Assalomu alaykum. Siz Navoiy shahridagi Prezident Maktabi?? psixologik markazi kanalidasiz!

Hello? Welcome to the channel of the??Presidential School in Navoiy?Psychology center

Admin? @Oydin_psychologist
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- Ta'limga oid eng tezkor xabar va yangiliklar!

? @DTMreklama

Ushbu kanalda abituriyentlar uchun kabi taʼlimga oid rasmiy manbalardagi xabarlar sodda tilda yoritiladi.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz

Everyday Interesting, Videos and Photos!

Реклама: +998999090909 @KDREKLAMA

+998998750505 @KDGROUP_UZ

?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

2 months, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago

to:Saydullayev Abdulhamid

Happy Birthday?! On this special day, I want to take a moment to celebrate you? and all the wonderful things that make you who you are. Your kindness, generosity,? and infectious spirit brighten the lives of everyone around you?. As you blow out the candles?, I hope all your dreams come true? and that the year ahead is filled with happiness, success?, and endless adventures. May you continue to shine? and inspire those around you. Enjoy every moment of your special day?!

Happy birthday!


Hurmat bilan Navoiy shahar Prezident maktabi ma'muriyati!

2 months, 3 weeks ago

to:Ravshanova Shaxnoza

Your birthday is a perfect time to celebrate the unique?? and wonderful person you are?. Your intelligence, creativity?, and unwavering compassion make the world a better place?. On this special day?, I hope you take a moment to appreciate all your achievements? and look forward to the many adventures ahead. May this year bring you closer to your dreams?, fill your heart with love, and shower you with endless joy?.Enjoy your day to the fullest?, and here’s to another year of making beautiful memories?!

Happy birthday!


Hurmat bilan Navoiy shahar Prezident maktabi ma'muriyati!

2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago


• Har qanday go‘zal yuz chiroyli axloqqa muhtojdir.
• Ammo chiroyli axloq hech qachon go‘zal yuzga muhtoj bo‘lmaydi.

© Mahbubiy

2 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months ago

Eʼtiboringizga 2024-yil iyun oyida hujjatlar qabuli tugaydigan dasturlar roʻyxatini taqdim etamiz.

? AUC Excellence Scholarship Program: bakalavriatni Misrda oʻqish uchun 100% gacha grantlar! (dedlayn: 1-iyun)

? Albert Eynshteynning uyida 6 oylik tadqiqot; 10 000 yevro stipendiya, yo’l xarajatlari qoplanadi! (dedlayn: 1-iyun)

? JASNA Essay Contest: Maktab, kollej/litsey oʻquvchilari va barcha bosqich talabalari uchun insholar tanlovi! (dedlayn: 1-iyun)

? SINGA: Singapurda PhD bosqichi uchun toʻliq grant! (dedlayn: 1-iyun)

? Dunyoning 22-raqamli universitetida onlayn magistratura kurslarini toʻliq grant asosida oʻqish imkoniyati! (dedlayn: 3-iyun)

? JSTdan esselar tanlovi: Mukofot – 5500 dollar va Gretsiyaga bepul sayohat! (dedlayn: 3-iyun)

? Humphrey Fellowship Program: AQShda 10 oy malaka oshirish imkoniyati; barcha xarajatlar qoplanadi! (dedlayn: 7-iyun)

? Bakalavrlar va bakalavriat bitiruvchilari uchun kurs/diplom ishlari tanlovi; bosh mukofot – Irlandiyaga bepul sayohat! (dedlayn: 7-iyun)

? Ocean Awareness Contest: 11-18 yoshli maktab, litsey va kollej oʻquvchilari uchun ijodiy ishlar tanlovi! (dedlayn: 10-iyun)

? Goi Peace Foundation: 25 yoshgacha boʻlganlar uchun insholar tanlovi; sovrinli oʻrinlar 60 dan ortiq! (dedlayn: 15-iyun)

? Tabiatdagi oʻzgarishlar aks etgan fotosuratlar tanlovida ishritok etib, 1000 funt sterlinggacha mukofot yutib oling! (dedlayn: 20-iyun)

? Imagine 2200 hikoyalar tanlovi: 12 nafar gʻolib 300 dollardan 3000 dollargacha mukofotni qoʻlga kiritadi! (dedlayn: 24-iyun)

? Breakthrough Junior Challenge: 13-18 yoshli oʻquvchi va talabalar uchun mukofoti 400 ming dollar boʻlgan tanlov! (dedlayn: 25-iyun)

? Yaponiyada istalgan soha boʻyicha tadqiqot olib borish uchun grant; barcha xarajatlar qoplanadi! (dedlayn: 30-iyun)

? Fantastika va ilmiy fantastika janridagi illustratsiyalar tanlovi; bosh sovrin – 5000 dollar! (dedlayn: 30-iyun)

? Fantastik va ilmiy fantastik hikoyalar (asarlar) tanlovi; bosh mukofot – 5000 AQSH dollari! (dedlayn: 30-iyun)

May oyida qabul tugaydigan dasturlar roʻyxatini BU YERDAN topasiz.

?**Hujjat topshirish muhlatini oʻtkazib yubormang!

Manba:** @grantlar

5 months ago

to the boys of 6 Blue: Akramov Avazbek and Sa'dullayev Saidkamol ?

On this special day when the stars ? align for both of you?, I wish you a day filled with joy, laughter ? and unforgettable moments ? May your hearts be as light as balloons ? and your smiles as bright as the stars above Here's to another year of friendship ? fun, and endless possibilities! ?

Happy birthday!


Hurmat bilan Navoiy shahar Prezident maktabi ma'muriyati!

5 months ago

to: Shadiyev Dilnurjon ?

Wishing you a fantastic birthday filled with joy ?, love, a lot of birthday cake ? and endless hours of gaming fun ?. Keep leveling up in life ? and never stop chasing your dreams ? Cheers to another year of epic adventures ? and unforgettable memories

Happy birthday!


Hurmat bilan Navoiy shahar Prezident maktabi ma'muriyati!

7 months, 1 week ago


to: Ms. Nigora ?

... the most fantastic dance teacher!? Your passion for dance shines through in everything you do, and your dedication to your students is truly inspiring? Your creativity knows no bounds, and the way you bring out the best in each of your students is a gift As you celebrate another year, may your days be filled with joy, your dance floor be full of laughter, and your heart be overflowing with love❤️‍?

Happy birthday!

Hurmat bilan Navoiy shahar Prezident maktabi ma'muriyati!

We recommend to visit

- Ta'limga oid eng tezkor xabar va yangiliklar!

? @DTMreklama

Ushbu kanalda abituriyentlar uchun kabi taʼlimga oid rasmiy manbalardagi xabarlar sodda tilda yoritiladi.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz

Everyday Interesting, Videos and Photos!

Реклама: +998999090909 @KDREKLAMA

+998998750505 @KDGROUP_UZ

?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago