Eddie Hobbs

Financial, Investment, Economics,
P Jack & Jill. Will Block nameless, abuse reach, http.www. hobbsfinancial.ie
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We are dedicated to the truth, true journalism, and the truth movement. The truth will set us free and enlighten, inspire, awaken, and unite us!


Last updated 8 months, 1 week ago

#Salaar is an Indian action film *ing Rebel Star #Prabhas, Directed by #PrashanthNeel. Produced by #HombaleFilms. #SalaarCeaseFire On Dec 22, 2023.

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

The main controller channel of Memers Gallery!

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Last updated 11 months, 1 week ago

8 months, 1 week ago

Eddie Hobbs ? (Twitter)

Here we begin to see an Irish Deep State: civil servants, NGOs, and judges all protecting the status quo.

People's voices are ignored.

Then the government strategically placed migrants across the country.

Tension rising.

Is this chaos by design?

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Eddie Hobbs ? (Twitter)

RT @k90536586: @RealEddieHobbs: We need an audit of all NGO's
involved. A village built in Kippure with no planning permission and multiple "service providers" profiting
from regions that have no services! All giving the Irish people no agency in their own communities. It beggars belief!

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Eddie Hobbs ? (Twitter)

RT @PeterSweden7: HUGE NEWS

A woman in Tennessee that was fired by her employer for refusing to get the covid injection has WON in court.

The company that fired her has been ordered to pay almost $700 000 in backpay and damages.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Eddie Hobbs ? (Twitter)

Listen Very Carefully after 10 minutes how Mattie mcGrath sums up what I refer to as the Irish Deep State. The Truth of it from the trenches. https://twitter.com/RealEddieHobbs/status/1805946446132261163#m

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Eddie Hobbs ? (Twitter)

RT @Una_McGurk: My legal teams action to delay the vote on the EU Asylum and Migration Pact

8 months, 3 weeks ago
[Eddie Hobbs ***?*** (Twitter)](https://twitter.com/RealEddieHobbs/status/1806085067955220490)

Eddie Hobbs ? (Twitter)

RT @keira_con: So Ireland has voted for the EU Migration pact, remember the number of refugees we take in is based on Land Mass EU feel we should be able to accommodate 35 Million people but its also based on GDP given that South of Ireland posted a GDP per capita, expressed in terms of purchasing power standards of 286%

Given that most people are finding it hard to put food on the table and pay their energy bills we are rated in the EU as a very wealthy country. Ireland is ahead Luxembourg at 257%

Ireland's southern region recorded the highest GDP per capita in the European Union (EU) in 2022, helped in large part by the presence of major multinationals domiciled in the region.

New figures from the EU's statistics agency, Eurostat found that regional GDP per capita, expressed in terms of purchasing power standards for Southern Ireland was 286% in 2022, followed by Luxembourg at 257% and Eastern and Midland Irelan...

View original post

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Eddie Hobbs ? (Twitter)

At Summer Soltice, Irish homogenuity, sovereignty & peace at severe risk to globalist insiders, ramming Migration Pact thru Dail. High Court action buys time, but TAKE ACTION NOW. Mobilise your network to flood Oireachtas emails demanding Public Vote

No surrender of our Opt Out

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Eddie Hobbs ? (Twitter)

Dail extends debate on EU Migration Pact. If you want Irish destiny & culture decided by external banal bureaucrats, proxied by a husk of a national parliament ducking behind EU obligations that you let them give away - DO NOTHING.



9 months ago

Eddie Hobbs ? (Twitter)

Scholz to follow Macron as Europeans have had enough



Time runs out for Olaf Scholz – POLITICO

While all eyes are on France’s snap election, Germans too may soon face an early vote.

[‌](https://www.politico.eu/article/spd-olaf-scholz-chancellor-germany-europe-elections-voting-reform/)[Eddie Hobbs ***?*** (Twitter)](https://twitter.com/RealEddieHobbs/status/1801145519265206525)
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We are dedicated to the truth, true journalism, and the truth movement. The truth will set us free and enlighten, inspire, awaken, and unite us!


Last updated 8 months, 1 week ago

#Salaar is an Indian action film *ing Rebel Star #Prabhas, Directed by #PrashanthNeel. Produced by #HombaleFilms. #SalaarCeaseFire On Dec 22, 2023.

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

The main controller channel of Memers Gallery!

Contains the index of what it controls.


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Last updated 11 months, 1 week ago