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6 months, 3 weeks ago

*The line graph illustrates changes in music sales by four media (downloads, streaming, CD, and Vinyl) in the US between 2011 and 2018.

Overall, there was a dramatic shift in the way music sold in the country, with streaming, which initially had the third-highest sales, becoming by far the most common medium by the end of the period. Meanwhile, downloads and CDs lost their dominance in the market, seeing a noticeable decline. By contrast, Vinyl exhibited the lowest sales throughout the timeframe, with only marginal growth.

Music was mainly sold by downloads in the first half of the period, despite declining by half a billion dollars until 2015 (2.5 billion dollars). But in the latter half, the country saw a more rapid decline in this way of music sales, finishing at only a billion dollars. In 2011, CD sales followed very closely but saw a similar downward trend over the following years, falling to less than a billion-dollar mark by 2018.

In stark contrast, the given period saw streaming become the most common way of buying music in the US, with the figures growing from less than 1 billion to a whopping 7.5 billion dollars in seven years. On the other hand, Vinyl showed the lowest sales figures, rising to almost half a billion dollars by 2015 and remaining stable in the following years.

224 words.*@writtenbyJoseph

6 months, 4 weeks ago

*The two charts give information regarding four different types of housework in a particular country, with details such as the involvement of two genders, in percentages, and the average time spent on them, in minutes.

Overall, significantly more women perform cooking and cleaning than men in the country, and this difference is reflected by the average amount of time the two genders spend on these activities. Meanwhile, men show noticeably higher involvement in house repairs, spending more time on average, than their female counterparts. Pet care, by contrast, is a notable activity showing similar figures for males and females in both aspects.

In detail, slightly over 80 percent of females in the country cook, compared to 60 percent of males. An identical difference is seen among the two genders regarding cleaning, with the respective 60 and 40 percent figures. Similarly, women spend significantly more time on these two activities: while they allocate 85 minutes for cooking and almost 70 minutes for cleaning, the respective figures for men are 25 minutes less each.

In the remaining two activities, we see very different scenarios, with them being less commonly practiced by both genders than the ones mentioned above. Pet care, for example, shows 20-21 percent involvement among both genders. But, only in this activity do we see similar figures for the two genders. House repairs, by contrast, stand out as the housework where men show higher figures. Their involvement is roughly twice as high as women's (almost 20 percent compared to 10 percent), and there is a fourfold difference in the average time spent (20 minutes to 5 minutes).

267 words.*@writtenbyJoseph

6 months, 4 weeks ago

*The graph illustrates changes in the car production figures in China, UK, Japan, and USA between 2020 and 2035.

Overall, Japan began the period with the highest production level, but is expected to see a steep decline in numbers. USA and UK, which showed the second and third highest numbers initially, are projected to show a similar trend, finishing the period with insignificant figures each. By contrast, the lowest-ranked China will have turned into the top producer by the end of the period, with a gradual but steady growth throughout.

Japan produced roughly 350,000 cars in 2020: a figure which is estimated to peak in 2025, with a slight rise, being almost 2-3 times higher than the other figures. From that point onwards, however, according to predictions the country’s car manufacturing capacity will decline steeply, falling to only 100,000 after ten years. USA and UK, meanwhile, began with 300,000 and 200,000 cars, being the second and third top producers respectively, but they will, too, see a considerable reduction in numbers over the given timeframe, closing it with less than 50,000 cars each. The difference though is that USA will have become the smallest producer during the last five years, while UK maintains its initial rank.

The trajectory of China is very different. It manufactured only 100,000 cars in 2020, but estimations show that, car production will expand gradually but consistently in this country, which will thus have been the leading producer by 2035 (around 150,000).

245 words.

Written by Joseph for* @joseph_school

9 months, 1 week ago

The two pie charts illustrate the distribution of water among five distinct categories in a specific area for the years 1997 and 2007.

Overall, in both years, the food industry remained the largest consumer of water in the area, accounting for nearly half of the total usage, despite experiencing a downward trend. Likewise, water consumption for manufacturing and building purposes decreased, while households and services showed increases in water usage.

Turning to the food industry, it accounted for just below half of the total water usage in the area in 1997. By 2007, its consumption had fallen to 41 percent, remaining the highest figure among the categories listed in the chart. Initially, household use followed closely, accounting for 19 percent, but by 2007, it saw a mere 2% rise, becoming the third largest consumer. In contrast, services experienced a significant increase in water usage, almost doubling over the same period and becoming the second biggest figure (13% to 25% respectively).

Moving on to manufacturing and building purposes, their consumption figures declined by around 3-4 percentage points, falling to 11% and 2% by 2007.

183 words.


9 months, 1 week ago

The three pie charts show the categorical breakdown of books sold by a particular bookseller in 1972, 1992, and 2012.

Although the given categories had relatively similar percentage shares in the first two years, the last year showed noticeable differences, with adult fiction achieving clear dominance in the sales. A similar but slower rise was seen in the sales of children’s fiction, while in the remaining three (biography, travel, and “others”) there was a significant decline over the period shown.

Starting the period with the initial 20-percent share, adult fiction then sold in significantly higher amounts, especially in 2012, accounting for almost half (45%). Children’s fiction had an identical figure in 1972, but the growth in this genre was not as huge over the period, rising by 5 percentage points in the last year.

In contrast, there was a gradual but steady fall in the sales of biography and “other” genres over the period. Starting the period with the respective 25 and 20 percent, these two categories fell by around 13 percentage points each at the end. As for travel, its sales saw a small rise at first, reaching 18 % in 1992, but then fell back again to 10 % after 20 years.

204 words.


9 months, 2 weeks ago

The two pie charts show data regarding the online sales of four retail sectors in America in 2005 and 2010.

Although electronics & appliance (EA) and home furnishings (HF) dominated the market in the first year, they both saw noticeable declines in sales in the second. Conversely, there was a quick rise in the other two sectors (food&beverage (FB) and video games (VG)), though they had comparatively lower figures at first. As a result, FB took over the leadership from EA over the period.

In 2005, EA had the biggest market share in online sales, accounting for 35%. This was followed by HF, whose figure was equal to one-fourth of the total online sales in the country. After five years, there was a noticeable decline in both sectors, however: while the former decreased by 5 percentage points, the latter fell twice as much, finishing the period with the smallest share.

In stark contrast, FB and VG saw their online sales rise quickly over the period, despite having lower contributions in the market. Starting the period with 22-percent share, FB increased by roughly half, dominating the market in the second year. Similarly, there was a 5-percent increase in the online sales of VG between 2005 and 2010 (18% and 23 % respectively).

210 words.


9 months, 2 weeks ago

The three pie charts show the categorical breakdown of vehicles on sale in America in 1965, 1985, and 2005.

Overall, private cars clearly dominated the sales in all the years, with increasingly more market share in the country. The trend contrasts starkly in recreational vehicles, which saw a noticeable decline in their sales and thus remained with the smallest figures over the period. The remaining two (public transport and lorries and commercial vehicles) had relatively higher figures, but they also experienced reductions in their sales.

In 1965, private cars accounted for 40 percent of the total sales in the country. This figure then saw a significant rise over the period, and by 2005, it had already risen by half. This indicates a clear dominance of private cars in the market.

By contrast, recreational vehicles had the smallest shares in the sales in all the years, seeing almost a two-fold reduction in their sales during 40 years (15 and 8 percent respectively in 1965 and 2005).

As for public transport and lorries and other commercial transports, their shares in the market were comparatively higher, but they also saw downward trends over the period. The former figure halved in 2005, after remaining static at 20 percent in the first two years. Likewise, the latter fell from the initial 25 to 22 percent in the final year.

224 words.


9 months, 3 weeks ago

The two pie charts show data regarding the shares of four retail sectors (travel, film/music, books, and clothes) in online sales in New Zealand for the years 2003 and 2013.

Overall, travel and clothes sectors had the biggest shares in online sales in the country in the former year, but they both showed reductions over the period. In contrast, there was a noticeable rise in the remaining two categories, though they accounted for smaller proportion of online sales in the first year. As a result, the leadership in the field moved from travel to film/music sector in the second year.

In 2003, travel sector dominated the online sales in New Zealand, accounting for 36 percent, but then it fell by 7 percentage points after 10 years, finishing the period in the second place. Clothes sector experienced a similar reduction in its online sales over the period (24 percent and 16 percent respectively), falling from the second to the lowest ranking among the given categories.

In stark contrast, online sales of books and film/music industries rose noticeably in the country. The former rose by 3 percentage points over a decade, despite having the smallest market share (19 percent) in 2003. Likewise, the figures for film/music sector increased by more than half, reaching 33 percent in 2013, and thus made it the dominant sector in online sales in the country.

228 words.

9 months, 3 weeks ago

Let us enjoy the process

9 months, 3 weeks ago


It is the responsibility of schools to teach good behaviour to children in addition to providing formal education.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Parents send their children to school hoping that they become good individuals in the future. Similarly, the government aims to raise a civilised generation when funding schools in the country. So I completely agree that schools should try to instil good values in children, along with teaching subjects.

From parental perspective, it is perfectly acceptable to send children to school with the aim of teaching them good behaviour. Especially today, when parents are more overwhelmed with their responsibilities at work than ever, they seem to have little time left for raising children themselves. In fact, even the amount of communication between parents and children has fallen significantly compared to the past, which renders parents unable to teach children good values themselves. Therefore, most parents, if not all, have no choice but to expect their children to learn good behaviour at school. This certainly necessitates teaching good behaviours at school.

The government’s expectations should be in harmony in this regard. In order for the country to survive and further develop, the population must have certain ethical rules to follow, along with specialised knowledge they receive at school. Not everything can be controlled or rectified by means of laws or other measures such as fines; it is only ethics and morals that can help if the government wishes to ensure a peaceful and admirable living conditions in the country. In family and neighbouring relationships, for instance, such manners as respects and kindness towards older members are a matter of good behaviour, rather than of formal education or laws. Therefore, on a societal level as well, schools should be assigned the task of teaching acceptable behaviour to young generation.

Of course, I do understand those who might say schools should specialise in providing formal knowledge as it is what they are established for. The good point in favour is that diverting its focus on behavioural matters could potentially harm its main objective. Therefore, I agree that schools prioritise this form of education, but at the same time I believe that schools should also take responsibility for teaching good behaviour to children. In this case, a well-reasoned education system would be needed to ensure that the main objective of school and teaching good behaviour could be equally achieved without one harming the other.

379 words.


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