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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Bugundan Ace IELTS with Firdavs degan project boshlayapman.
IELTS Writing’ni to’g’ri sentence tuzishdan boshlab o’rgatib boraman. Agar darajangiz Intermediate + bo’lsa va Writing’ni jiddiy o’rganmoqchi bo’lsangiz @FirdavsZafarjonov ga yozing. Lekin yana qaytarib o’taman bu project faqatgina jiddiy o’rganib yaxshi natija olmoqchi bo’lgan o’quvchilar uchun. Inactive member’lar EXPEL qilinadi.
Bundan tashqari guruhdagi qatnashchilar speaking answers tashlashadi va men ularga feedback berib boraman.
2024-yili “social media”da content yuritib “social media”ni tashqarisida yashayman deb o’zimga va’da berganman.
Shuning uchun men faqat “content creation”ga e’tibor qarataman va mening asistentim sizlarning savollarizga javob berish bilan shug’ullnadi.
Vaqtimni ilmiy izlanishlar va sizlar uchun “video lessons”ga yo’naltiraman.
Firdavs Zafarjonov kanalida ko’proq darsliklar va informative postlar “thread”i bo’ladi. Video darsliklar faqatgina IELTSga oid emas, balkim mindset, philosophy and productivityga oid bo’lishi ham mumkin.
Firdavs’ Writing And Speaking kanalida essays and sample answers bo’ladi. 10 lab essaylar yozgan kunlarim bo’ladi. Asosiy kanalimga ularni birdaniga tashlagim kelmaydi. Bu kanaldagi essay’lardagi topic-specific so’zlarni highlight qilib boraman.
Savollar uchun @FirdavsZafarjonov ga yozing.
2024 boshlangan beri “happiness” (aslida tinchlik desak bo’ladi) mavzusiga oid philosophical literature o’qib kelyapman.
Natijada o’zimni hayotimda baxt yoki aniqrog’i tinchlik xis qilyapman.
O’qigan kitoblarim, eshitgan podcastlarim va kuzatgan odamlarimdan olgan darslarimni vaqti-vaqti bilan bo’lishib boraman.
Men olgan #1 dars!
Tinchlikga ega bo’lish uchun inson atrofiga qarab turib hayotidagi bor narsalarga shukr qilaolishligi lozim. Inson hayotida xozir yo’q bo’lgan narsalarga e’tibor qaratib o’z tinchligini ularga qarab o’lchaydigan bo’lsa u xech qachon tinchikga ega bo’laolmaydi.
Bir quote bo’lishaman. Siz yaxshilab o’ylab ko’ring.
“Baxtli odam 1000 ta narsani xohlaydi, kasal odam essa 1 ta”
Adakhamjon, a former colleague, has faced a string of personal setbacks, which might make one think he's a magnet for misfortune (using the term loosely). Notwithstanding all the trial and tribulations he went through with his latest exams, his mastery of the language remains impressive, and he consistently delivers valuable content. Trust me, his score doesn’t even remotely do the justice to his command of the language.
Check out his stuff on his channel and forward this along to your friends if the spirit moves ya!
**An increasing number of children are overweight which could result in many problems when they grow older in terms of health and healthcare costs.
Why do you think so many children are overweight?
What could be done to solve this problem?**
*In recent years, childhood obesity has become a major global concern, and it necessitates immeadite action. While the reasons for this trend vary, adressing the issue requires taking important steps.
Two principal reasons contribute to the rising trends of childhood obesity. Firstly, the mainstream media has played a role in marginalising a healthy lifestyle. Reputable publications, such as Guardian and BBC, have at times cast doubts on the tangible benefits of physical exersice, sending confusing messages to impressionable young minds. Articles with headlines like “Life is too short for exersice” can inadvertently influence children to adopt unhealthier habits
Sesondly, the pervasive spread of fast-food chains of globally, exemplified by the expansion of giants like McDonald’s, has contributed to the problem. Fast-food establishments, offering little to no nutritional value in items like sugary drinks and hamburgers, have become easily accessible and attractive to young consumers.
To combat childhood obesity, policymakers can propose two significant measures, with the foremost being the promotion of positive health behaviours. Celebrity endorsements can play a pivotal role in this regard. Influential figures with large audiences can encourage their fans to engage in physically active hobbies like playing football or basketball. By trusting and following their idol’s recommendations, fans can take small but meaningful steps towards leading a healthier lifestyle.
Furthermore, fast food chains, such McDonald’s, can take proactive steps to adress the issue. They could introduce changes to their menus, such as offering keto-friendly and low-carb alternatives or providing bonus offerings of fruits and vegetables with each order. These incremental transitions could mitigate the negative effects of fast food on children’s health.
In conclusion, childhood obesity poses a serious global health that demands immeadite attention. The combination of media influence and the ubiquity of fast-food chains results in the growing concern. However, by promoting physical activity and healthier dietary choices, we can work towards alleviating the increasing problem of childhood obesity.*
I have linked up with some ex-IELTS examiners and Niners from abroad to up my chances of ultimately landing a 9 myself in the coming months (if not weeks)
At the same time, I want you to equally benefit from my takeaways that come during our wide-ranging conversations.
To this end, I will be posting more often leading up to my exams and keeping you updated on my current Prep, which is punishingly tough :)
Here are some lessons from a course called “Master American Pronunciation”, one of my recent lavish spendings.
Most Uzbek candidates mispronounce a lot of words, honestly :)
These 4 lessons, most notably audio 8, explores the subtleties of American pronunciation, comparing it with British pronunciation.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago