Active Club Valahia


Activism, Sport, Identitate

Contact: [email protected]
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?️?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????

Last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Last updated 3 weeks ago

Welcome to "???????? ????", you are here because we want the best individuals and apparently this is you.

Heritage, aesthetics, culture

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

1 year, 1 month ago
Active Club Valahia
1 year, 1 month ago

White Boy Winter ❄️❄️❄️

▶️ @ActiveClub_POLAND_bot

1 year, 1 month ago
Active Club Valahia
1 year, 1 month ago
Members ran an organised meet this …

Members ran an organised meet this weekend, where we hiked to a local viewpoint and waterfall for some pictures and a swim.

Cold swimming in the pool of a waterfall and time outdoors are some of the best activities for your comrades to take part in and strengthening your resolve by doing challenging activities and things that you may not do often makes you stronger.

Only The Strong Survive

Soar Alba ????????

1 year, 1 month ago
???????? ????***?***

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"You who are reading this are at least partially awake. You are a cut above Joe and Jill Sixpack. So I say to you: think about what you are doing with your life. Think about the responsibility you have to your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. Think about the responsibility you have to all of those who came before you and whose sacrifices made your life possible. And think about your responsibility to yourself, your responsibility to be the best person, the most righteous person, that you can be. Think about all of these things, and then let me hear from you." - ??. ??????? ?????? ??????

1 year, 1 month ago
The difference between a fat loser …

The difference between a fat loser sitting on his couch,wearing another man’s name on his Jersey, throwing back beers, and watching sportsball on TV and an internet Nazi is that at least the sportsball loser is consciously aware that he is a spectator, a fan and not a player in the game.

The internet Nazi proudly boasts of his “beliefs”. But the true nationalist is a man of action. He does not need to tell people he is a nationalist. His discipline and his work speak for themselves.

There is no better feeling than training with your brothers in the struggle. Don’t be a fan of nationalism, get in the game.


1 year, 1 month ago
Active Club Valahia
1 year, 1 month ago
Active Club Valahia
1 year, 1 month ago
***?*****STAY ACTIVE!*****?***


??Nu sări peste niciun antrenament, dă mereu tot ce ai mai bun, depășește-ți limitele și nu renunța niciodată la idealurile tale! Devino cea mai bună versiunea a ta!

??Don't skip any training session, always give your best, break your limits and never betray your ideals! Become your best version!


1 year, 1 month ago


??Activism, Sport, Identitate??

??De astăzi, Active Club Valahia își începe oficial activitatea. Principalul scop al acestui proiect este promovarea unui stil de viață sănătos, a sportului (în special a sporturilor de contact), a culturii și a naționalismului, precum și crearea de comunități locale unite.

Oferim tuturor membrilor posibilitatea de a lua parte la activism legal pro-alb, de a practica arte marțiale, de a lua parte la drumeții în natură, și de a se dezvolta atât din punct de vedere cultural cât și din punct de vedere fizic, totul în spirit de camaraderie și cu intenția de a ne ridica reciproc la un alt nivel.

Acceptăm în rândurile noastre orice naționalist de origine europeană care locuiește în sudul României (Oltenia, Muntenia, Dobrogea) sau în Brașov.
Ziua de mâine ne aparține!

??From today, Active Club Valahia officially starts its activity. The main purpose of this project is to promote a healthy lifestyle, sports (especially contact sports), culture and nationalism, as well as the creation of united local communities.

We offer all members the opportunity to take part in legal pro-white activism, to practice martial arts, to take part in nature hikes, and to develop themselves culturally and physically, all in the spirit of camaraderie and with the intention of lifting each other up to another level.

We accept in our ranks any nationalist of European origin who lives in the south of Romania (Oltenia, Muntenia, Dobrogea) or in Brașov.
Tomorrow belongs to us!

We recommend to visit
?️?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????

Last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Last updated 3 weeks ago

Welcome to "???????? ????", you are here because we want the best individuals and apparently this is you.

Heritage, aesthetics, culture

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago