
*⚡️*⚡️ Keyingi postlarda 0dan boshlab qanday qilib DAAD grantini yutish haqida barcha maslahatlar yozib boriladi.**
“And when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. What do you call it, freedom or loneliness?”
Charles Bukowski
That's how I fell after all of this?
Some managers think intelligence tests are the best way to select new employees. Others prefer personality tests.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Assessing prospective candidates’ abilities during application process is very crucial for a company. Some argue that intelligence tests are the most effective method of evaluating potential employees, while others emphasize the opportunities personality tests offer. In this essay, I will examine both perspectives before providing my personal opinion.
Advocates for the use of intelligence tests in job interviews have some solid justifications for their stance. Their main argument is IQ tests are proven be the most effective during interview as candidates are obliged to answer only employing their cognitive and analytic abilities. By doing so, the company can ensure HR managers only hire intelligent candidates, ultimately enabling them to resolve complicated cases with well-rounded workers. However, it is important to recognize that some candidates might pass from intelligence tests unjustly, since there are certain set of questions in the job interviews announced publicly. For instance, potential accounting candidate may find all possible IQ tests related to their job from cracked websites, which is the primary drawback of intelligence tests.
Proponents of personality tests assert that character-related assessing method can cope with this problem. Personality tests often involve checking interpersonal skills of the candidate such as problem solving, collaboration, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence. For example, when hiring a corporate lawyer, HR manager might provide a special case with details and ask from the candidate to provide a reasoned judgement. By doing so, the manager will be able to evaluate candidate’s level of holistic understanding, and how he can manage to transcend interdisciplinary boundaries to reach a reasoned conclusion. Nevertheless, the candidate with good soft skills might lack in brainwork, which leads to hinder collective progress. As such, one can contend that having an adequate intelligence level is equally essential.
Upon careful consideration of the pros and cons of both sides, I firmly believe that both methods should be tried, depending on the job requirements. HR managers can also use two-tier evaluation to ensure the right candidate is chosen. For instance, when hiring a teacher, this method can be appropriate. In the first level, employers will check potential employees with IQ tests and academic questions from their own field, and then they will be given a special task. The latter task will evaluate prospective candidates’ abilities to work in a team and how to communicate with students.
In conclusion, the question of using intelligence tests or personality tests is complicated and vary greatly job to job. In my view, the two-stage assessment is the perfect approach.
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Admin’s thoughts: ok, time for a football-related post.
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