Sαℓαf Athαr

Narrations From The Salaf

Sayings From The Scholars

Run By: Adam Ali

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2 months, 1 week ago

Speaking About That Which Concerns You

Malik Bin Dinar [رحمه الله] said:

«إذَا رَأيتَ قَسَاوَةً فِي قَلبِكَ ، ووَهَنًا فِي بَدَنِكَ ، وحِرمَانًا فِي رِزقِكَ ، فَاعلَم أنَّكَ تَكَلَّمتَ فِيمَا لَا يَعنِيكَ.»

❝When you see that there is hardness in your heart, weakness in your body and you have been prohibited from your provisions, then know that you have spoken about something which does not concern you.❞

[Faydh Al-Qadeer, (1/286) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

2 months, 2 weeks ago

The Advice of Umāmah Bint Al-Hārith To Her Daughter Umm Iyyās on The Night of Her Marriage

Umāmah Bint Al-Hārith said to her daughter when she was being sent off to her husband:

❝My dear daughter, if advice were to be left off due to the refinement of one's manners then you would be in no need of that. However, it is a reminder for the heedless and useful tool for the intelligent. If it were that a woman could go without a husband due to the wealth of her parents and their great need for her then you would be the least of the people in need for that. However, the women have been created for the men and the men for the women.

My dear daughter, you have left the environment from which you have sprouted and left the life which you have grown up in, going to a home that you do not know and a companion that you are unfamiliar with. He has become, by his authority over you, an overseer and a king. So be a slave to him and he will be a willing servant to you.

My dear daughter, take from me ten qualities and they will be for you an asset and a reminder:

Accompany him in contentment and be amicable with him by hearing and obeying.

Safeguard where his eyes land and safeguard what his nose smells, so that his eyes never see anything ugly from you and his nose never smells any repugnant odor. Kohl is the best make-up and water [i.e., good hygiene] is the best perfume.

Safeguard his meal times and keep tranquil his sleep times. The heat of hunger is infuriating and deprivation of sleep is irritating.

Safeguard his home and his money and take good care of him, his relatives, and take care of his children. Safeguarding his money is a sign of good judgement and taking care of his children and relatives is a sign of good management.

Don't spread his secrets and don't disobey his commands. If you spread his secrets you will not be safe of him lying to you and if you oppose his commands he will resent you.

Beware of displaying joy when he is upset and and sadness when he is happy. The first is irresponsible and the second is antagonistic.

The more you honor him the more veneration he will have for you; the more you are in agreement with him the longer your time will be with him.

And know, that you will not attain that which you want from him until you give preference to pleasing him over pleasing yourself and to his desire over your own in whether you like it or not. And may Allāh give good to all.❞

[Bulūgh Al-Arb By Al-Alūsī, (2/19) | Translated By Raha Batts]

3 months ago

When The Heart Is Agitated

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim A-Jawzeeyah [رحمه الله] said:

«إذا اضطرب القلب وقلق فليس له ما يطمئن به سوى ذكر الله.»

❝When the heart is agitated and has anxiety then there is nothing that will make it tranquil other than the Dhikr [remembrance] of Allaah.❞

[Madarij As-Salikeen, (3/72) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

5 months, 1 week ago

Worship Consists Of…

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah [رحمه الله] said:

«العبادة تتضمن: كمال الحب، وكمال التعظيم، وكمال الرجاء، والخشية، والإجلال، والإكرام.»

❝Worship consists of having complete love for Allaah, completely regarding Him as great, having complete hope in Him, and awe of Him, and regarding Him as Magnificent and the possesser of honour.❞

[Majmoo Al-Fatawa, (10/488) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Speak With What You Intend

Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Al-Albaani [رحمه الله] said:

❝It is not allowed to justify your mistakes of the tongue with the correctness of the heart, the heart does not justify the tongue.

It is upon us that when we speak that our speech conforms to our good intent.

It should not be that our speech is evil and our intent is good, but rather, our words and speech should conform to what is in the heart.❞

[Fatawa Jeddah Tape, (No. 33) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Allaah Troubles His Worshippers

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Al-Qayyim [رحمه الله] said:

❝From the Mercy of Allaah Ta’ala with His worshippers is that He troubles them with the Dunya and its worries and annoyance so that they do not become relaxed with it, and do not become tranquil with the Dunya, but in fact, they should desire for the eternal bliss in Allaah's land of Paradise and next to Him.

Allaah leads them to it with the whip of trials and tests.

He prevents them from the Dunya so He can give them the reward in the Hereafter.

He trials them so that he can give them relief, He causes them to die to resurrect them.❞

[Ighathata Al-Lahafaan, (2/175) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

7 months ago

Reading The Qur’aan At The Graveyard

Shaykh Muhammad Al-Uthaymeen [رحمه الله] said:

❝As for the graveyards then they are not a place for reading of the Qur’aan, but rather they are a place for giving Salam upon the dead and making Dua for them, not a place for making Dua, nor to make Dua to them.

So the deceased are not to be made Dua to, nor to make [general] Dua at their graveside. But rather Dua is made for them for mercy and forgiveness because they are in dire need of Dua.❞

[Fatawa Noor Ala Darb Tape, (No. 30) | Section of Aqeedah/Bida | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

7 months, 2 weeks ago

The Prophet was asked about fasting the day of Arafat and he answered:

❝It expiates for the past and coming years.❞

[Narrated By Muslim, (No. 1162) | Translated By Salah Al-Iranee]

7 months, 2 weeks ago

On the Authority of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudaree [رضي الله عنه] said that the Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] said:

❝Whoever fasts the day of Arafat he is forgiven for the following year and the previous year. And whoever fasts ‘Ashura then he is forgiven the year.❞

[Narrated By Tabaranee | Muhaddith, Shaykh, Allamaa’ Muhammad Nasir Uddeen Al-Albaani: 'Saheeh Li Ghayreehi' In Saheeh Targheeb Wa Tarheeb, (No. 1021) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

8 months ago

The Ruling Of The Effects Of The Tattoo Remaining On The Body

Shaykh Abdul Azeez Bin Abdullaah Bin Baz [رحمه الله] [D. 1420 A.H.] said:

❝When a Muslim gets tattooed whilst in a state of ignorance of it being prohibited, or whilst he was young, then it is necessary for him to remove them after having knowledge that it is prohibited. However, if there is hardship in removing it or harm, then repentance and seeking forgiveness is sufficient.❞

[Majmoo Al-Fatawa, (10/44) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]

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