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Hippy (GLOBAL) Patriot

Natural healing & whatever else I feel like posting:-)
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Last updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago

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^ diaries of sad pretty and lonely Karamah ^

Last updated 4 weeks ago


Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Remember that teeth are ALIVE just like bones and require healthy nutrition to function properly.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

🔼 He is not a dentist; but I do generally like his content. He provides some good info here. I know fluoride is toxic; but he does explain why it works. I still would never use it, but the info is just info. He does talk about the main reasons why we get cavities, although he doesnt get into the dentinal fluid of teeth and how nutrition effects our teeth. Keep that in mind.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

The most powerful weapon in EARTH is the HUMAN SOUL on FIRE! -unknown

1 month, 3 weeks ago

The simple fact that so many people celebrate St. Patricks Day proves that so many people have no idea what it actually represents. It is nothing to celebrate unless of course you are fucking insane.😞 How about we all stop going with the flow of Matrix shit. That would be nice.🥱

1 month, 3 weeks ago

I am not young. Why would I want to look young??? This world is nuts.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

So those saying that the vax’ed people now have alien DNA? How do they know this? Do they have samples of alien DNA to compare? OR is it simply non-human? Clearly it is synthetic DNA. Simply meaning… not organic and non human. Well, all of us have non-human shit in us. We are all hybrids.And have been fucked with for a very long time. BUT… we are NOT our physical bodies. Tap back into the TRUTH of your LIGHT BEING. We are ENERGY in a physical body; and THAT body stays here when we are released from this eartly existance. I feel like all this alien stuff is just setting the stage for an alien invasion narrative. Remember, the alien frequencies are already here; and have been here for thousands of years, and are NOT coming. Yes, there are many other “beings’ in the universe. Be surely they are not coming here on spaceships. But they do want us to think this of course. And they do want to add more synthetic DNA into us & digitalize us to create their cyborgs. That is the alien invasion/infiltration. Remember, they are parasites and need a human body to occupy to have any presence on this planet. Keep strengthening you LIGHT BODY/BEING and keep realigning with SOURCE consciousness and Mother Nature. That is where our ‘salvation’ lies. But we really do not need saving. We need to REALIGN directly with our SOURCE and with Mother Nature; and wake the fuck up to who and what we truly are.🏮🌠🏕

3 months, 3 weeks ago

My computer eavesdrops on me. Just made a video about viruses and it went to a blank screen after trying to save. It was SO SO good too. Too good apparently. Always does this with certain subjects. Go figure.💥 And it was NOT the no virus narrative flooding the alternative health world right now..

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Anything NON-YOU that you consume, breathe in or get into your body thru a wound will trigger an immune response. Usually mild and can even be completely unnoticeable for most people (on the day to day) but can be severe if the threat is perceived to be great. It is the immune response (to what it perceives as a threat) that determines if we get sick or not. Who can claim what is a threat to YOUR body? Everyones body is different. Everyones terrain is different. Some things are pretty universal (toxic mushroom) and will make make everyone sick to some degree and kill some depending on how much is taken in and how well your body can handle it.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Eating/ingesting ANYTHING triggers the immune system. Some more than others but all foods and drinks do. Some things cause a massive immune response. We come into contact with countless things every day that trigger our immune response. What determines if we get sick (much of the time) is if our bodies can handle this contact easily or with difficulty; and to the extent of the contact or the degree of the threat (how toxic something is). Claiming viruses don’t trigger an immune response (with the potential to get sick;) or worse that they don’t exist at all; is like saying that nothing from nature has the potential to make us sick. Try eating a toxic mushroom. Or eating botulsim. Most viruses are completely harmless and are completely necessary for all of life on this planet; and relatively few can be toxic under the right conditions (think rabies). Lot’s of thing in “nature” can make us sick. Parasites, bacteria, viruses. Doesn’t mean they WILL, but some have the potential to, often dependiing on the conditions of the persons body and health. And some will make you very sick if it doesn’t kill you (my mushroom example). Nature does make poisonous proteins. Many of them. Of that you can be sure. Nature isn’t always benign.

4 months ago

Regarding the above post I do not believe the official story on Kaczynski. Way too fishy.

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^ diaries of sad pretty and lonely Karamah ^

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago