Architec.Ton is a ecosystem on the TON chain with non-custodial wallet, swap, apps catalog and launchpad.
Main app: @architec_ton_bot
Our Chat: @architec_ton
EU Channel: @architecton_eu
Support: @architecton_support
Last updated 4 weeks ago
Канал для поиска исполнителей для разных задач и организации мини конкурсов
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
всё, чего хочется, — тишины, спокойствия, места, где нет страха показаться неидеальным
разве это так много? что нужно сделать, чтобы получить это?
и в душе, и в сердце
you ever lay in bed and realize how not okay you are
More than anyone, only you know yourself, and only you can help yourself to come out of it. Write down your feelings and thoughts, it's okay to cry, it's okay to break down, we are all humans and we do suffer at different stages in our lives. Learn to cut out things that make you sad, try doing something new and productive each day by making small goals.
hug u with my heart
The feeling of being caged in your own thoughts and never able to express it, someone.
Each of us goes through times, filled with pain and sufferings where we lose interest in doing the things that used to make us happy. Everyone has their own journey which cannot be compared.
Architec.Ton is a ecosystem on the TON chain with non-custodial wallet, swap, apps catalog and launchpad.
Main app: @architec_ton_bot
Our Chat: @architec_ton
EU Channel: @architecton_eu
Support: @architecton_support
Last updated 4 weeks ago
Канал для поиска исполнителей для разных задач и организации мини конкурсов
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago