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3 days, 8 hours ago

(See Russian statement below 👇)

Russia has made it clear that British military personnel, British military bases and British territory are now in the crosshairs for potential retaliation thanks to the evidence of its direct involvement in the Kursk invasion fiasco.

If more people in the west followed what was really happening in Ukraine and why, if British workers knew the facts, there would be mass protests against the Nato war machine and acts of opposition to British imperialist aggression against Russia.

Given the abject failure of the majority of the self-identifying 'left' and 'anitwar' movement in this regard, one wonders what the chances are that workers will be able to find out the truth and do something about it in time to avoid being sucked into all-out direct war with Russia. A war in which British workers will be expected to follow Ukrainians onto the pile of sacrificial corpses, and which Britain can only lose.

3 days, 15 hours ago

Kim Dotcom is not only an absolute moron but is the kind of bourgeois who absolutely will end up cheering for fascism.

3 days, 21 hours ago

STORIES 1880-1885.

Translated by Alex Miller and Ivy Litvinov.
Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987.

1 week, 3 days ago

One of the major objectives assigned to Keir Starmer by the ruling class is the reversal of Brexit. This is part of why he is talking so much about a crisis in the country, there is one of course but Starmer has no intention of addressing it. What Starmer is doing is using the crisis in order to soften up public opinion in order to fully undo Brexit. He will state over and over again that he has "inherited a crisis" and that this necessitates "reintegration" into the EU. This will be done via a series of treaties which Starmer will conclude largely without having to even make reference to parliament. The ruling class are determined that the "mistakes" of the 2015 - 2019 period must not be repeated and that is why Starmer is in office, he is there to ensure that the rule of the senior state bureaucracy is full restored freed of the even mild challenges of the Brexit-Corbyn period. That is why the labour party are also considering dropping the right of Labour Party members to vote for the leader of the party. it is a strong desire of the ruling class never to have to face an "unpredictable" leader who could potentially become Prime Minister.

1 week, 3 days ago

Caught In The Act.

V.Kassis. L. Kolosov. M.Mikhailov. B.Pilyatskin.

This book gives the facts about the subversive activities against the USSR and against detente by radio stations beamed to the socialist countries, by Sovietology
centres and by anti-Soviet émigré and
Zionist organisations.
Progress Publishers. 1977.

3 months ago

🇷🇺🇦🇲 Moscow is urging Yerevan to provide a list of citizens allegedly killed in the Ukrainian town of Bucha. This was stated by Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

According to Zakharova, Russia has been unable to obtain the list of people allegedly killed there for two years. The United Nations (UN) has also not provided the relevant data.

Armenian Parliament Speaker Alen Simonyan, commenting on Zakharova's statement, said that no delegation from the republic had visited the city.

"No delegation was sent to Bucha."

However, according to the Armenian state press agency Armenpress, the Armenian Ambassador to Ukraine Vladimir Karapetyan and the head of the Nor Nork administrative district of Yerevan, Tigran Ter-Margarian, visited Bucha in the Kiev region on June 2.

Moscow sees the Armenian delegation's visit to Bucha as an openly unfriendly step and has sent a note of protest to the Armenian Foreign Ministry in connection with the transfer of aid for the needs of the AFU and inadmissible statements made against Russia, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

3 months ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Marx Engels Lenin Institute (@MarxEngelsLnin) on X

Keir Starmer is as sociopathic towards the working class as Mitt Romney. Like the man in thread below says Keir Starmer must be exposed for what he is.

3 months ago

🇮🇱 BREAKING: Yechiel Tropper, another member of the War Cabiner, submits his resignation from the government


3 months ago

Tales About Metals

S. Venetsky.
Mir Publishers. 1981.

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