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European Insider

European Insider is a Christian-run news outlet providing the latest updates on politics and current affairs from around Europe.
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6 months, 3 weeks ago
European Insider
6 months, 3 weeks ago

🚫Say no to Black Friday and consumerism - remember who you are!
🇩🇰Danish Identitarian activists have put up posters to draw attention to the fact that multinational corporations are working against us and our interests.

🛡While multinational corporations strive towards global homogenization, it is our duty to resist and uphold our culture and traditions.

💪🏻Say no to Black Friday, say no to materialism and consumerism – and remember who you are!

🔗 All our links: https://campsite.bio/actionradar
🪙 Support via BTC:

6 months, 3 weeks ago

We're so back


Christian Headlines

Muslims in Gaza Come to Christ after Seeing Jesus in Dreams, Report Says: It Was a ‘Miracle’

Numerous Muslim men in Gaza came to Christianity in recent days after seeing Jesus in their dreams in what is being described as a “miracle,” according to a new report from underground Christians in the region.

We're so back
6 months, 3 weeks ago
***🇳🇱******🇮🇱*** **Dutch populist Geert Wilders was …

🇳🇱🇮🇱 Dutch populist Geert Wilders was asked about his affection for Israel in an interview conducted in 2005:

— "I lived there from the ages of seventeen to nineteen and I have been to Israel about 30 or 40 times in total. My affinity with Israel is therefore also the result of a personal history."

6 months, 3 weeks ago
6 months, 3 weeks ago
European Insider
7 months ago
In Madrid.

In Madrid.

7 months ago

The events of Saturday 11th, London

A summary of the events of Armistice Day in London in one paragraph:

Hundreds of patriots, nationalists or various people who are politically at least somewhat in agreement with those principles, descended on the Cenotaph, many as part of a group with Tommy Robinson. There were multiple fights with police, over 100 arrests (and more expected), and physical disruption to the periphery of the event at Whitehall.

What is the assessment of this?

The threat to the Armistice Day commemoration from the Palestinian campaigners never materialised, as many people said it wouldn’t. Because it would be illogical for a campaign primarily campaigning for an end to the war in Gaza to even want to disrupt a ceremony designed to commemorate the end of the Great War.

Many people went to London with the intention of protecting Armistice Day from disruption, but ended up actively becoming the primary source of disruption. This was not unexpected by me, and to explain why I do NOT intend to discuss any of the politics involved, only the strategy and organisation. These are three primary reasons:

1) When the call was made to ‘Defend’ the Cenotaph, there was a mass promotional campaign to encourage people to attend, but no identifiable leadership or even a person who was prepared to take responsibility for issuing that call. After some days, Tommy Robinson put his name to it, but in terms of organisation he did very little, in fact, he left almost immediately after arriving at Whitehall. So all you ended up with was hundreds of totally disorganised individuals, with no clear leadership whatsoever, and nobody with any ability to control anything that was happening. The blame for this lies with the individuals who for days promoted and encouraged people to attend, but on the day, took absolutely no responsibility for what they were telling others to do, and did not carry out the duties you would expect of leaders. A true leader fights for his men, whereas the self-identified leaders on the day fought only for themselves.

2) This model of ‘people’s protest’ and ‘leaderless resistance’ is why our people keep getting defeated badly by both opposition political forces AND by the state. 1000 loose individuals are never going to overcome forces like the police, who are disciplined and organised and have identifiable leadership. They are also never going to be able to get numbers to the same degree as, for example, the Palestinians, because very few people will actively follow ‘leaderless’ movements, for the obvious reason that whenever such movements run into issues (such as arrests etc), the man at the bottom of the ladder ends up shouldering the blame even though he bares very little of the responsibility.

3) The lack of controlled aggression. There is nothing wrong with our people harbouring aggression towards their enemies, but for it to be of any value it MUST be controlled, and be able to be switched on and off depending on the situation. When people cannot control their anger, and instead attack the nearest possible target in the quickest possible way, what happens is that they take themselves out of the equation in a pointless combat. Of the hundreds of people who went to London for the best of reasons, at LEAST 100 are now out of the equation for the foreseeable future, but what did they actually accomplish in order to be taken out of the equation? What was the payoff? There isn’t one.

Our people will never achieve the change that they want until they are capable of becoming organised, and being able to control their behaviour. For examples of street movements that have actually succeeded in achieving some sort of political change, look at the street movements of the fascists or communists in the 1920s and 30s, or the street movements of Northern Ireland.

7 months ago

🇬🇧🇮🇳 Tommy Robinson urges the governments of the West to "open your borders to Hindus and Sikhs" in this year's annual Diwali message.


vxTwitter / fixvx

Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra)

Happy Diwali from me ***💖*** 2890

9 months, 2 weeks ago
***🇪🇺*** Asylum requests in the European …

🇪🇺 Asylum requests in the European Union jump by 28% in the first half of 2023.

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