Для тех, кто любит IT и мемы;
Админ, сотрудничество: @skill8989
Прайс - t.me/wise_media
Канал на бирже: telega.in/c/programmer_memes
Ркн: № 4933146692
Предложка мемов – @sendmeapic_bot
Last updated 1 day, 11 hours ago
• مرحبًا بك في بوت تمويل العرب
~ افضل بوت تمويل حقيقي في العالم
~ رابط البوت ↫ t.me/xnsex21bot .
• المطور الرسمي : @zzz_z 👨🏻💻.
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago
War on live.
Warhammer fans against russian orcs.
Maim! Kill! Burn!
Announced by Khorne
Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago
"IT INVESTMENTS CENTER" MChJ Middle/Senior Python Backend Developer qidirmoqda
Oylik: $1200+ (Kelishiladi)
- 3 yillik ish tajribasi
- Python
- Django, DRF(REST Web API), FastAPI freymvorklari bilan ishlash tajribasiga ega bo‘lish;
- Authentication, Authorization
- Algoritmlar (sorting, searching) va ma'lumotlar tuzilmalari (data structures)
- Asynchronous, multithreading, multiprocessing kodlar yoza olishi
- Unit test, integration test, load test, E2E testlar bo'yicha tajribaga ega bo'lishi
- Logging, debugging lardan amalda foydalana olish
- PostgreSQL, MySQL and NoSQL
- Linux operatsion tizimida ishlay olish (aynan serverlar uchun Linux tizim), masalan Ubuntu, Debian
- Nginx yoki Apache HTTP serverlarni bilishi
- Docker bo'yicha tajribaga ega bo'lish, dasturlarni konteynerizatsiya usulida ishga tushira olish tajribasi bo'lishi
- CI/CD bo'yicha tajriba
- Agile/Scrum kabi metodoliyalarda tajriba
- HTTP, SSL, DNS, REST, GraphQL, OpenAPi larni tushunishi
- Git, SSH, Bashscriptlarni bilishi
- Code review, static code analyzer lar bo'yicha tajriba
- To'lov tizimlari loyihalarida ishlagan bo'lishi;
- finTech loyihalarida tajribaga ega bilishi;
- Texnik hujjatlarni o‘qishdan past bo‘lmagan darajada ingliz tilini bilish;
- SQL-so‘rovlarini monitoring qilish va optimallashtirish tajribasiga ega bo‘lish;
- Mikroservis arxitekturasi bilan ishlash tajribasiga ega bo‘lish.
Resume: @Shukurali_Rezamonov
Python/Django/FastApi bo'yicha Middle+ Backend dasturchi kerak !!!
Bu full time va davomiy ish emas, 1-2 oy mobaynida kompaniya loyihalariga yordamlashishi talab qilinadi.
Resume larni @Shukurali_Rezamonov ga yuboring.
Bekor sarflangan vaqt qadri endi bilinyapti.
Bo'sh vaqtingizni bekorga sarflamang, yangi do'stlar orttiring, bilim oling, yangi narsalar o'rganing, 1 soniya ham to'xtab qolmang o'z ustingizda ishlang.
Vaqt juda tez o'tadi yoshligingizni bekor narsalarga sarflab yubormang.
Har xil sohada o'zingizni sinab ko'ring.
Qattiyatli bo'ling aytgan so'zingizni ustidan chiqing.
Sizga noaniq bo'lgan har qanday narsalarga aniqlik kiritmagunizgacha ha deb javob bermang.
Sizga berilgan ishonchni oqlang.
Yillik, oylik, haftalik va kunlik vaqtingizni to'g'ri taqsimlang.
Qur'on, sunnat o'qing va qarorlaringizni o'z boshimchhalik bilan emas shu o'qiganlaringizga asoslanib chiqaring.
Eng qimmat narsa bu vaqt faqat qadriga yetganlar uchun.
#LifeHacks you should know before starting your college journey:
Make friends with older students. They can tell you what classes to take (or avoid).
Subscribe to club emails for the inside scoop on events and free food. I was always on NYU engage to check on networking events. But look sharp as you will never know who you might meet.
Use your smartphone calendar (and sync it across devices) to stay organized. I know you don’t want to miss office hours, group project planning or the events just above.
Say "hi" to someone new every day. You never know whom you might meet and have lunch with different people (students, profs, staff or just a random people).
Take a leadership role in a club of your interest. This can help you get in touch with alumni. It will later pave the way for a referral and get hired.
Attend social events with friends every week. And no, you don't have to drink. Although this is not what I did, it might help with getting to know more people deeply.
Develop a workout routine (gym). It can help with your energy, health, focus, and confidence. You will also be amazed by your look and physique after 3-4 months.
Learn to skim when you read for efficiency. People in the “real world” do it, too.
Don’t go home too quickly. Work in common areas to meet new people. Stay in the library.
Plan for life after college early. Pay attention to deadlines and requirements.
Hunt for college discounts. Look for the free or cheaper option before you pay full price. We had haircut, coffee discounts that I knew in my second semester from a senior. Follow lifehack #1.
Build relationships with professors in your field. You may need their references later.
Work on a passion project. It can help you build your resume and even your career. Don’t leave it out, sell it or make it run even if you leave.
Grades matter but don't obsess over the last decimal point (sometimes email prof for a better grade). Your internship and extracurriculars matter more.
Don't hesitate to ask for extensions or exceptions. Professors want to help you. My whole statistics class assignments were with extensions and the prof was really helpful.
Check your email regularly and respond promptly. Opportunities wait for no one.
Always send personalized thank-you emails. Explain why you’re grateful especially to professors.
Plan summers strategically to help build your resume and explore your interests.
Get a credit card and an on-campus job (esp. if you’re an international student so you get a social security number).
International students: Research your OPT (Optional Practical Training) and STEM extension.
Picking between two classes? Look for one that satisfies multiple requirements AKA double and triple-dip whenever you can. For example, my next semester Business analytics class satisfies both my business core and Algorithmic Thinking req.
Optimize your LinkedIn profile. Add everything you’re doing in terms of clubs, internships, and jobs to your profile so recruiters can find you. Have it before college.
Find your “people.” You won’t be friends with everyone and that’s okay—what matters are those close friends, the ones you can call out of the blue.
Eat healthy and an actual whole food. You don’t want to mess with your health especially in exam seasons. Start taking Vitamins and supplements.
Use your insurance. Read what are the perks and use it for your benefit. I get my skincare products, supplements for free and get a massage ?♂️ twice a week.
These are the what I have for now, I will leave more under #Lifehack tag.
? Current students and college graduates, what’s the life hack you wish you knew in college?
Uzbekiston Universitetlarida o'qish haqida nima deyolasizlar ?
O'qish qanchalik muhim yoki foyda keltiradi va aksi oqimaslikchi ?
fikrlarni komentda qoldiring
?Boshlagan loyihamizning keyingi soniga taklif qilamiz. ?O'tgan safargi suhbatda ovoz yaxshi kelmay qolganligi sababli ko'pchilikka eshitilmay qolgandi. Bu safargi suhbatda bunaqa muammo bo'lmaydi In Shaa Alloh. Video suhbatda nimalar qilinadi: ✅ Productlarni…
Epam kompaniyasiga Senior Python Devloper positionga ishga topshirdim va REJECT oldim.
1 oy oldin Resume imni yangiladim va chet kompaniyalariga topshirish uchun kundan kunga yaxshilab borishni niyat qilib saqlab quydim.
4 hafta oldin linkedinda Epam kompaniyasi ochgan Senior Python Developer vakansiyasiga apply qildim yangi resume bilan.
2 haftadan so'ng HR Telegram orqali yozib apply qilganimni va qaysi messenger orqali davom etishni suradi va men Telegramni afzal kurishimni aytdim.
Va bir nechta savollar berdi:
1. Python bo'yicha qancha vaqtdan beri ishlayotganim
2. Cloud lar bilan ishlash tajribam
3. Rus tili yoki Ingliz tilini bilishim va qay darajada bilishimni.
4. Qanday project(Data Analysis or Web) da ishlamoqchiligim
5. Web. Qanday frameworklar bilishimni
6. Salary Expectation
Hamma savollarga javob berganimdan so'ng Tech Interview ni qachonga belgilashni so'radi va 2 hafta keyinga belgiladik.
Emailimga Epamning Interview sanasi haqida Reminderi(eslatma) keldi. va bu emailning tarkibida:
Important things(muhim narsalar):
1. A computer is required
2. Interview davomida code yozish so'ralishi va bu ekranni share qilishni talab qilishi
3. Google Chrome browser tafsiya qilinishi
Interview uchun tayyorlanish:
Qanday texnik mavzularga tayyorlanish kerakligi
Stable internet, mikrafon, va webcam talab qilinishi.
Vanihoyat Technical Interview ham yetib keldi va 13:00 da boshlandi.
Interview oluvchi Russian country dan ekan va boshlanishiga suhbat ancha yaxshi kechdi, birinchi interview process haqida ma'lumot berdi ya'ni qanday kechishi haqida.
Aniqrog'i quyidagilarni:
1-Interviewer o'zini tanishtirishi va o'zi haqida qisqacha ma'lumot berishi
2-Candidate o'zini tanishtirishi va qisqacha summary(not only Experience)
3-Savollar boshlanishi (Python, Frameworks, Databases. Architectures, Designs. Git, Coding skills, ...)
4-Coding Masalasi
5-Yakunlash(Feedback) va Meni interviewerga bermoqchi bo'lgan savollarim.
1.5 soatga ko'zlangan interviewni ham roppa rosa 2 soatda tuagtdik.
Natijasi 3 kun ichida chiqishini aytdi ya'ni HR menga 3 kun ichida natijani aytishi ni eslatib o'tdi.
Natija ham chiqdi...
?E-commerce loyihamizni keyingi soniga tayyormiz
?sizniDRF(Django Rest Framework) orqali qilayotgan Online E-Commerce loyihamizning 6-qismi "API lar yaratish, apiga munosib Serializerlar chiqarish va Validatorlar o'rnatish" mavzusida bo'ladigan online uchrashuvimizga taklif qilamiz
darsimiz, 19 aprel soat 20:00 da bo'lib o'tadi
dars davomida Loyihaning quyidagi qismlari qilinadi:
✅ Auth Apilar(register, login, reset-password)
✅ Medialarni yuklash, olish uchun api
✅ Dokumentatsiya qilish
? mavzuga oid savollaringizni izohlar bo'limida bo'lishishdan tortinmang
⛴Mavzuga yanada yaxshi sho'ng'ishimiz uchun reja bilan avvaldan tanishib chiqing
Для тех, кто любит IT и мемы;
Админ, сотрудничество: @skill8989
Прайс - t.me/wise_media
Канал на бирже: telega.in/c/programmer_memes
Ркн: № 4933146692
Предложка мемов – @sendmeapic_bot
Last updated 1 day, 11 hours ago
• مرحبًا بك في بوت تمويل العرب
~ افضل بوت تمويل حقيقي في العالم
~ رابط البوت ↫ t.me/xnsex21bot .
• المطور الرسمي : @zzz_z 👨🏻💻.
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago
War on live.
Warhammer fans against russian orcs.
Maim! Kill! Burn!
Announced by Khorne
Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago