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🇮🇳This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt. Exam.
✆ Contact.👉 @abhi67899
Last updated 1 month ago
Ставим всех на место одной фразой?
По всем вопросам: @Makhmudjanov
(За скидкой ко мне! Оплаты через меня!)
Менеджеры: @sharp_rek
Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago
Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago
ብረት ጽኑ ነው እሳት ያሸንፈዋል፤
እሳት ብርቱ ነው ውሃ ያሸንፈዋል፤
ውሃ ብርቱ ነው ደመና ይሸከመዋል፤
ደመና ኃያል ነው ንፋስ ይበትነዋል፤
ንፋስ ብርቱ ነው መሬት ይገድበዋል፤
መሬት ጽኑ ነው የአዳም ልጅ ያሸንፈዋል፤
ያአዳም ልጅ ብርቱ ነው ሀዘን ያሸንፈዋል፤
ኃዘን ጽኑ ነው ጠጅ(መጠጥ )ያሸንፈዋል፤
ጠጅ ብርቱ ነው እንቅልፍ ያሸንፈዋል፤
እንቅልፍ ብርቱ ነው ሞት ያሸንፈዋል፤
የዚህ ሁሉ ነገር ማጠቃለያው ምን እደሆነ ታውቃላችሁ…ሁሉንም ሴት ታሸንፈዋለች፡፡
ብሎ ነው ሀሳቡ ሚደመደመው፡፡
አያችሁ አባቶች ተመራምረው በህይወት ልምዳቸው ቀምረው የደረሱበት አንድ ሀቅ የዚህ አለም የመጨረሻዋ አሸናፊ ሴት መሆኑዋን ነው..በሴት
የማይሸነፍ ምንም ነገር የለም ፤ ሞትም ጭምር
በታሪክ ሞትን ያሸነፈው ክርስቶስ ብቻ እንደሆነ ነው የማውቀው፡፡
ታድያ ሴት ሞትን እንዴት አድርጋ ታሸንፈዋለች? ብዬ አያቴን ጠይቄ ነበር…‹‹ሞት የሚሸነፍበት ብቸኛው ዘዴ መውለድ ነው…ልጅ በመውለድ ሞትን ታሸንፈዋለች…ጨካኙ ሞት እሷን ገደልኩ ሲል እሷ የወለደቻቸው ሌላ ሶስት እና አራት ልጆች ይጠብቁታል፡፡ ስራ አብዝታበት ታሰቃየዋለች…፡፡››
I saw this woman crossing the road, ገቢና ቁጭ ብዬ. I think she has polio or some kind of crippling disease. ዱላ ይዛ ነው ምትሄደው and her legs ?? swings side to side when she walks. We all were watching her crossing the road slowly
ሹፌሩም መኪናውን ቀዝቀዝ አድሮጎ በእጁ ከጀርባ ለሚከተለን መኪና ምልክት እያሳየ ከርቀት አሻገራት, with a mtsm and emotional sympathy. The other person sharing the ገቢና also shared that same ‘mtsm’ feeling.
I, on the other hand, your ቅሌታም friend felt a huge urge to burst out in laughter. Why? Because my brain brought አብዱ ኪያር.... እንደ ዥዋዥዌ ሆኗል ነገሯ... I look the other way and suppress my ብልግና
This kind of ‘sinister’ humor, seeing things beyond the visible face and building relationships of the event versus an analogy of some sort to cope with a given situation is becoming my thing
Statistically speaking, the amount of miserable occurrences you see every day is disproportionate to the scale of good things you encounter that give you hope and make you smile. Every day, it's like 1 smile for 100 shitshow. So if I manage to convert some of the dark realities into dark humor, mathematically speaking the results are good
Regardless, if I optimize my life to respond to the shitshow like every other person by “mtsing” and feeling bad;
One, the sadness will gradually sink in and fucks up my worldview
Two, I will get used to it and become numb and indifferent. I will just virtue signal my way with “mtsm” just like the people with me in ገቢና. The car moves and 2 seconds later they are enthusiastically talking about the weekend football matches, totally dropping the sad and agonizing reality of that poor woman they just ‘mtsmed’
But for me, I will try to giggle and laugh at the reality whenever it lets me. Because ሳቅ እና ደስታ አይለመድም. You will never numb down with laughter, and happiness. Its always fresh and reality is infinitely screwed to never run out of funny things if you set up your mind to it
story time ?****
አንዱ መጠጥ ቤት ሽጉጥ ይዞ በሩን ገንጥሎ ገብቶ ማን ነው ከሚስቴ ጋር የተኛው እገለዋለው ሲል...
አንዱ ሰካራም ተነስቶ... ወንድሜ ብነግርክም ጥይቱ አይበቃህም..!???
#UPSC , #SSC #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #RRB, #IBPS, #SBI, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.
🇮🇳This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt. Exam.
✆ Contact.👉 @abhi67899
Last updated 1 month ago
Ставим всех на место одной фразой?
По всем вопросам: @Makhmudjanov
(За скидкой ко мне! Оплаты через меня!)
Менеджеры: @sharp_rek
Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago
Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago