Farrukh Atabekov

Software Engineer | Toptal Member

In this channel, I write short notes about software development, problem solving and trips.

Currently in Tashkent, Uz.

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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago

1 week, 2 days ago
Telegram orqali pul yuvayotganlar ehtiyot bo'linglar, …

Telegram orqali pul yuvayotganlar ehtiyot bo'linglar, bilib qolishyapti. 😁

Source at daryo.uz

1 month ago

Anybody else having issues with Github currently?

It doesn't even seem to be loading anymore but status page indicates all good 🤷

1 month, 2 weeks ago

It has come to my attention rather late, but upon finding out about this hackathon, I find it to be a compelling opportunity to expedite the development of a startup or a business idea that you might have.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

AngularJs, Google Code Competitions, Google Jamboard and Google Domains.

Bu yerda Google tomonidan boshlangan va hozirda to'xtatilgan servislar ro'yxati.


Killed by Google

Killed by Google is the Google Graveyard. A full list of dead products killed by Google in the Google Cemetery.

AngularJs, Google Code Competitions, Google Jamboard and Google Domains.
4 months, 1 week ago

AI + Uzbek literature

This is probably my first ever post specific to Uzbekistan or to culture. Pretty unusual of me, someone who grew up never speaking Uzbek or learning traditions, but I feel like this is important. Also it equally applies to other countries where the literature was not necessarily fully digitized or available on the web.

AI is coming. It is hard to underestimate its long-term implications: it is being compared to invention of railway and electricity: a pervasive technology that will impact all areas of life. Life before Internet was very different and life after AI will be very different too.

Exponential acceleration. We humans are used to expect things to change at linear speed, but this is not how evolution works. Most inventions in math and physics happened in just the last 300 years. Most tech inventions happened in the past 100y. A few years ago AI couldn't make a coherent sentence in English, and today it can discuss philosophy in Uzbek. In a few years your phone will run a model as smart as GPT-4, and the most powerful model will have the intelligence superior to most humans. The future is coming much faster than we are used to think.

It is hard to accept a proposition that we humans won't be the most intelligent species on this planet, but we must accept our limitations. Our brains are limited in size and not composable. The rate at which we communicate is pretty low compared to how fast computers can exchange info. Every child has to learn from the beginning: we can't copy our memories into our children. We have to sleep, eat, sometimes feel sad, and do other human things that don't help intelligence.

What does any of this have to do with Uzbek literature you might wonder. I expect that in 20-50 years, what we humans do won't matter as much as the activity of machine intelligence beings, but who will they represent? Knowledge of what cultures will it have? What will happen to the thousands of years worth of knowledge and history stored in undigitized/unpublished material? I am worried that unless that knowledge is a part of open training data sets, it might kinda of disappear. We are indirect reflections of the culture and environment, but machine intelligence won't reflect it the materials that reflect the culture aren't digitized or published. The world would be dominated by machine intelligence that doesn't represent you.

Moreover, it has never been easier. Few people outside of Uzbekistan have the time to learn the language (heck, even I never learned it), few read a lot. On the other hand, AI loves to read and already speaks Uzbek. It will appreciate the works of Ibn Sina, Mirzo Ulugbek and Al-Khwarizmi for what it's worth without prejudice. All this material will be merged into the neural nets of leading models, and therefore suddenly become available to everyone in the world in the language they prefer.

I think doing this is important enough to be a national interest. I don't know exact reasons why we started digitizing literature in the past, but the reasons above seem to be existential for the Uzbek culture, given how fast things are evolving (watch the Abundance Summit last week). This work needs to be funded. The datasets need to be published on huggingface in a format that model vendors expect. They need to be integrated into the process of training.

4 months, 3 weeks ago
Farrukh Atabekov
5 months, 2 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago

Thinking of writing a post about working at AWS, now that I've been here as a Principal Engineer for 2.5y in 3 different domains: 1/ Elastic Container Service, 2/ Infrastructure as Code (CloudFormation, CDK, SAM, AppComposer) and now 3/ Amazon Q (GenAI chat bot).

What questions do you want me to cover? The clearer the question, the more likely the answer will be helpful.

6 months ago

🕌 Muqaddas ramazon, rahmat va shafoatlar oyi hammamizga hayrli, barokatli va savoblarga boy bo'lsin.

Ramazon oyi muborak bo'lsin !


7 months, 1 week ago

- Why This UK VC Firm Launched an Accelerator in Uzbekistan?
- Why Swift Launch?



Why This UK VC Firm Launched an Accelerator in Uzbekistan

Back in 2013, Stephen Lin, now a venture capital partner at London-based VC firm Sturgeon Capital, was tapped by his USC professor to teach a seminar in Kazakhstan.  He flew to the capital of...

**- Why This UK VC Firm Launched an Accelerator in Uzbekistan?
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Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago