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Werwolf HQ II


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Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Betorspin Official Telegram Group

Betorspin Giriş : https://cutt.ly/QwtoFcw4

Last updated 6 days, 8 hours ago

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Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

5 месяцев назад
5 месяцев назад

At the founding of this Movement we formed the decision that we would give expression to this idea of ours of the identity of the two conceptions: despite all warnings, on the basis of what we had come to believe, on the basis of the sincerity of our will, we christened it "National Socialist.' We said to ourselves that to be 'national' means above everything to act with a boundless and all-embracing love for the people and, if necessary, even to die for it. And similarly to be 'social' means so to build up the state and the community of the people that every individual acts in the interest of the community of the people and must be to such an extent convinced of the goodness, of the honorable straightforwardness of this community of the people as to be ready to die for it

5 месяцев, 1 неделя назад

If you're in the Albury/Wodonga and/or Wagga Wagga area and keen to get involved and get active IRL and tribe and train, send me a DM.

5 месяцев, 1 неделя назад


Help the White Australian Community have an eternal home.

My intention was to make this fundraiser in the New Year. Instead, I am making it on Christmas day due to a terrorist attack against one of our families yesterday in the early hours of Christmas eve. It has become evident that state-backed terrorism is being used against our community for our explicit stand for White Australians and other White peoples around the world. The police and media are burying the bombing of our families because it is in the system’s interest to terrorise White people who advocate for Whites.
Our initial goal is to build a flagship of our 'Parallel Society Model' in Victoria, Australia, for the purpose of securing safe and independent living space for our families.
We are scouting rural properties with fertile soil and clean water systems to sustain the foundational wave of up to a dozen families in homesteading.
The money raised for this Project will go towards securing our land, livestock, constructing our community buildings and important infrastructure.
14 words.
Thank you,
Thomas Sewell


Click here to Give now to Help build a White Australian Community by Thomas Sewell

My intention was to make this fundraiser in the New Year, instead I am making it on Christmas of 2023 due to a terrorist attack against one of our families yesterday in the early hours of Christmas eve. It has become clear and evide...

Help the White Australian Community have an eternal home.
5 месяцев, 1 неделя назад

The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “oversocialization.” Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.

5 месяцев, 1 неделя назад

Here is an audio only of the stream. For those with low data or if odysee glitches and buffers endlessly for them. Most people just listen anyway. I am trying to upload the full thing to odysee as a replay but it's being painful.

5 месяцев, 1 неделя назад



Casual Q and A

Casual end of year qanda. DM questions on telegram to @JackFromSyd

Werwolf HQ II
5 месяцев, 1 неделя назад
Werwolf HQ II
We recommend to visit

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Betorspin Official Telegram Group

Betorspin Giriş : https://cutt.ly/QwtoFcw4

Last updated 6 days, 8 hours ago

@BSCTRENDING Powered by @buytech

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🤖 @buytechAI

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago