World of Statistics

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
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2 months, 2 weeks ago

Cancer rate by country (cancer cases per 100,000 people):

1.?? Denmark: 335
2.?? Ireland: 326
3.?? Belgium: 322
4.?? Hungary: 321
5.?? France: 320
6.?? Netherlands: 315
7.?? Australia: 312
8.?? Norway: 312
9.?? Slovenia: 300
10.?? USA: 297

12.?? UK: 296
14.?? Serbia: 291
17.?? Canada: 287
18.?? Croatia: 284
19.?? Japan: 282
20.?? Germany: 281
22.?? Italy: 278
24.?? Sweden: 271
25.?? Switzerland: 268
27.?? Spain: 264
32.?? Uruguay: 257
34.?? Portugal: 255
39.?? South Korea: 239
40.?? Israel: 239
43.?? Singapore: 229
45.?? Turkey: 225
54.?? Ukraine: 206
56.?? China: 203
79.?? Thailand: 161
83.?? Vietnam: 158
95.?? Kenya: 147
101.?? Indonesia: 138
110.?? Algeria: 132
115.?? Tanzania: 131
132.?? Kuwait: 115
141.?? Nigeria: 108
144.?? Pakistan: 107
154.?? UAE: 104
163.?? India: 96
164.?? Saudi Arabia: 95

Source: wisevoter

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Top 20 Destinations for Immigrants (1995 vs. 2020)

?? United States: 24.6 million
?? Russia: 11.9
?? Germany: 7.3
?? India: 6.7
?? France: 6
?? Ukraine: 5.8
?? Saudi Arabia: 4.9
?? Canada: 4.7
?? Australia: 4.1
?? United Kingdom: 4
?? Kazakhstan: 2.9
?? Pakistan: 2.5
?? Hong Kong SAR: 2.1
?? Côte d'Ivoire: 2
?? UAE: 1.8
?? Italy: 1.7
?? Israel: 1.6
?? Jordan: 1.5
?? Argentina: 1.5
?? Uzbekistan: 1.4

?? United States: 43.4 million
?? Germany: 14.2
?? Saudi Arabia: 13
?? Russia: 11.6
?? United Kingdom: 8.9
?? UAE: 8.4
?? France: 8.1
?? Canada: 7.8
?? Australia: 7.4
?? Spain: 6.6
?? Italy: 6.1
?? Ukraine: 4.6
?? India: 4.5
?? Thailand: 3.5
?? Kazakhstan: 3.4
?? Malaysia: 3.1
?? Kuwait: 3
?? Hong Kong SAR: 2.9
?? Jordan: 2.7
?? Japan: 2.5

Source: UN International Organization for Migration

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Which good celebrity do you find suspicious?

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Most of our oxygen actually comes from oceanic plankton.

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Ranking the World's Superpowers in 2024:

  1. USA ??
  2. China ??
  3. Germany ??
  4. Japan ??
  5. South Korea ??
  6. India ??
  7. UK ??
  8. France ??
  9. Russia ??
  10. Singapore ??
  11. Australia ??
  12. Canada ??
  13. Türkiye ??
  14. Switzerland ??
  15. Brazil ??
  16. Netherlands ??
  17. Spain ??
  18. Italy ??
  19. Indonesia ??
  20. Saudi Arabia ??
  21. Mexico ??
  22. South Africa ??
  23. Argentina ??

Ray Dalio ranked the strength of nations by assessing metrics like GDP, world trade, education, and military strength.

5 months, 2 weeks ago

? Blue Whales' heart beats have been recorded as low as one beat every two minutes - the lowest for any mammal.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Pornstars per million inhabitants:

?? Czechia: 86.19
?? Hungary: 85.05
?? USA: 27.25
?? Latvia: 20.53
?? Puerto Rico: 16.36
?? Japan: 14.15
?? Canada: 10.18
?? Slovakia: 9.81
?? Spain: 8.30
?? Romania: 7.95
?? Germany: 7.45
?? Russia: 7.06
?? France: 6.03
?? Australia: 5.54
?? Estonia: 5.38
?? Cuba: 4.91
?? Colombia: 4.90
?? Ukraine: 3.90
?? Sweden: 3.81
?? Lithuania: 3.21
?? Finland: 3.21
?? Moldova: 3.08
?? Norway: 2.96
?? Slovenia: 2.86
?? Serbia: 2.79
?? Belarus: 2.26
?? Brazil: 1.89
?? Argentina: 1.49
?? Poland: 1.18
?? Thailand: 0.79
?? Mexico: 0.73
?? South Korea: 0.52


5 months, 3 weeks ago

?? There are 50 days left until the US presidential election.

6 months ago

Which EU Countries are the Most Expensive?

Prices Relative to EU Average:

?? Luxembourg: 52% higher
?? Ireland: 45% higher
?? Denmark: 43% higher
?? Finland: 28% higher
?? Netherlands: 22% higher
?? Sweden: 22% higher
?? Belgium: 18% higher
?? Austria: 18% higher
?? Germany: 10% higher
?? France: 7% higher
?? Italy: 1% lower
?? Spain: 6% lower
?? Estonia: 6% lower
?? Cyprus: 7% lower
?? Malta: 9% lower
?? Slovenia: 9% lower
?? Portugal: 14% lower
?? Greece: 16% lower
?? Czech Republic: 17% lower
?? Latvia: 18% lower
?? Slovakia: 18% lower
?? Lithuania: 23% lower
?? Croatia: 28% lower
?? Hungary: 31% lower
?? Poland: 37% lower
?? Bulgaria: 43% lower
?? Romania: 46% lower

Data is as of 2023. Price levels indicate the currency needed to buy the same product volume in different countries.

Data from Eurostat

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago