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Psixoterapevt mijozga, uning hislariga ana oʻsha devor vazifasini oʻtaydi, deb koʻrsak boʻlarmikan? Bu analogiyani boshqa insonlar bilan munosabatingizda ham kuzatib koʻrish mumkin. Siz haqingizda tasavvurga ega boʻlmagan odam Sizga nisbatan har xil hislarni…
An ambiguous choice
Whether I realise it or not, I have to pay. Sometimes the loss of stability and the usual way of life, sometimes the hostility of others towards me, sometimes the anxiety of my loved ones, sometimes the complete loss of important relationships.
As in any choice, choosing myself, I refuse something or someone else - I commit some kind of betrayal, with which I then have to be somehow. When it comes to close or very significant people and things, these prices are extremely high.
And it is the willingness or unwillingness to pay them - not always realised - that becomes decisive in my choices.
It's definitely very difficult for me, but at the same time it's very clear - to leave a job that you hate, to end a relationship in which it's unbearable, to change the place of residence when there are ruins around. All this is associated with a certain point of despair. At the moment it is very painful, but by and large there is nothing to lose.
Sometimes it is despair (if you are lucky and get a little angry) that becomes a huge resource to make radical decisions, act and fundamentally change something.
I am familiar with this feeling, but much more often I encounter a more ambiguous choice.
Recently, I suddenly articulated for myself that globally I am a person of the comfort zone. I look back and realise that I was almost always ok. Not space, not bottom, but really hard ok - and that's a lot. To be able to live with a sense of sufficiency is already a serious value, I see around many examples of those for whom it is not available.
And from this follows one thing. I always have something to lose.
In a state when "everything is fine" on all points, there is essentially nothing to complain about, life is organised, and there are really a lot of good things in it, the prices for solutions are very high.
Moreover, I can't always rationally explain to myself what exactly is going wrong, what I missed - only in the background, barely perceptible itches feeling that I'm living the wrong life. I don't live.
Once it was this wording that really sobered me up. It became terribly scary for me to imagine myself in ten, twenty, fifty years, waking up in the realisation that I was not alive.
For me, self-election is about it.
These are always leaps of faith. There are risks and no guarantees. Changing something does not always equal improving it. This is closely linked to personal responsibility and my willingness or unwillingness to pay the price and deal with the consequences. I'm definitely not always ready. It can be very scary to refuse, to destroy, to demand, to leave in order to choose myself. But I really want to and I'm learning to proceed from this. I want to believe that in ten, twenty, fifty years, wherever I am, I will be able to look back and say to myself - this was my life, and it was worth it.
Author: Anna Khairadinova
What choices do you find easy and what choices are difficult? Are there choices that you are absolutely sure were right and ones that were unsuccessful? Share in the comments@globalstudentt
Komfort zonasi yomon deya o'zi mamnun bo'lgan ishini tashlab, sevgan shahrini tark etib, yaxshi munosabatlarini ham shubha ostiga qo'yadiganlar bor. Bu vaziyatning sababi yanayam yaxshirog'iga erishish kerakligiga nisbatan to'xtovsiz kutuvdir. Holbuki, inson…
Komfort zonasi yomon deya o'zi mamnun bo'lgan ishini tashlab, sevgan shahrini tark etib, yaxshi munosabatlarini ham shubha ostiga qo'yadiganlar bor. Bu vaziyatning sababi yanayam yaxshirog'iga erishish kerakligiga nisbatan to'xtovsiz kutuvdir. Holbuki, inson hayotida o'zgarish va barqarorlik davrlari mavjud. Tashqi dunyoda o'zgarish ro'y berdi degani, barcha kuch va e'tibor shundog'am moslashish/adaptatsiyaga sarflanishini anglatadi. Barqarorlik davrlari esa o'zgarish paytida sodir bo'layotgan narsalarni hazm qilish, ruhiyatingizga chuqurlashish, nima bo'layotganini tushunish va qabul qilish, o'zingizga tin olish uchun ajratiladigan zarur, ichki dunyoda muvozanatlanish vaqtlaridir. Agar tashqarida doimiy o'zgarish bo'lsa, yashash va fikrlash o'rtasidagi tartib buziladi. Siz yuzakilashib, yanayam yaxshirog'i tomon tezlashib borasiz, biroq yashashni unutasiz.
Şüle Üncü, klinik psikolog
I think the goal of psychotherapy is not to get rid of problems or ignore them or dwell on them too much. The goal of psychotherapy is to invite you to experience tolerating the unbearable, heavy feelings, the life’s most discomforts at its very own time, right when they happen without losing yourself in the process — as if shaking hands with passerbies but not being the passerby. Passerby here is implying the rollercoasters of life.
Being able to tolerate the heaviness of life with well developed, well functioning self AND with unshakeable faith in Allah SWT would be the utmost aim of a successful Islamic psychotherapy. Former is intricately interdepenedent to the latter.
Ispaniyada maktab kechadan boshlandi. 1-kun bo'lsa ham Montessori muhitini his qildim deb ayta olaman. Nazariyani amaliyotda koʻrishdan ham kattaroq xursandchilik bo'lmasa kerak. Roppa-rosa 3 yil oldin shu kunlarda Montessorini kitoblardan, videolardan ko'rib, so'lagim oqib o'tirardim.
Tilimda bir kun men ham shu yo'nalishda o'qiyman, bolalar bilan shunday muhitda ishlayman deb yurgan bo'lsam ham, ongimda bunga ishonolmaganman. Lekin Al-Mujiyb hayolotni
reallikka aylantiradi. Bugun mana bolalar bilan o'sha muhitda o' zim bo'ldim, alhamdulillah!
Montessori aytganidek, biz bolalar xizmatkorimiz (we serve children), haqiqiy va
aniq ma'nosida. Xuddi stuardessalardek desayam boʻladi.
Farqimiz esa biz bilan kuchli, qiziqarli shaxsiyatlar shakllanadi.
Vazifamizni uddalay olsak, murgʻak qalblarning butun umrlik qahramoniga aylana olamiz, hayot hikoyalarida o'rnimiz bo'ladi.
Aksi boʻIsa hech kimga sezilmagan holda bolaning shaxsiyati sekin-sekin yemiriladi. Qanchalik mas'uliyatli. Va qiyin ham.
Ayniqsa kishi ruhan yetuk, hislarini tushuna oladigan, nazorat qila oladigan bo'Imasa. Oʻzi bilan, shaxsiyatidagi tarakanlar bilan, travmalari bilan tanish boʻlmasa, xuddi reabilitatsiya markazida yotgandek ruhiy qiyinchiliklar boʻladi. Har kuni qaysidir ruhiy qiyin ishni mamnuniyat bilan qilishga toʻgʻri keladi. Masalan, menga muhitda, oʻrganish jarayonida tartib, mental tartib oʻrnatish juda qiyin. Ayniqsa DYVG (Diqqat yetishmasligi va giperaktivlik) uzoq yillik hamrohim boʻlsa. Lekin Montessori falsafasida tartibning har qanday turi asosiy rolni egallaydi. Bola rivojlanib borar ekan, uning tartibning turli koʻrinishiga ehtiyoji katta boʻladi. Avval muhitda tartib, keyin aqlida tartib — bu ikkalasi qoʻshilib bola shaxsiyatida ruhiy tartibni ta’minlaydi. Keyingi bosqichlarda emotsional va diniy-ruhoniy tartib. Hozir men bolalar bilan ishlaydigan bosqichda eng asosiy urgʻu aqliy va axloqiy tartibga qaratiladi. Aqliy tartibga boʻlgan ehtiyojini qondirish uchun Kosmik ta’lim beriladi. Axloqiy ehtiyojini esa har kuni sinfxonadagi katta insonlardan (bizdan) va aqliy koʻnikmalarini ishlatib sekin-sekin atrofdagi boshqa odamlardan, ayniqsa tarixiy shaxslardan oʻrganib, bajarib koʻrib, qondiradi. Mening vazifam bolaga shunday tartibli, sistematik muhit yaratib berish. Nafaqat jismoniy sinfxona, balki miyasida ham tartibni shakllantirib borish.
Buning uchun esa men oʻzim qaytadan 6-12 yosh yillarimni yashashni boshladim. Har kuni qiynalaman, lekin har safar buni “Kamchiliklarimni Robbim menga shunday oson, muhabbatli muhitda toʻgʻrilashimni xohlabdi. Alhamdulillah!” ,- deb qabul qilaman. Sababi oʻzim ham xohlayman har qanday ilm va bilim tartibli saqlanishini, hislarimda rang-baranglik bilan birga tartib ham boʻlishini, kamida qachon xaos, qachon tartibda ekanimni bilib, sezib turishni istayman.
Alloh oson qilsin va baraka bersin!
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