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Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

4 months ago

3. What areas of research are you passionate about?

During the time of studies, I took many courses with different topics, but for me the most interesting is related to parallel programming, using multiple processors and GPUs.

4. What are you currently focusing on in your research?

For my course work I made a research about supercomputer performance and how it could be optimized, and for my thesis I’m working on developing a software platform for automatic data processing from molecular dynamics simulations.

5. How does HSE contribute to your academic advancement and progress?

Thanks to HSE, I have had the opportunity to meet people from around the world, to learn from high experienced professors and of course to get knowledge in a field of computer science that was completely new for me. Finally, I would like to thank to professor Grigory Smirnov, head of the International Laboratory for Supercomputer Atomistic Modelling and Multi-scale Analysis at MIEM for all his support during my research work.

4 months ago


As part of our interview series with teachers and students at HSE, we will pose 5 questions to Rufino Haroldo Locon, a student at HSE.

1. Could you briefly introduce yourself to us?

Hi!, my name is Rufino Haroldo Locon, I’m from Guatemala and I’m near to finish a Master on System Programming at Faculty of Computer Science.

2. How did you get started studying at HSE?

Since 2019 I wanted to apply for a graduate program. My interest about Russia was because it is well known the high level of education of Russian universities. I postponed my plans because of the pandemic, but by the end of 2020, I knew about HSE International Study Tour Experience and then I applied to participate in the Economy, Finance and Data Analysis track. At that time the tour was holding online, but after that I decided to apply for a master program related with my professional background. Fortunately I received a full scholarship trough Rossotrudnichestvo to start a preparatory year in October of 2021 at HSE.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Ultimately, the key is for students to remain open-minded, curious, and willing to explore the diverse array of opportunities that political science has to offer, allowing them to make informed decisions about their academic and career paths.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

I was now much more interested in studying how politics work at the national level and opted for the academic path. I won a graduate scholarship from the Political Science program at the University of Connecticut, where I completed my MA (2008) and PhD (2012) degrees. My research expertise lies in political regimes, political instability, regime transitions, and energy policy. I also like to read about different topics such as grassroots social movements, women’s rights, and digital democracy.     

2. How did you start working at HSE?

My dissertation project at the University of Connecticut was about energy policy in Russia and Venezuela. I did my fieldwork in Moscow in summer 2011, interviewing many experts in the field of resource politics. I also conducted interviews with some HSE professors at the time, so I got to learn about the university. When I finished my PhD degree in May 2012, I applied to HSE’s School of Politics and Governance for a tenure-track position. I was hired as an assistant professor and started working here in September 2012.

3. How did your academic experience in Turkey differ from your academic experience at HSE?

Unfortunately, my academic experience in Turkey is limited to my student years (2000-2006) at Galatasaray University. I always kept in touch with colleagues in Turkey, participated in talks and events whenever possible, did fieldwork, and wrote about Turkish politics.  However, I have not worked there in any official or professional capacity. Therefore, I don’t really have any basis to answer this question.  

4. What is the focus of your current research?

My ongoing research focuses on political polarization and democratic breakdown. I study these questions with a mixed-methods approach, combining large-N cross-national analysis and in-depth case studies. My first active line of research examines the institutional determinants of political polarization and its effects on democratic survival. I have recently published two articles on this topic and have a third paper under review titled “Road hazards: Does political polarization increase coup likelihood?”. Furthermore, I am preparing a special journal issue on the actor-based explanations of political polarization in different countries around the world.
My second line of research investigates the trajectories of democratic breakdown and authoritarian consolidation. Currently, I am writing a book on this topic titled “The perfect storm: Aspiring autocrats and democratic breakdown in Turkey, Hungary and Venezuela”. The aim of this book is to explain the autocratization process in these three countries over the past two decades under polarizing leaders. I build on some of the hypotheses generated in our earlier article, “Elite survival strategies and authoritarian reversal in Turkey”, that won the Polity Prize for Best Article in 2019. I develop an actor-based framework of democratic breakdown that rests on leader strategies and their interaction with both the citizens and the elites.

5. What recommendations would you offer to students who are struggling to choose a specific academic field to pursue?

For students just starting to study political science, choosing a specific field within the discipline can indeed be difficult. My recommendation would be for them to explore a diverse range of courses and topics during their initial year of study, if possible. This could involve taking introductory courses or individually reading in various subfields such as comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and public policy. This allows students to gain exposure to different methodologies and theoretical frameworks, as well as helping them identify their areas of interest and passion. Additionally, I would advise students to actively seek out opportunities for extracurricular involvement, such as internships, research, and teaching assistantships. These experiences can provide valuable insights and hands-on exposure to different aspects of the field.

5 months ago

3. What topics are you interested in researching?

I am researching on Russian Literature and its reflection on Turkish culture, literature and cinema. I believe that a comparative study of both cultures, literature and cinema will contribute to the development of relations between the two countries.

4. What is the specific focus of your current research?

The focus of my research is how Russian Literature is reflected in the films of the world famous Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan. I think it is very important to analyze the influence of Russian literature, which shaped Turkish literature, on Turkish cinema.

5. How does HSE support your academic growth and development?

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my academic advisor Kalugin Dimitry Yakovlevich. I am still at the very beginning of my study, but he has been very supportive and guiding in terms of my topic identification and the points I should pay attention to. I am trying to overcome all the difficulties of doing academic research as a foreign student, especially the language barrier, with the understanding and support of my department professors, and I have no doubt that they will approach everything I need in the future stages of my study with help and solutions. In this sense, the vision of our university is the most important point that provides this integrity.

5 months, 2 weeks ago

2. How did your academic experience in Hungary differ from your academic experience at HSE?

There are definitely some cultural similarities, for instance both in Russia and Hungary students have a lot of contact with their instructors, and spend more time in classrooms in contrast with Anglo-Saxon and other Western European systems where a greater emphasis is put on independent work. On the other hand, one can also feel how the social fabric of an institution is different within such a large and diverse country - I have taught students from all over the country, ranging from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin island. Due to this, HSE students are ambitious, with great perspectives. On the other hand, this also makes them sometimes a little bit too competitive:)

3. What is the focus of your current research?

My PhD was on the role of constitutional courts in consociations, comparing Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Northern Ireland in my dissertation. Currently I'm pursuing the publication of the dissertation as a book at a major university press. This involves adding non-European cases to the comparative framework, so currently I'm researching power-sharing in Africa and the Middle East, with a particular focus on Burundi and Lebanon. On the other hand, I also joined a research project addressing polarisation and democratic backsliding/resilience.

4. What motivated you to broaden your research to focus on issues related to polarization and democratic backsliding?

While in PhD research one should find an ideal fit between a sufficiently broad topic and an area that can be thoroughly researched within a fix time frame, after one's doctoral defence there are opportunities to open up towards broader agendas, with more flexible objectives. While I am still fascinated by the complex history and institutional innovations of divided places, I also aim to join broader discussions, keeping my finger on the pulse of global political science.

5. What advice would you give to students who are unsure about which academic direction they want to pursue?

Don't be afraid to experiment! In a university environment you receive a lot of new intellectual impulses both from your studies and your peers, so your interest might vary along the years. Nevertheless, getting practice in pursuing any interest will help you grow as a critical intellectual in any case.

5 months, 4 weeks ago
**Hey guys!** ***?***

Hey guys! ?

We continue our series of posts where we ask 5 questions to teachers and students of HSE. Today we ask questions to PhD student Wang Yali.

1. Can you give a short introduction about yourself?

My name is Wang Yali. I’m from China. I’m currently a first-year PhD student majoring in political science in HSE, Moscow.

2. How did you start studying at HSE?

After graduating from Peking University, I joined HSE’s master’s program of international relations at the faculty of world economics and politics. I graduated from the program with distinction and decided that I was more interested in Russian domestic politics, so I applied for PhD program in political science and was luckily enrolled!

3. What are your research interests?

I’m interested in the interpretivist tradition of political science, which focuses on ideas, discourse and identity.

4. What is the research topic you are currently engaged in?

My PhD dissertation will be about the reorientation of Russia’s identity under the “pivot to the East” policy. When the “West” as Russia’s significant Other is not usable, how Russian elites rediscover and represent the “East” or the “non-West” world and how does this process affect Russia’s self-perception.

5. In what ways does HSE support your academic fulfillment and development?

HSE supports my development and life in Moscow in every possible way and makes my academic journey in Russia comfortable and smooth. I’m grateful for all the teachers during my master’s and PhD period, they are always willing to help and revealed high professionalism and expertise in their field. Especially I’m thankful for my supervisors who are always there to help. From them I see the kind of researchers I want to be in the future!

6 months, 1 week ago

3. What difficulties do you encounter as an international student?

I encountered a significant shift from the academic environment I was accustomed to in my home country, which initially posed a challenge.

4. How do you deal with this problem?

With the help of my peers whom I befriended in the dormitory, I managed to adapt to the new circumstances. My prior knowledge of the Russian language greatly helped me in grasping the material.

5. How do you achieve your academic goals at HSE?

To fulfill my academic potential at HSE, I adopt a multifaceted approach. Firstly, I actively engage with coursework, delving deep into each subject matter. I actively seek out opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, as I believe that diverse perspectives enrich my understanding. Furthermore, I eagerly participate in research projects and extracurricular activities relevant to my field, broadening my knowledge and practical skills. Collaboration with both peers and faculty members is integral to my academic journey, as it fosters a stimulating intellectual environment and encourages collective learning. I hope that this Master's program will help me to establish connections for future collaboration in the field that interests me.

6 months, 2 weeks ago

? Dear All! We are pleased to anounce that on April 23-26, 2024, the Third International Forum “Russia-Africa: what’s next?” will be held within the walls of MGIMO University.

? Today Russia’s foreign policy is focused on developing cooperation with African countries, and the Forum is a unique platform for strengthening Russian-African youth dialogue, exchange of views between representatives of student communities on the most urgent issues affecting the relations between Russia and African countries.

We have prepared many interesting events, thanks to which you will be able to get acquainted with the flavor of the African continent. The upcoming events will be attended by leading politicians from Russia and Africa, representatives of the scientific community, diplomats and entrepreneurs. Round tables and open discussions will address the most pressing political and economic issues, as well as energy and humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Africa!

In addition, the forum will host several brainstorms and case championships. All participants will enjoy a variety of sports and entertainment activities.

Do not miss the opportunity to take part in a truly large-scale event!

❗️ Registration will be open until 23:59 April 10, 2024

? Registration link:

8 months ago
**Academic Curators are back!**

Academic Curators are back!
Do you want to break into the exciting world of HSE science and guide other internationals through it?

Then join us by applying here:

We are looking for content plan manager, designers and content creators.

What we do?

▫️write and edit texts about scientific opportunities in Russia
▫️hold offline and online meetings about academic life
▫️run the Telegram channel


▫️friendly community
▫️6 credits on Smart Pro
▫️development of soft skills

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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

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Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago