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Last updated 12 months ago
Don't be scared. Be PREPARED.
Have an earthquake plan 💪
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
FRIDAY MORNING UPDATE: Okay guys, I'm going to give you an update on where we think we are and what I'm hearing.
The intel has broken down into two factions: The "It's tonight" faction and the "After the inauguration" faction. But both sides agree on the following: It's done. Toasted. Roasted. Finished. 165 degree internal temperature. There is nothing left that needs to be done from a paperwork or agreement perspective. Everything is signed, sealed and delivered. HCL: DONE. GOLD TREATY: DONE. TRADE AGREEMENTS: DONE. CODES ISSUED AND READY: DONE. RATES: DONE. NEW TREASURY NOTES IN BANKS: DONE. I even know the exact amount each Iraqi citizen is going to get under the HCL agreement, and you won't believe the mere pittance they've been haggling over for the last 10 years while we waited for Zimbabwe to get their act together.
Anyone telling you there is still work to be done is either not connected or a disinfo agent. Any further delays are not financial or bureaucratic. They are geopolitical shenanigans.
Points favoring the "It's tonight," Faction:
They can make the announcement in the mosques tonight, which we've always been told they would do.
The FOREX would be closed.
It's too late for Biden to get credit for it. Yellen would have less than 48 hours to respond.
It might precipitate a dollar crash when the FOREX reopens on Sunday, which is the perfect cover.
The Iraqi's fear that Trump, once in power, will halt the proceedings and try to secure a better deal for the United States, so they MUST go now before he gets in.
They insist that the Dinar revaluation will be announced tonight at midnight eastern time.
Points favoring the "After the inauguration," Faction:
Trump gets full credit.
Biden cannot steal or interfere.
The inauguration itself gives cover in the news.
It would still look like a mess that Biden handed over to Trump.
NOTE: If they wait too long after the inauguration, it could look like it was Trump's fault, or he was asleep on the job. This creates A LOT of pressure for something to happen in the next 3 days.
If it goes beyond that, I don't know what to tell you. In the words of Romulan ambassador Nanclus; "There will never be a more perfect time."
That's it. That's what I have.
Ok guys it’s definitely coming as things are in motion . Please make sure you have everything ready when we receive the green light .
Remember for the 4B group things won’t start 2 or 3hrs after the inauguration. Always remember when you call the 800# it is for an appointment and you will be given a day when you have to go.
Bond Holders are getting ready as any time tomorrow and onwards funds will be release and that is the same with private contracts .
Anyone that is saying that they receive payment that is a lie as the trigger funds need to be release first in order for people to receive payment.
Please always thank God for everything that is coming as your life will never be the same again .
We are here for one purpose ie besides helping our family and love ones we are here to help humanity .
Also remember you will be under NDA for three months so please keep your mouth shut and get off social media . If you get caught all your money will be frozen.
Once this all happens all telegram channels will be muted and I will let you when I’ll have the Get Together event which will happen around October 2025 as it’s too late now for me to organise it and I much prefer it for you all to come here in Spring or Summer so you can all appreciate the beauty of Sydney Harbour.
God bless you all
Yesterday’s show is still on YouTube at Mike Bara 3
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Last updated 12 months ago
Don't be scared. Be PREPARED.
Have an earthquake plan 💪
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago