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سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
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Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
❄ Anatomy Section ❄
📍1st year General : ⭕ روابط فهرس جميع البلكات (الدائرة الأساسية) 👇🏻 :
📍MSS : 📍CVS : 📍Respiratory : 📍GIT : 📍Endocrine : 📍GUS : 📍CNS :
🧲 Neuroanatomy : 🧲Head and neck : ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ⚜🇾🇪🇵🇸⚜**#اللجنة_العلمية_للدفعة_السادسة#قسم_التشريح#فهرس#بلكات
2- Aortic arch ①- Brachiocephalic trunk ¹• Right subclavian artery ²• Right common carotid artery ②- Left common carotid artery ③- Left subclavian artery External carotid artery ①- Superior thyroid artery ②- Lingual artery ③- Facial artery ④- Ascending…
2- Aortic arch
①- Brachiocephalic trunk
¹• Right subclavian artery
²• Right common carotid artery
②- Left common carotid artery
③- Left subclavian artery
External carotid artery
①- Superior thyroid artery
②- Lingual artery
③- Facial artery
④- Ascending pharyngeal artery
⑤- Occipital artery
⑥- Posterior auricular artery
⑦- Maxillary artery
⑧- Superficial temporal artery
①• Superior thyroid artery
①- Superior laryngeal artery
②- Anterior, posterior, & lateral branch
③- Infrahyoid, sternocleidomastoid, & cricothyroid branch
②• Lingual artery
①- Sublingual artery
②- Deep lingual artery
③- dorsal lingual branch
④- Suprahyoid branch
③• Facial artery
①- Ascending palati ne artery
②- Submental artery
③- Inferior labial branch
④- Superior labial branch
⑤- Lateral nasal branch
⑥- Angular artery
④• Ascending pharyngeal artery
①- Pharyngeal branch
②- Inferior tympanic artery
③- Posterior meningeal artery
⑤• Occipital artery
①- Sternocleidomastoid branch
②- Glandular branch supply paroti d gland
③- Auricular branch
⑥• Posterior auricular artery
①- Parotid branch
②- Auricular branch
③- Stylomastoid artery
passes through the stylomastoid foramen into the facial canal give
¹• Posterior tympanic artery
⑦• Maxillary artery
have 3 Course
1- Mandibular part
2- Pterygoid part
3- Pterygopalatine part
1• Branches of the Mandibular part
①- Deep auricular artery
②- Anterior tympanic artery
③- Middle meningeal artery give ³branch
¹• Frontal, parietal, and orbital branch
²• Petrosal branch
³• Superior tympanic artery
④- Inferior alveolar artery give ²branch
¹• Mental branch
²• Mylohyoid , dental, and gingival branch
2• Branches of the pterygoid part
①- Masseteric artery
③- Deep temporal arterie
③- Pterygoid branch
④- Buccal artery
3• Branches of the pterygopalatine part
①- Posterior superior alveolar artery
②- Infraorbital artery give ¹branch
¹• Anterior superior alveolar arteries
③- Descending palatine artery give ²branch
¹• Greater palatine artery
²• Lesser palatine arteries
④- Artery of pterygoid canal
⑤- Sphenopalati ne artery give ²branch
¹• Posterior lateral nasal arteries
²• posterior septal nasal branch
⑧• Superficial temporal artery
①- Transverse facial artery
②- Frontal branch
③- Parietal branch
④-Parotid branch
⑤- Anterior auricular branch
– supply temporomandibular joint and lateral surface of the external acoustic meatus
⑥- Zygomatico-orbital artery
⑦- Middle temporal artery
Subclavian artery
Branch and area supply
1• Vertebral artery
2• Internal thoracic artery
3• Thyrocervical trunk
4• Costocervical trunk
1• Vertebral artery
Extracranial branch
①- Spinal branch
②- Muscular branch
Intracranial branch
③- Meningeal branch
④- Posterior spinal artery
⑤- Anterior spinal artery
⑥- Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
2• Internal thoracic artery
①- Minor branches – supply thymus, sternum, trachea, and mediastinum
②- Pericardiacophrenic artery
③- Intercostal brach give ¹branch
¹• Perforating branch give ¹branch
•¹• Medial mammary branch
④- Musculophrenic artery give ¹branch
¹• Anterior intercostal branch
supply anterior part of the 7th to 9th intercostal spaces
⑤- Superior epigastric artery
3• Thyrocervical trunk
①- Inferior thyroid artery give ²branch
¹• Inferior laryngeal artery
²• Pharyngeal and tracheal branch
②- Ascending cervical artery give ¹branch
¹• Spinal branch
③- Transverse cervical artery give ³branch
¹• Deep branch
²• Dorsal scapular artery
³• Superficial branch
④- Suprascapular artery
4• Costocervical trunk
①- Deep cervical artery
②- Supreme intercostal artery give ¹branch
¹• Posterior intercostal arteries
~~Cranial Nerves~~
N I- Olfactory Nerve :
①- Olfactory tract
②- Olfactory bulb
③- Olfactory nerve
passes through the cribriform plate to synapse in the olfactory bulb
N. II- Optic Nerve :
①- Retina
②- Optic nerve
③- Optic chiasma
④- Optic trac
⑤- Lateral geniculate nucleus
N. III Oculomotor Nerve *:*
①- Nucleus of oculomotor nerve
②- Accessory posterior nucleus of oculomotor nerve / Edinger-Westphal nucleus (EWN)
Branches :
③- Superior branch
④- Inferior branch give branch to Ciliary Ganglion
⑤- Ciliary ganglion give branch Short ciliary nerves
N. IV Trochlear nerve:
it's innervates only ¹one muscle:
Superior Oblique Muscle (SO⁴)
N. V Trigeminal nerve:
Main branches have ③ branchs
①- Ophthalmic nerve V¹
②- Maxillary nerve V²
③- Mandibular nerve V³
V¹ Ophthalmic nerve:
give ③ branch
①- Lacrimal nerve
②- Frontal nerve give ²branch
¹• Supratrochlear nerve
²• Supraorbital nerve
③- Nasociliary nerve give ⁵branch
¹• Communicati ng branch with ciliary ganglion
²• Long ciliary nerves
³• Posterior ethmoidal nerve
⁴• Anterior ethmoidal nerve
⁵• Infratrochlear nerve
V² Maxillary nerve:
give ⑧ branches
①- Zygomatic nerve give ²branch
¹• Zygomaticofacial branch
²• Zygomati cotemporal branch
②- Infraorbital nerve give ⁴branches
¹• Inferior palpebral branch
²• Superior labial branch
³• External nasal branch
⁴• Internal nasal branch
③- Posterior superior alveolar give ²branch
¹• Superior dental branch
²• Superior gingival branch
④- Anterior &Middle superior alveolar branch give ²branch
¹• Superior dental branches
²• Superior gingival branch
⑤- Posterior nasal branch
⑥- Greater palatine nerve
⑦- Lesser palatine nerve
⑧-Pharyngeal nerve
V³ Mandibular nerve:
Somatomotor give ⁵branch
①- Deep temporal branch
②- Medial & lateral pterygoid nerves
③- Masseteric nerve
④- Mylohyoid muscle
⑤- Branch for Tensor veli palatini & Tensor tympani
Somatosensory give ⁵branch
①- Meningeal branch
②- Buccal nerve
③- Auriculotemporal nerve
④- Inferior alveolar nerve give ¹branch
¹• Mental nerve
⑤- Lingual nerve give ²branch
¹• Chorda tympani
²• Submandibular ganglion
N. VI Abducens nerve:
it's innervates only ¹one muscle:
Lateral Rectus Muscle (LR⁶)
N. VII Facial nerve:
1- Branch arising within facial canal give ③ branch:
①- Greater petrosal nerve
②- Nerve to stapedius
③- Chorda tympani
2- Branch after the stylomastoid foramen give ② branch:
①- Posterior auricular nerve give ²branch
¹• Occipital branch
²• Auricular b
②- Digastric branch
3- Branches forming parotid plexus somatomotor give ⑤ branch:
①- Temporal branch
②- Zygomati c branch
③- Buccal branch
④- Marginal mandibular branch
⑤- Cervical branch
N. VIII Vesti bulocochlear nerve:
have ② Nerves
①- Vesti bular nerve formation
¹• Vestibular ganglion
②- Cochlear nerve formation
¹• Cochlear ganglion
N. IX Glossopharyngeal nerve:
have ⑥ branch
①- Tympanic nerve give¹branch
¹• Lesser petrosal nerve
②- Carotid branch
③- Pharyngeal branch
④- Stylopharyngeal branch
⑤- Tonsillar branch
⑥- Lingual branch
N. X Vagus nerve:
1- Meningeal branch
2- Auricular branch
3- Pharyngeal branch give:
¹• Pharyngeal plexus
4- Branch for carotid body
5- Superior laryngeal nerve give:
¹• Internal branch
²• External branch
6- Recurrent laryngeal nerve give:
¹• inferior laryngeal nerve
²• Pharyngeal branch
³• Oesophageal branch
⁴• Tracheal branch
⁵• Terminal branch
7- Cardiac branch give:
¹• Superior cervical
²• inferior cervical
³• Thoracic cardiac branch
⁴• Cardiac plexus
8- Bronchial branch
9- Pulmonary branch give:
¹• Pulmonary plexus
10- Oesophageal plexus
11- Anterior and posterior gastric branch
12- Hepatic branch
13- Renal branch
14- Coelic branch give:
¹• Coeliac plexus
N. XI Accessory nerve:
give ② branch:
①- Internal branch
joins with vagus nerve innervation of the larynx
②- External branch
innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
N. XII Hypoglossal nerve:
①- Lingual branch
innervate All the Muscles of the Tongue,
Except Palatoglossus from Pharyngeal plexus of the Vagus
شرح مبسط لڪل تفرعات الأعصاب الجمجمية
CNS- Syndrome
⛔️السندرومات الذي شرحهن الدكتور في محاضراته..
وانت رايح أي امتحان افتكر ثلات حاجات..✨?
الاولى:- انت درجتك محطوطة من زمان في علم الله عشان كده اهدأ وجمّع افكارك وبلاش توتر .. رفعت الاقلام وجفت الصحف.
الثانية :-مجهودك ربنا شايفه ومطلع عليه ولكل مجتهد نصيب وربنا بيعاملنا برحمته مش استحقاقنا لأنها لو اتحسبت باستحقاقنا مش هناخد حاجة اصلًا.
-الثالثة:- كلمة عدم التوفيق في الامتحان مش معناها غضب ربنا عليك.. ربنا ممكن ما ييسرش لك التوفيق في الامتحان دا وتضيع منك كام درجة لأن الخير لك في مكان ثاني ربنا بيوفقك ليه بعدم التوفيق هنا.✨?
وخلوها قاعده في حياتكم?✨
انت مش عملت اللي عليك يبقى لا تحزن
انت مش بذلت آخر ما عندك يبقى توكّل بقى
انت مش جبت آخرك يبقى ارضَ بقدر الله✨?
Anatomy of urogenital block is done
الحمد لله
ملزمة الامبريو ال male
للدكتور عارف صالح
مخطط لل blood supply ضخم جداً
عمل الزميلة / افنان العشملي ✨
Last updated 1 month ago
سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago