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1 year, 3 months ago
Since Thanksgiving just passed I feel …

Since Thanksgiving just passed I feel the need to make a post about "Native Americans". This race is an abomination that has resulted in misery for White peoples. Every time our ancestors came into contact with them there was violence and atrocities done. The Solutreans, Norse, Irish, and Atlanteans were either killed or chased away. They even practiced cannibalism against members of their tribes as a punishment. Not to mention the sacrifices of the Aztecs. When the Puritans came over they accurately considered them children of the devil. Any sensible White American who interacted with them had little positive to say. Even today on their reservations they gamble, do drugs, beat their wives, pollute, and complain about the White race. They are the niggers of the western hemisphere. The issues of Central and South America are because of their presence. https://t.me/Aryan_occultism

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago


Chapter 13: The True Nature of Christ

When studying the Christian mysteries one stumbles upon what appear to be many contradictions within the scriptures. These contradictions generally arise between the Hebrew “Old Testament” and the Christian “New Covenant” within the “Judeo-Christian” religion. It will be demonstrated that the terms “Judeo” and “Christian” should have never been placed together and that the original Christians were vehemently opposed to the Jews and their god Yahweh.

They felt that Moses and the Israelite prophets original message before the Babylonian captivity was consistent with the one true god, but as is written they continually rejected and killed the prophets and turned to the worship of a false god.

The Gnostics believed that the Jews redacted the scriptures after their return from Babylon embellishing upon their history and writing down falsehoods, and most importantly that they came back worshiping a false God, Yahweh or the Demiurge. It is quite plain when reading the Gospels that Jesus had a low opinion of the Jews as well:

(Jesus speaking to the Jews) “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies”. (John 8:44)

In this passage, it is quite clear that Christ literally states that the Jews are the children of the devil and the “Father of Lies”. This passage reveals that Christ knew of the Jew’s Hyksos roots as worshipers of Ba’al and Set before they were converted to the worship of the solar deity Amen. Many times Christ rebukes the Jews directly and we also find that this sentiment was shared by the Apostles:

“You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit! Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him” (Acts 7:51-52)

And again we see that the Apostles had given up on the treacherous Jews and instead chose to turn to the Gentiles as the “chosen people” initiating the “time of the Gentiles:”

“It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing you put it from you and judge yourself unworthy of everlasting life, we turn to the Gentiles” (Acts 13:45-51)

And even Saint John in Revelations alludes to the true nature of the Jews as followers of Satan rather than their outward appearance as Judahites, worshiping their god Yahweh.

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan…”. (Revelation 2.9,10)

1 year, 4 months ago
On Friday the 13th, 1307 the …

On Friday the 13th, 1307 the Knights Templar were imprisoned and had their assets seized by Philip IV due to him being indebted to them. In order to justify this to pope Clement V, the Templars were tortured in order to "admit" to un-Christian acts which were later recanted. The Templars would be found guilty and subsequently executed through the following years and on the day of grandmaster Jacques de Molay's execution he cursed Clement and Philip. Clement died 33 days later and Philip died 7 months later. It is believed that during the Templar's time in the Middle East and specifically at Solomon's Temple that they discovered something. Rumors circulate today that they had the severed head of John the Baptist, that they traveled to America, founded Freemasonry, carved occult symbols into churches, that they are guardians of the Holy Grail, have origins to pre-Christian and even Hyperborean times, and that true Templars still exist today.

Bellator Cancernium

1 year, 4 months ago
⚜️Aryan Occultism⚜️
1 year, 5 months ago

Quick review on The Faith Will Be Preserved by The 55 Club. This book is primarily an interview with Joe from The 55 Club. Essentially Joe explains his background along, explanation of some of his beliefs when it comes to Ariosophy and Esoteric Hitlerism, and some comments of other 55 Club books. Beyond this, there are other chapters on well known topic such as Nordic Runes, Hyperborea, and some others. However the two chapters I enjoyed the most were "Hvitramannaland" which goes into great detail about Whites in America before Columbus and even the Vikings. And the second chapter I enjoyed was "Our Lady’s Message" which looks at Marian apparitions in Europe and does a great job of explaining the esoteric symbolism surrounding the appearance and what the message means for us Aryan esotericists. The book can be found at http://55clubbooks.com. https://t.me/Aryan_occultism


55 Club Books

Armanen Thule Hyperborean Runes

1 year, 7 months ago
One thing CI gets wrong is …

One thing CI gets wrong is that "Adam" means ruddy and is the ancestor of Whites. "Adam" comes from the Hebrew word "Adamah" which means "from the ground" and the Sumerian word "Adamu" means "mud people". In Theozoology and Aryanity: The Forbidden History, the Adamites are revealed as the slaves of the higher Aryan man. The issue is that theses Aryan began interbreeding with their slaves and created the Semitic race today. This happened about 6,000 years ago. Of course the Jews have written their history based off the works of other mythology from their perspective to hide this fact. They are no children of G-d but are instead the result of unholy racial mixing who would then be chosen by a bastard deity. https://t.me/Aryan_occultism

1 year, 7 months ago
Of course today you'll hear slanders …

Of course today you'll hear slanders that she was a repentant prostitute who needed 7 demons exorcized from her. This is due to Pope Gregory I conflating Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany. However the conflict between the Catholic Church and Mary Magdalene started with Peter who always took issue with her. In the Gospel of Mary Magdalene he doesn't believe she received instruction from Jesus, in the Gospel of Philip he's mad that Jesus loves her more than the other apostles (gay), in the Gospel of Thomas he's mad that a woman is a follower. This is due to the fact that he lost his leadership of the apostles by denying Jesus 3 times and trying to prevent His mission. In reality Mary Magdalene was a pure and devoted follower of Christ, the eternal Grail Maiden who keeps his teachings unspoiled. https://t.me/Aryan_occultism

1 year, 7 months ago

"Those who have Gnosis in this way know where they come from and where they’re going." Gospel of Truth.

The Father reveals to those who have Gnosis know their true dwelling place. For it’s written:

“O Lord God, you who are above all the great Aeons, you who have neither beginning nor end, bestow upon us a spirit of Gnosis, the revelation of your mysteries, to come to a knowledge of ourselves: where we have come from, where we are going, and what we should do in order to live.” The Book of Allogenes 56.

Those who dwell in deficiency tried to kill the Saviour, because they are from below. However, He is from above, therefore they cant go where He’s going. For it’s written in the Gospel of the Beloved Disciple:

“So the Jews began to ask, “Will He kill Himself, since He says, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come’?” Then He told them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.” John 8:22-23.

For the one who knows, it’s not detained in the trial of the archons. For it’s written:

“The old man spoke to me and said, “Where are you going, Paul, you blessed one, set apart from your mother’s womb?” I looked at the Spirit, and he was nodding his head and saying to me, “Speak with him.” I replied to the old man, “I am going to the place I came from.” Revelation of Paul 22.

So, once the psyche integrates all her fragmented parts, she knows where she had come from and where she’s going. As it’s found in the writings of the animal-men:

“The Lord hath shown me what my soul must say on its ascent to heaven, and how I must answer each of the powers on high: I have recognized myself and gathered myself from every quarter, and have sowed no children for the archon. But I have pulled up his roots, and gathered my scattered members, and I know who thou art. For I am of the ones on high.” Panarion 26.13.2.


1 year, 8 months ago

An explanation of Omnis. Omnis is the Church of Aryanity's highest deity. Omnis is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. It exists beyond time and space and was the first being to have existed before anything else was emanated. Within Omnis is the union between Divus Pater and Divus Mater which is seen throughout history as the marriage of the Sky Father and Queen of Heaven. Omnis itself has been expressed most accurately in Hermeticism which has the belief that the Monad or All is found within all of creation yet is still separate from it. Omnis did not create the physical planes which is instead believed to be the work of the Demiurge. Omnis is so beyond this plane of existence that no image made could accurately personify it since nothing here is truly infinite. From Omnis both living and non-living get their spirit. From Omnis us Aryans get our souls which we can align with Its divine will. Omnis is the only constant while all else is shifting and being altered both physically and spiritually. The Aryan mystics who stays true to the divine law will keep their notion of self while all others will be dissolved and united back to the Primum Aeternum as spiritual energy. https://t.me/Aryan_occultism


⚜️Aryan Occultism⚜️

Channel dedicated to revisionist history and esoteric symbolism from a racial viewpoint.

An explanation of Omnis. Omnis is the Church of Aryanity's highest deity. Omnis is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. It exists beyond …
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