Anabolic Outlaw Coaching

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5 months, 2 weeks ago
Remember to always do good, for …

Remember to always do good, for the people that do you good.

After 90 or so hours of work on my leg, it was only fitting (see what I did there) to gift my artist the spiritual inspiration of my hamstring piece, Souls on the Banks of the Acheron by Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl.

"Nothing is beautiful, except man alone: all aesthetics rests upon this naïveté, which is its first truth...Physiologically, everything ugly weakens and saddens man. It reminds him of decay, danger, impotence; it actually deprives him of strength. One can measure the effect of the ugly with a dynamometer. Wherever man is depressed at all, he senses the proximity of something “ugly.” His feeling of power, his will to power, his courage, his pride — all fall with the ugly and rise with the beautiful."

6 months ago

Nietzsche was the person (at least for me) who brought forth the idea that power, envy, strength, and ego(ism)—traits generally regarded as societal evils are actually constructive elements that should not only be accepted but embraced.

As such, this opened Pandora’s Box concerning other generally accepted societal truths, including the notion that we should just let people enjoy things, always look at the silver lining, and try to be positive.

This is utter bull$hit.

In the same way how Nietzsche argued that the pursuit of power is a natural instinct, so too is pointing out the obvious, flawed, and incorrect. As such, we aren’t meant to understand, like, and support everything, this is only human.

Hell, you might even not like me, and that is fine. At least that shows that you have an independent character and outlook that is your own, instead of a pre-packaged set of beliefs that you subscribe to for no apparent reason other than it being the new “it” thing to believe.

6 months ago
Anabolic Outlaw Coaching
9 months ago

8.8 inches (22.5cm) off the ground.

As a result, for certain populations, the deadlift is a much more natural movement to perform compared to others, and this is simply because the deadlift has no variability/possibility of personal tailoring.

This is precisely why, certain people CANNOT deadlift with a straight back and “perfect” form.

This isn’t an excuse for poor form, and not understanding how to hinge your hips and set up properly, but instead to dispel the myth that there is such a thing as an “optimal” deadlift form for everyone.

9 months, 1 week ago

I routinely get asked what my stance on subjects is I have no interest in whatsoever.

Simply put, for most topics I really don’t care.

I don’t care if sunscreen will give you cancer or not.

I don’t care if the plastic bottle I drink from will make the earth hotter or cooler.

I don’t care if the thing celebrity X did was based or cringe.

I really don’t care.

And neither should you. It’s not genuine to have a truly strong opinion on every subject you might ever encounter.

9 months, 1 week ago

At a certain threshold, you will just look significantly worse the more mass you put on.

TL;DR - Don't get fat

10 months, 2 weeks ago

Random person in a warzone bleeding to death because of a blown-off limb: Exists
Solbrah: Yeah no mate, you aren't bleeding because of a mortar strike, you are bleeding because of environmental toxins. Have you tried eating raw liver and repeating positive affirmations?

10 months, 2 weeks ago

Solbrah is fucking retarded.

11 months, 1 week ago

You can’t find a study on antibiotics that disproves their effectiveness for most bacterial infections.
You can’t find a study on the speed of light that disproves the fact that it is constant.

But you can quite literally find studies that concluded that not only is the anabolic window real, but you can fall out of it, and at the same time you can find studies that prove that looking at windows is anabolic or something.

Leave the science to the scientists. You don’t need a double-blind placebo-controlled study to conclude that you should train hard to build muscle.

1 year ago

Factors you need to optimize as a natty lifter: Training, nutrition, and sleep. Factors you need to optimize as an enhanced lifter: Training, nutrition, sleep, estrogen/progesterone/prolactin, blood pressure, acne, fertility, plaque buildup, hair…

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