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Helferin: Female Support Squad (FSS)

This Channel is geared toward all females of the red pill variety; addressing femininity, grace, true and respectful gender roles, shitposting and all the tools necessary to be a wholesome help mate and asset to our men as God intended.
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Last updated 19 hours ago

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Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago


Last updated 21 hours ago

9 months ago
**The Lies in the USSR's Library**"As …

The Lies in the USSR's Library"As students, we were given Soviet literature, compiled, as a rule, by liberal progressive professors. Those who were prepared to rummage through the libraries found pre-revolutionary literature. But as I later realized, pre-revolutionary historical science was mainly based on liberal dogmas. Both of them, in essence, denied historical Russia. Both directions were anti-Russian, anti-national. Liberal pre-revolutionary history is not true, and Soviet history is not true either. Russian historical truth is beyond these concepts. I had the freedom to choose or reject, and I rejected both liberal and Soviet history, although I willingly remembered and wrote down only that which was really factual. I was not arguing with facts, but with the interpretations of facts."

Oleg Platonov's conversation with Vladimir Bondarenko (2004).

9 months ago
"For defending the historical foundations of …

"For defending the historical foundations of Russia, many Black Hundreds died the brave death of heroes in an unequal struggle with the enemies who overthrew Russia in February-October 1917. Their name was desecrated and reviled. In both liberal and Soviet history, of whom many modern historians are the direct heirs, there's a tradition of a deliberately distorted interpretation of the Black Hundred movement... After the great catastrophe into which our country was plunged in the 20th century by supporters of the Western path, liberals, socialists, communists - the prophetic truth of the Black Hundreds is completely obvious: they warned society about the coming tragedy and indicating which path Russia should take to be powerful and prosperous, without unrest and revolutions. The ideology of the Black Hundreds was based on the ideology of the Slavophiles, who believed in the high destiny, the special mission of the Russian people and the reconstruction of the world on Christian foundations..." (Plantov, 2008)

9 months ago

Reminder that the Bible tells us for husbands to love their wives and for wives to love their husbands.

9 months, 1 week ago
***🔵*** subscribe:

🔵 subscribe:
@Catholic_Traditional_Beauty *🗣*** discuss:

9 months, 1 week ago
Helferin: Female Support Squad (FSS)
9 months, 1 week ago
Helferin: Female Support Squad (FSS)
9 months, 2 weeks ago

A funny we wuz kangz video

9 months, 2 weeks ago
"The Best of Britain"

"The Best of Britain"

Despite the constant media narrative that Britain is a hopelessly racist country which would be unable to function without immigrants, the numbers prove this to be untrue.

White (native) Britons remain the backbone of their nation:

95% of fire and rescue staff are White.70% of NHS staff are White, including 96% of ambulance staff and 87% of midwives.

88% of Britain's construction workers are White Britons.

99.8% of Britain's farmers are White, and 97.2% of Britain's permanent agricultural workforce are White Britons.

87% of the UK's engineers are White.

Even 89.8% of Britain's lorry drivers are British.What this data tells us is:

The White British can feed themselves, build their own homes, drive their own lorries, keep their own infrastructure running and deliver their own babies.

Yet the British government, media, political, and academic classes all claim Britain would grind to a halt without immigrants.The truth is that the British do not need immigrants or racial foreigners. Those people need the British and have a self-serving desire for all the luxuries a nation built by Whites has to offer.

9 months, 2 weeks ago
Helferin: Female Support Squad (FSS)
9 months, 3 weeks ago

Witch hazel versus bacteria

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Last updated 19 hours ago

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Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago


Last updated 21 hours ago