Unity Consciousness

⭐ Healing Consciousnes⭐ Limitless ⭐ Love ⭐ Infinite Abundance⭐ Oneness. 🌟The Truth we are. 🌍
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3 months, 1 week ago

Thank you Istvan for your love ??



Mother Earth's song - Földanya éneke

Please support the beautiful music https://istvansky.bandcamp.com/track/earth-song Nagy szeretettel ajánlom a tündérzenéket.... Nagysegitség nekem az újlemezem elkészitésében ha támogatod a munkámat azzal hogy letöltesz dalaimból KÖSZÖNÖM Istvan Sky Kék…

4 months ago




Bogdana Elena Unity Consciousness. Christ Consciousness.

Unity Consciousness is the next level of consciousness. Our natural state of being. In this space we are consciously One with infinite existence. We are conscious of our Infinite Divine Nature. In this level of consciousness ,,the years of locust are…

4 months, 3 weeks ago

I hope you end up with someone who plants calm love.

Someone who acknowledges your feelings, listens to your explanations, and stays kind even after a misunderstanding.

Someone who is safe to be told about your shortcomings and disappointments because you know that they always put themselves in the position to understand you.

Someone who does not resort into fights for petty reasons. Someone who makes you forget that you're carrying too much weight of the world. And someone who always speaks out of pure intentions.

I hope you end up with that someone. Because, if there's anything you deserve, it is someone who learns how to love you in the the most gentle way. Someone who will remind you that love is always meant to be calm.

- Aaron Arciaga ❤️

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Emotional Identification, a topic less discussed.

On the way to inner transformations, an unprecedented episode can happen.
An unusual episode that resembles as depression, of course it has a story behind it... but what is unusual is the fact that the soul that goes through this experience seems to have sunk inwardly into an endless suffering from which it cannot come out on its own.
The feeling is that we have no control over our emotions.
And so the emotions of suffering take control over us and it seems that "we can't do anything" to stop them.
It is a gloomy episode that consumes our vital energy to the point where we no longer have clarity, we no longer distinguish between real and unreal...
It can also come with thoughts from the blackest that plunge us into despair until we reach its depths.

Even if the person in question actively participated in the inner work, even if he took steps in inner changes, this dramatic episode seems to exceed all the efforts of the inner work done.
It has nothing to do with the real-life story it is related to, even if it uses a story, in fact it is about Emotional Identification.
What is Emotional Identification?
All of us being born into this world under dual programming develop a personal identity, an illusory entity which is the result of the accumulation of beliefs and information collected during our life and which we feed and maintain in existence with our energy.
This personal identity uses mental stories, our manifestations resulting from limited dual programming to feed on our energy and thus perpetuate its existence.
The trap is Emotional Identification.
We are programmed to believe that everything we feel is reality... existence. There are actually two categories of feelings.
Some that are produced by mental stories, which are based on programs, beliefs received in the first 7 years of life.
Others that have as their source the heart, the space of the deep self, the space that transcends the mind, programming.
How do we distinguish between the two?
⭐️The feelings that have as their source the space of programming, of the mind, have a story behind them.
⭐️And the feelings that come from the space of the heart come from a space of silence, without stories...they are only direct experiences.
Therefore, solving this episode of endless suffering is not done by hunting the stories that the mind runs... But it goes directly to the source, dismantling the emotional identification.
I am not what I feel.
What I feel does not define me.
Feelings, emotions are appearances, illusory results of dual programming.

Bogdana Elena Theraphy contains an aspect that addresses Emotional Identification.
It helps us to dismantle the beliefs through which we give our energy and power to emotions and put in place beliefs that manifest in us the Divine Feelings and Emotions.
If you are in such an episode in the evolution of your soul, it is good to know that there is now a rapid and efficient solution for a definitive way out of this personal identification.
Bogdana Elena Therapy helps you to stop feeding your illusory personal identity, to stop giving power to negative stories that create a chain of other "negative stories" in your life.
It is time to feed with our energy the truth that we are, the Divinity that we are and thus manifest a life that reflects the Love, the harmony, the limitlessness that we really are.
I am with you.
I honnor you, your difficult journei you are in.
Thank you for the commitment to your heart.
Thank you for coming so far.
Is time to shine.





Unity Consciousness

***⭐*** Healing Consciousnes***⭐*** Limitless ***⭐*** Love ***⭐*** Infinite Abundance***⭐*** Oneness. ***🌟***The Truth we are. ***🌍***

Emotional Identification, a topic less discussed.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
7 months ago

My dear souls...know i will never pm you, i will never sell anithing to you...never contact you sending links.
My identity is sometimes stolen.
Thank you for being aware and helping me block them. ??

8 months ago

The call for game changers.

We are at the moment when we are creating a simulation being in a simulation.
A game within the game was created, which imitates the game we are already in...but because it seems "real", many still do not suspect that it is a game.
It manipulate our senses.
I've said it before and I'll never be able to say it enough...
Our problem is that we still believe that by fighting in the game, with the tools in the game, we change the experience.

It doesn't work like that.
Until we wake up to realize that we are already in a simulation, nothing will change.
There is a possibility to change the game by being in it.
There is only one way.
How does the game keep us captive?
Through the programming it offers us in the first years of life.
By manipulating the belief system.
More than that, we are the creative forces of the game.
Without our consciousness it cannot be manifested in existence.
We are the batteries that power the game.
By manipulating the player's belief system, the manifested narrative is manipulated.
The only way to change the narrative is not a revolution...
Is not either playing positivity.

It is the change of information from the participants.

At the base of human programming is a single idea.
Which now we know...that we can change it.

Another problem is that most of the players who understood that the information must be changed in order to change the game, do not know what other information to change it with.
And they put in place other information, a positive one...but which also reflects duality...limitation.
The Duality contains two aspects, one negative and one positive.
So changing the color of the chess pieces does not mean that we are out of the game, it means that we are playing using the other part of the game.

For a radical change, we must replace the information of duality with the information of the next level in consciousness.
Unified consciousness.
Which means an awakening being in the game.
We have this information... we had it for at least 2000 years very well hidden.
But now the time of change has come and it has been offered to us again.

Game changers...are you ready?




Unity Consciousness

***⭐*** Healing Consciousnes***⭐*** Limitless ***⭐*** Love ***⭐*** Infinite Abundance***⭐*** Oneness. ***🌟***The Truth we are. ***🌍***

The call for game changers.
8 months, 1 week ago

??Let's talk about love...

The inner work and working with people through therapy helped me discover certain aspects about love.

We experience love to the extent of self-discovery.

As the inner work is done, releasing everything that limits our vibration, perception and experience.

Human programming in this world is identical for all people...the stories that activated or implemented them differ.

From early childhood, even from the time we are in our mother's womb, we receive and embrace information that, being limited, limits our vibration, perception, life experience.

Thus our perception of ourselves is limited, of all aspects of the being that we are... including love, which is a state of being.

We go into life with a kind of glasses that distort reality in such a way that we perceive everything upside down, we perceive that we are in a state of separation, of lack and that we get from the outside what we lack, what completes us... fills our inner voids.

Love is missing, we don't deserve love...love comes from outside, love is associated with suffering...

These are some of the beliefs with which we manifest our lives.
The exterior always reflects what we wear inside.

To put it more directly, the programming we receive completely distances us from experiencing true love.

A personal identity is created... an "inner beggar" as I call it... who will look for Love in relationships.
Because of the basic subconscious belief that he lacks it.
This identity will create its own phantasms through which love lives, often only scenarios of its own mind...
And of course, having as roots, distorted and limited programs...the experience will be limited, distorted...false.

Far from true love.

It is a state through which we give our power externally, a state of excruciating dependence, of toxic attachment, which will not satisfy us in the long term and most likely has no continuity in time except in cases of conscious or unconscious indulgence... it is a temporary state.

A soul that wants to live authentically cannot be satisfied with the limitation, addiction, toxicity and suffering experienced in such cardboard love experiences.

With a little luck, those who wake up from this phantasm from suffering, discover true love.

True love is our natural and divine state of being.

The infinite source of this state is within us, therefore it does not depend on anything external.

Being in this state of love, also the universe, the exterior, will necessarily reflect what we are and what we contain.

This is how we manifest people who meet us on a deep and authentic level.

The difference is that we, being in the natural state of love, are aware that the love shown by the people in our lives is a reflection of our interior...we don't get lost in the manifestations.
But we meet ourselves through the other.

We stay centered emanating the love that we are...the completeness that we are...and we dance offering each other love...the unique and universal perfume at the same time.

We are together with a person only so that together we can give ourselves to the fullest what we feel inside, lived.

The other being a beautiful reminder of oneself, through its love, the reminder of the love that we are.


8 months, 1 week ago

Letter to a friend.

Thank you...
Because through you the universe reflects the changes i made inside.
It reflects to me that I deserve...
I feel appreciated and valued without the need to explain myself,
Without the need to prove what I am.
I feel recognized without even having being seen...
I feel embraced without even being touched.
Through you, the universe shows me what it's like to be met with an open heart.
It shows me how wonderful it is when a soul has the maturity, the courage, to express its feelings as a virtue.
What is it like to receive the attention and energy that I offer...and which before was lost in horizons and souls unable to be for me what I was for them.
You are the presence that put in light the important souls in my life absence.
Showing me the mirrors that are no longer mirroring me.
Through you the universe reminds me of who I am now...
Through this beautiful dance...
Thank you.
The universe beauttifuly reminds me through you that I am not here to be a star on someone's sky...
I'm here to be the sun.


9 months, 3 weeks ago
If 2023 was a fabulous year, …

If 2023 was a fabulous year, 2024 will surpass all our imaginations. ?
My dear friends, I suggest you to give yourself time, to connect with your heart, the space in which we can now feel the opening of the vastness, the limitlessness that we are.
A unique phenomenon is happening in the space of our heart that is waiting to be recognized, felt, made aware.
Because only in awareness can it pour into all aspects of our lives, offering us experiences we can't even imagine, in the best sense possible.
So my wish for you is to meet in this space of the heart where we are one being, beyond time and space.
I embrace you with warmth and gratitude.

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