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Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

4 months, 3 weeks ago

Hostage update October 13, 2024

Chrestman, William
Jensen, Douglas Austin
Judd, David
Owens, Jason
Rubenaker, Greg
Vasallo, Salvatore

Dykes, Tyler Bradley
Honigford, Matthew
Martin, Marcus
Wilson, Ryan

Please continue to pray for the hostages and their families as they adjust to new struggles, also for their soon release. ?

4 months, 4 weeks ago

PMP is part of this organization. They have been delivering help in NC. Support them.

4 months, 4 weeks ago

Hostage update October 6, 2024

Melliss, Jonathon

Stetcher, Ezekiel

Please continue to pray for the hostages and their families as they adjust to new struggles, also for their soon release. ?

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Please join us in praying for our political prisoners and their families. ? ? ?

Hebrews 13:3 "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and then that suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."

Day 2:6

Clark, Jacob Travis, 1512
Clayton, Cale 
Cook, Ricardo (In, week of 6/9/24)
Copeland, Jonathon
Courson, Mason 
Cronin, Dylan (Out, week of 7/4/2024)
Crowley, John Edward
DaSilva, Matthew, 1512
DeCarlo, Nicholas, 1512 
DeGrave, Nathaniel, 1512 
Dempsey, David, 1512
Denney, Lucas  -Army
Dennis, Robert 
Desjardins, Timothy 
Dickinson, Michael
Dillard, Brandon (In, week of 5/31)
Dillard, Kaleb
Doolin, Joshua 
Easterday, Israel
Egtvedt, Daniel, 1512
Eicher, Jolene
Elliott, James Robert
Farris, Jason (In, week of 6/9/24)
Fisher, Samuel
Fitzsimons, Kyle, 1512 
Fonticoba, Gilbert, 1512
Foy, Michael, 1512
Gardner, Mitchell, 1512
Gellato, Kevin, 1512 (Galetto?)
Gieswein, Robert 
Gietzen, David
Gillespie, Vincent 
Gossjankowski, Vitali, 1512
Grace, Jonathan
Grant, James, 1512
Gray, Daniel, 1512
Gray, Leslie
Grider, Christopher, 1512  -Army
Hackett, Joseph, 1512

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Part 2 (See part 1 above.)

Mattice, Cody 
Maurer, Christopher
Mazza, Mark 
McAbee, Ronald 
McCaughey, Patrick, 1512 
McGrew, James - Marine
McHugh, Sean, 1512 
McKellop, Jeffrey - Army
Meggs, Connie, 1512 (Out, week of 7/4/2024)
Meggs, Kelly, 1512
Mehaffie, David 
Mele, Ron, 1512 -Air Force
Mellis, Jonathan, 1512 
Miles, Steven
Miller, Scott
Milstreed, Rodney - Veteran
Mink, Jordan Robert
Minuta, Roberto, 1512 
Mitchell, Landon, 1512
Mlynarek, Kyle
Mock, Brian, 1512
Moerschel, Dave, 1512
Morss, Robert, 1512 - Army Ranger
Mullins, Clayton, 1512
Munafo, Jonathan 
Munchel, Eric, 1512
Navarro, Peter Dr.
Nichols, Ryan, 1512 - Marine
Nix, Gregory
Nordean, Ethan, 1512 
Ochs, Nicholas, 1512
Oliveras, Michael, 1512
Owens, Grady Douglas 
Owens, Jason 
Padilla, Joseph, 1512 - Army
Palmer, Robert Scott
Parks, Stewart
Pavlik, Joseph
Pelham, Nathan
Perkins, Michael 
Peterson, Kurt
Pezzola, Dominic, 1512 - Marine
Phipps, Daniel 
Pollock, Johnathan
Pollock, Olivia
Ponder, Mark, 1512
Powell, Rachel, 1512
Price, Cynthia [Ballenger] (Out, 7/4/2024)
Pruitt, Joshua, 1512
Purdy, Gregory, 1512 (In, week of 6/9/2024)
Quaglin, Christopher, 1512
Ramey, Barry 
Reffitt, Guy, 1512
Rehl, Zachary, 1512 - Marine
Reyher, Arthur
Reyher, Jessica (In, week of 6/2/2024)
Rheiner, Narayana  "Ryan"
Rhodes, Stewart, 1512 - Army
Richardson, Howard - Viet Nam Vet
Richmond, Edmund
Riley, Jorge, 1512 (Out, week of 7/7/24)
Robertson, Thomas, 1512 - Army
Robinson, Benjamin
Rodriguez, Daniel, 1512
Rodriguez, Edward
Roe, Christopher
Rossman, Devin
Rubenacker, Greg, 1512
Russell, Bobby Wayne
Sabol, Jeffrey, 1512 
Samsel, Ryan, 1512
Sandlin, Ronald, 1512
Sandoval, Salvador, 1512
Sanford, Robert 
Sargent, Anthony
Schwartz, Peter, 1512
Scott, Daniel, 1512
Secor, Christian, 1512
Shuler, Benjamin
Sibick,  Thomas 
Sills, Geoffrey, 1512
Slye, Mikhail 
Smith, Bryan (In, week of 5/31)
Smith, Thomas, 1512
Southard-Rumsey, Audrey, 1512 
Speed, Hatchet - Naval Reserves
St Cyr, Yvonne 
Stallings, Shelly 
Stedman, Patrick, 1512
Stevens, Tristan
Strand, John, 1512 
Sturgeon, Isaac, 1512
Swoope, Ryan
Taake, Andrew, 1512 
Taranto, Taylor - Navy
Tarrio, Henry/Enrique, 1512
Tate, Curtis 
Tenney, George Amos, 1512
Therres, Jacob 
Thomas, Kenneth Joseph, 1512
Thompson, Devlyn 
Thompson, Dustin 
Todd, John George, 1512
Turner, Robert (In, week of 6/9/2024)
Vallejo, Edward, 1512
Vasallo, Salvatore
Warner, Erik, 1512
Watkins, Jessica, 1512 - Army
Watson, William, 1512
Waynick, Jerry
Waynick, Mark
Webler, Matthew 
Webster, Thomas - Marine
Weston, Tucker
Whitton, Jack 
Williams, Riley June, 1512
Wilson, Duke, 1512
Woods, Shane, 1512
Worrell, Christopher, 1512 - Air Force
Wren, Donnie
Wright, John, 1512
Wyatt, Douglas
Yetman, Gregory
Isaac, Yoder (Off house arrest, week of 7/4/2024)
Young, Kyle
Zerkle, Jacob

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Hostage update July 14, 2024

Bender, Luke
Riley, Jorge Aaron

Bannon, Steven K. (In, week of 7/4/24)

Please continue to pray for these hostages and their families as they adjust to new struggles, also for their soon release. ?

7 months, 4 weeks ago

A really blessed and intimate time of prayer. May you be blessed as you listen in. ?

7 months, 4 weeks ago

Please join us in praying for our political prisoners and their families. ? ? ?

Hebrews 13:3 "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and then that suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."

Day 2:6

Clark, Jacob Travis, 1512
Clayton, Cale 
Cook, Ricardo (In, week of 6/9/24)
Copeland, Jonathon
Courson, Mason 
Cronin, Dylan (Out, week of 7/4/2024)
Crowley, John Edward
DaSilva, Matthew, 1512
DeCarlo, Nicholas, 1512 
DeGrave, Nathaniel, 1512 
Dempsey, David, 1512
Denney, Lucas  -Army
Dennis, Robert 
Desjardins, Timothy 
Dickinson, Michael
Dillard, Brandon (In, week of 5/31)
Dillard, Kaleb
Doolin, Joshua 
Easterday, Israel
Egtvedt, Daniel, 1512
Eicher, Jolene
Elliott, James Robert
Farris, Jason (In, week of 6/9/24)
Fisher, Samuel
Fitzsimons, Kyle, 1512 
Fonticoba, Gilbert, 1512
Foy, Michael, 1512
Gardner, Mitchell, 1512
Gellato, Kevin, 1512 (Galetto?)
Gieswein, Robert 
Gietzen, David
Gillespie, Vincent 
Gossjankowski, Vitali, 1512
Grace, Jonathan
Grant, James, 1512
Gray, Daniel, 1512
Gray, Leslie
Grider, Christopher, 1512  -Army
Hackett, Joseph, 1512

7 months, 4 weeks ago

Please join us in praying for our political prisoners and their families. ? ? ?

Hebrews 13:3 "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them that suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."

Day 1:6

Alam, Zachary, 1512
Alberts, Christopher  -Army
Atwood, Joshua
Avirett, Richard
Azari, Farbod
Azari, Farhad
Badalian, Edward, 1512
Balhorn, Ronald
Ball, Daniel
Ballard, Thomas John
Bannon, Steven K (In, July 1, 2024)
Banuelos, John
Barnett, Richard, 1512
Barnhart, Logan 
Beddingfield, Matthew 
Beckley, Damon, 1512
Bender, Luke, 1512 
Biggs, Joseph Randall, 1512  -Army
Bilyard, Aiden  -Air Force
Bingert, Craig, 1512
Bingham, Brian Glenn (In, week of 6/9/24 Out, week of 6/16/24 ???)
Bonawitz, Kenneth 
Boughner, Tim Levon, 1512
Box, Dominic, 1512
Bradshaw, Brandon
Brock, Larry, 1512  -Air Force (Out?)
Brown, Jeffrey
Brown, Jeremy  -Army
Bru, Marc, 1512
Burlew, Benjamen
Caldwell, Daniel Ray  -Marines
Calhoun, William, 1512 (Out, week of 7/4/2024)
Cappuccio, Steven, 1512 -Veteran
Carpenter, Sara, 1512
Celentano, Ralph
Chrestman, William, 1512 -Army
Christensen, Reed, 1512
Ciarpelli, Albert
Clardy, Kevin

8 months, 1 week ago

Prayers for healings (so many j6ers are physically ill), spiritual deliverance, and national repentance.
May you be blessed as you listen.
Psalm 51

We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago