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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Live podcast interview with John Paul Rice tomorrow:
Make It Real with John Paul Rice
TOMORROW - JULY 3rd @ 8:00 PM ET Human Trafficking Survivor Anneke Lucas Rumble: Pilled: X: Anneke Lucas is an author,…
*✊ De l'enfant esclave sexuel à la victoire / Mon parcours de guérison ~ Anneke Lucas (~18min)*? Anneke Lucas a été prostituée par sa mère au réseau pédocriminel belge puis international de ses 6 ans à ses 11 ans. Survivante ayant plusieurs fois frôlé la mort et ayant assisté à des horreurs que l'être humain moyen peine à imaginer, elle parle depuis plusieurs années de son parcours hors du commun.
? Anneke enseigne aujourd'hui le yoga dans les prisons de New York, son lieu de résidence. D'après elle, le système pyramidal dans lequel nous évoluons est un système basé sur l'acceptation et la perpétuation du traumatisme. Et si les abus rituels transgénérationels n'étaient pas réservés qu'à "l'élite" ? Bien que la population ne s'adonne pas aux mêmes rituels sordides, elle perpétue néanmoins ses traumatismes de génération en génération. La douleur se transmet, jusqu'à ce qu'un membre de la famille l'affronte et en guérisse. Aujourd'hui, il est de notre devoir d'affronter individuellement nos parts d'ombre, afin que la société cesse d'en pâtir dans sa globalité.
? C'est une véritable leçon de vie que nous dispense Anneke. Victime des pires abus que l'on puisse subir, elle incite les gens à comprendre les dynamiques qui sont à l'oeuvre, plutôt que de simplement les condamner.
*? Vidéo sur Youtube**? Vidéo sur Odysee*? Le livrede Anneke Lucas qui n'est pas encore traduit en français.
? Un article de Donde Vamos
Latest podcast with Mehdi Taileb, for his podcast (Domi)Nation-State in which I spoke about many things outside of my network experiences:
Episode 31 - Teachings of a former child sex slave, with Anneke Lucas
From Anneke's website ( "Anneke Lucas is an author, speaker, advocate for child sex trafficking victims and creator of the Unconditional Model. Her work is based on personal experience of a 30-year healing journey after surviving…
Starting tomorrow I will be teaching the “Shifting the Power, with Love: Impacting the Global Power Structure through Personal Liberation ” course again, together with my friend and colleague, visual coach leader Christina Merkley. It is my great joy to be together with other survivors, providers, anyone who might have felt like a misfit, everyone interested in exploring power dynamics, externally as a way to view society and the root of all ills, and internally as a lens into our unresolved trauma and unmet emotional needs.
Anneke Lucas
Shifting the Power, with Love! with Anneke Lucas and Christina Merkley — Anneke Lucas
Survivor of elite child sex abuse, Anneke Lucas, together with visual coach Christina Merkley, guide you to clearly and compassionately meet the Dark in this 10-week course. Within ourselves, our families, common child-rearing practices, business, academic…
Very happy to be part of this full-length documentary about SRA, coming to a theater near you in France. During the experience of filming this for the past 2 years I have made friends for life, the others in the film, and those behind the scenes. And I have been linked to the country of France once again, the country where I was going to be famous as per the network's plans. There is a special magnetism to the country, and I have a feeling that this film will make an enormous difference, that our voices will be heard, that it will spread to other countries as well. Out in cinemas on May 15:
Les Survivantes - Bande Annonce Officielle
Synopsis De la pédophilie aux réseaux pédocriminels, 8 survivantes témoignent de leur incroyable parcours au coeur d’un système innommable qui touche tous les milieux. A travers ces témoignages d’une authenticité rare, on découvre les rouages qui ont permis…
New in-person podcast interview with SRA Survivor Alandra Markman
#9 Anneke Lucas with Alandra Markman
Alandra Markman is an SRA survivor, poet-on-demand, healer and meditation teacher. In this interview, he shares about the extreme trauma he experienced from birth onward, about how he escaped the cult and about his years of healing. Available with English…
I love doing live workshops, and excited to offer the next one in L.A. May 4-5. It is a chance to get a sense what it looks and feels like when there’s room for everything.
Anneke Lucas
HeartCore Workshop: May 4-5 with Anneke Lucas & Mark Lilly. Introduction to the Unconditional Model — Anneke Lucas
Survivor of elite child sex abuse, Anneke Lucas, together with Street Yoga pioneer Mark Lilly: introduction to the Unconditional Model with yoga and breathing practices for resilience, healing and abundance.
New podcast interview. I spoke with Dalila Sadok, a mother whose 2 young children had been kidnapped by the abuser father with help from all official instances!! She speaks in spite of all the legal injunctions against her, and I do believe that speaking up under threat is making the difference to create change.
#8 Anneke Lucas with Dalila Sadok
Dalila Sadok is a French mother who lost her two young children to their abusive father. In her case, certain members of the judiciary, child protective services, social services and police have overstepped their authority, in flagrant violation of French…
Joining some survivor friends for Max Lowen’s summit. This is a wonderful way to support survivors as well as receive validation and information. I am focusing on healing and am offering a free overview of the Unconditional Model.
Politics, and how child victims are used as bait in the misinformation war... Here is an example of what the Rutgers Foundation, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, recently put out: Parents questioning and graphically "educating" their young children about sex on camera, while the children are visibly uncomfortable. Under pressure, the Rutgers Foundation removed the video from their social media, but it has now been uploaded on Rumble where you can witness the child abuse in action.
Rutgers blamed the backlash on a "misinformation" campaign, stating that the content was taken out of context, even though there is no context in which such parental behavior would ever be appropriate. However, the video on Rumble has an added banner with the WHO logo on it, and the title of that video claims that "The WHO and the UN [are] Sexualizing Children in Primary Education Worldwide." The problem with this claim is that, in this instance, it is indeed misinformation, since the video was not issued from either of these organizations.
The problem is that the content is there, for all to see, including the children's names and faces - a sickening sight considering the circumstances - with the added banner actually turning the video content into a lie.
Co-intel-pro capitalizes on truth, taking one or more things that are absolutely real, and then adding one lie: the result is that everything looks like a lie.
While you can't pretend that this video is a lie, nevertheless, the children are used by both groups - one is sexualizing them, and the other is using their abuse.
The children have no say in any of it. They are powerless by their nature, and they need good people to protect them from all harm.
This article respects the children's identity yet also posts the Rumble video:
Please check my recent blog post on Politics for more nuance on these important issues on politics and media misinformation wars:
"Do You Ever Play With Your Dick?" : Youth Sexual Education Charity Scrambles To Scrub Child Masturbation Video From Internet …
A Dutch foundation dedicated to youth sexual education is under fire after producing a video featuring children being quizzed on sex and masturbation. On March 20, the Rutgers Foundation uploaded a video titled Wat vind ik fijn (Eng: What Do I like?) to social…
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago