Khurshida Majidova | young leader?☕️

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Accepted to 41 Universities around the world with more than 3mln$ scholarships
Ibrat Camp Participant ?‍♀️
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Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Assalamu Alaikum, my people

I am so grateful that I had created this channel, so that I could look back and see the change in myself.Today, this girl is turning 20?.And Alhamdulillah, this girl does not seek the public attention anymore?, she chooses to be more private. This girl does not wish to be modern, seeks her Lord’s guidance❤️This girl is independent, and she is soooo proud today?.This girl achieved more than she expected, trusted in her Rabb’s plans?.This girl was a dream for the „old Khurshida” and she proved that everything is possible in life?.This girl believes that nothing happened by accident, it was all written by Allah?. This girl is adventurous, she does all the things that scares her?. This girl always give her 100% and accepts the outcome whatever it is?.

This girl is 20 today and she is excited, scared and grateful at the same time. Most of all, she realizes she is one year closer to her Rabb❤️?. She is gonna be a lot more next year, In Shaa Allah

The pure, the innocent;)


6 months, 3 weeks ago
Khurshida Majidova | young leader?☕️
1 year ago
Khurshida Majidova | young leader?☕️
1 year ago
Khurshida Majidova | young leader?☕️
1 year ago
Khurshida Majidova | young leader?☕️
1 year ago
**It can be quite difficult when …

It can be quite difficult when the most important people in your life are miles and miles away. But at the very least, realizing how much you miss your loved ones offers you an opportunity to reflect on the memories you share.
I used to believe that long distance relationships do not exist;(. But this post of mine is for the girl who proved me wrong
❤️*?. After more than 5 years of long distance sisterhood, here we are
Hugging each other
Going out with each other??
Travelling with each other??
Feeling the touch of each other❤️
Enjoying the vibe of each other??.
And I realised that: “Sometimes in life you find a special person. Someone who changes your life by just being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who really convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship?. When you’re down, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever sister lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, she follows you?❤️. If you lose your way, she guides you and cheers you on. She finally holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And when you find that type of person, it means you found the “forever one”. And “forever” has no end?❤️.
Thank you so much for being the “forever one”, Maftunopa❤️
Many greetings from Budapest ??**@khurshida_official

1 year ago
Khurshida Majidova | young leader?☕️
1 year ago
Assalamu alaykum, my people***✨******?***

Assalamu alaykum, my people?

Polshaga kelganimdan keyin eng eng ko’p o’rgangan narsam (universitetga topshirishni qanday 0dan o’rgangan bo’lsam) bu “Job Applications” bo’ldi?. Faqatgina bir farqi, universitetlarga topshirayotganimda yo’l yo’riq ko’rsatadigan odam bo’lmagan edi,shuning uchun ko’p vaqt faqat research qilish bilan o’tib ketgan.Bu appga kelganda esa, yonimda turib yordamini ayamagan insonlar bo’ldi?

LinkedIn” haqida ancha avvaldan bilardim.Afsuski, chin ko’ngildan qiziqib ko’rmagan ekanman;(. Anchagina o’rganib chiqqanimdan keyin tushinib yetdimki, aslida maktab paytidan foydalanib kelinsa, universitetga ham, internshipga ham, jobga ham birdek ishlatilsa bo’lar ekan.Eng qizig’i, ko’p vaqtizni saqlab qolasiz va universitetga topshirayotganizda professional ekanligingiz “sezilarli darajada” sezilib turadi??

Appni ishlatganimda umuman boshqa dunyo ekanligini his qildim, chunki foydalanuvchilari boshqa social media foydalanuvchilaridan ancha “educated

Undan tashqari,rasmda ko’rib turganingizdek, “LinkedIn Learning” dan foydalanib har xil kurslarni o’qib tamomlaganingizdan so’ng,sertifikatlar ham qo’lga kiritishingiz mumkin☺️

Hozirgi hayotimdan bir lavha:Avval qanchalik ishtiyoq bilan universitetlarga topshirish ilinjida yurgan bo’lsam hozir joblarga topshirishda shundayman?. Oldin qanday fakultet,davlat,universitet tanlashda qiynalgan bo’lsam,hozir qanday jobga topshirsam yaxshiroq bo’lishini o’rganish yo’lidaman?.Avval qanday universitetdan “email” lar kutadigan bo’lsam,hozir job applicationlardan kutaman) (va yana otkaz ekan deb emailni o’qib qo’yaman?)

Hayotizda “Obsessions” o’zgarsa,o’zizdagi o’zgarishni ham sezib borar ekansiz)

Agarda siz,kamida universitetda o’qishni xohlasangiz, hamma ma’lumotlarizni kirgizib boring,kurslar oling,internshiplar, mentorship programlarga topshiring.Agarda o’zimni o’sha paytda shu bilimim bo’lganda, albatta shularni birinchi o’ringa qo’yib, bajargan bo’lar edim?

Aytgancha, mendan yaqin orada juddayam yaxshi yangilik expect qililar?☺️

Minnatdorman, Robbim?

1 year ago

Qayerga shoshyabsan?)

1 year ago

“**The best is the woman who her focus in life is not her children, is not her husband, is not her career, is not her beauty, it’s not her house, it’s only one answer.

Al-Wahid. The One. The One.”

How many of us, this is between us and Allah, and He knows, can say it confidently as if we are in front of Allah and say:
“Yarabbi, I lived for You.
I did everything for You.
I got married for You.
I had children for You.
I studied and worked hard to make my career for You.
I wanted to be educated for You. Memorise the Qur’an for You”

May Ash-Shafii make us those people that can say these things

The Absolutely Pure?**

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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago