Street Angels Uk

Non profit organisation helping rough sleepers
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1 month, 1 week ago
Massive thank you to everybody who …

Massive thank you to everybody who helped the woman and children in need 🙏 ❤️

1 month, 1 week ago
Appeal for help!

Appeal for help!

We are trying to raise some funds for a ottoman bed for a lady who is currently sleeping in a mattress on the floor, reason we need a ottoman is because she has a small studio and no space for her belongings and we figured this would be best way to store her bedding clothes shoes etc.
This lady was homeless and is greatful for the roof over her head.
A bed would be beneficial to her because she suffers with severe pain in her lower back and legs.

If anyone wishes to contribute towards a bed we would truly appreciate your help 🙏

Link to donate is below

1 month, 1 week ago
Thank you to Gaynor Nelson and …

Thank you to Gaynor Nelson and her partner for the donation of a sofa bed for the young lady who we helped house after escaping domestic violence and again a huge Thank you to Mick for always lending a helping hand day or night to make a difference to the livelihoods of others. 🙏❤️

1 month, 2 weeks ago

This is a difficult appeal for us to write, as some of you may know Stephen and Diane are our volunteers, we first met them when they were homeless many years ago but have since helped them and they have been living in their flat for over 5 years now.
Unfortunately Stephen was fisagnosed with various cancers and has undergone therapy which was successful for some of the cancers but unfortunately the colon cancer wasn’t successful and he had a operation last week, there has been some complications and he has been transferred to another hospital which is in Harrow , Diane is finding this extremely difficult and is travelling up and down to see him.
She updated me on his situation throughout each day and this morning she was telling me about other unfortunate circumstances she has had to go through whilst dealing with this.
I have offered to help offload her stress by appealing for help via our page.
We have created a wish list for food items for her as she explains she has no food at home, she has fallen behind with bills and the travel expenses back and forth to hospitals also.

Therefore we have created a wish list and are hoping that together we can help reduce the stress load.
If our supporters could either purchase an item of wish list or contribute a pound to PayPal we can help with travel expenses and food and possibly help her with some of the situations she is going through.
We understand you have all helped with helping others with deposits and accomodation recently so this appeal may take a little longer to close.
We thank you all in advance from the bottom of our hearts.
If you are unable to help please keep Stephen in your prayers 🙏

Or PayPal

1 month, 2 weeks ago
Good evening all, I have been …

Good evening all, I have been helping a lady with a one year old and 3 year old son flee domestic violence, she is safe and well and needs a tiny bit of help, she could really do with our help for the following items below which are nappies, baby wipes, and milk formula so we have added them to a wish list.
If anyone would be kind enough to order an items and have it delivered to myself at the street angels registry address which can be found at checkout , I can have the items delivered to her this week.
She is struggling g financially just until she is paid end of the month, she has left her job due to fleeing dv hence why she needs a helping hand.

The wish list is below or if anyone wishes to contribute towards some shopping we have also added the PayPal.
Thank you all in advance, your help is always truly appreciated 🙏


1 month, 2 weeks ago

Unfortunately we have had to remove the group chat once again due to others impersonating us and claiming to be Charlie.
Really sorry that we have had to do this.

1 month, 3 weeks ago
Thank you to everyone who has …

Thank you to everyone who has helped this 47 year old man who works in Bart’s hospital who spent 2 weeks on the streets, with your help and one of my friends help we managed to get this lovely and very grateful man into private rented accommodation within two days of asking for help, he has done so much and also gone to work to help his situation but would have really struggled to do so without your help.
Thank you all, once again we have helped give someone a hopeful future.
You are all absolutely amazing and I Thank you all from the bottom of my heart ❤️ Anthea ❤️🙏

1 month, 3 weeks ago

As some of you may know we have helped a gent who works in st Bart’s hospital with a hostel, this gent is truly a great soul and has been sleeping rough whilst working for the past two weeks due to a landlady who threw his stuff out left him homeless, yesterday we got him a hostel and raised some funds to extend the stay for longer if needed. A lovely lady called Amanda who works together with the police has been in contact with him and today he had some support from Tao.
With Taos help they found a room for rent but we require £550 deposit, however where we were going to extend the stay we are using those funds towards deposit which leaves us with £424 left to raise.
We really need your help, all we ask is for our supporters to contribute £1
This gent is 47 years old and is working and really trying.
Absolutely lovely man who really deserves our help.

Please please help if you can by contributing £1

We Thank you all in advance 🙏

1 month, 3 weeks ago
Emergency appeal ***‼️***

Emergency appeal ‼️
Had a message today to contact this 47 year old man as it was urgent, upon calling him he told me he was at church a few weeks ago and his landlady had removed all his belongings, he has been sleeping in the streets for the past two weeks and has still been going to work everyday at st bartmelows hospital, he stated he hadn’t slept in two weeks, but have covered tonight’s stay in a hostel after struggling to find availability for one near to his work and for his age category, I have advised him to contact the emergency accommodation team tomorrow after work as he starts at 7-3, in meanwhile we really need to find the funds to extend his stay until at least start if next week if possible.

The hostel cost me £33 for this evening and we are hoping that together we can help him until the council can.

Please help if you can by contributing £1

The link to help is below

We thank you all in advance
Anthea x

3 months, 4 weeks ago
Street Angels Uk
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