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Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
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Last updated 1 year ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
These bodies were brought back to mother earth in the three-dimensionality by the cabalistic. Here, as a rule, only the souls could be liberated. The bodies could not. All ensouled people are and were purified and healed. This is also in the ongoing process. It concerns only very, very few ensouled humans, where it did not work (under 1%).
Thus, from the intended of the soulless, that only 10-30% of the ensouled people survive, also nothing has become and that the three-dimensionality takes place on the planets of the levels of consciousness in the here and now.
Identical numbers of soulless or dark bodies in the amount of 8.5% shape-shifters and about 5% dark bodies were taken out of the here and now from the whole area of operation and partly replaced by empty shells.
We could lose at most 3% ensouled people via COVID-19 war. Since we were able to start the healing and purification programs on Mother Earth only in the past few days, the number of victims of COVID-19 War will still be reduced.
By God the creator of the ensouled life, to this ensouled life a nice Sunday evening. There is only this one God of the ensouled life and in the whole operational area.
This connection was predominantly separated by the non-souled, dark life form. That is why one could not fully develop on Mother Earth, as the nursery and the house of learning. Through the training system of the soulless of the DEEP STATE the separations and misdirections were refined. Since also still among other things the creation spark was influenced, the souls often could not establish the contact to the respective ensouled human being, since also the origin of the souls was interrupted over it, and/or gaps had developed.
This led to the fact that among other things hostile astral beings could cheat themselves in between and could provide for further confusion and misdirection. The respective soul stood before the choice, how and what can I do, because the soul does not want to do harm to the ensouled human being. Since the respective soul did not know whether the incarnation was right and the soul was in the right body with the right soul task, the hamster wheel also turned of this soul agony.
In order to be able to grasp now also everything in the three-dimensionality of the higher consciousness levels, first of all the three-dimensionality had to be transformed into the higher consciousness levels or on the planets of the consciousness levels, in which the 5th dimension coupled itself with the 3rd dimension of the three-dimensionality.
The cabal has always talked about the souled human being having to connect and ascend to the 5th dimension on Mother Earth. Where would the ensouled human being have landed? I had reported about this in an explanatory way. When the souled human being has reached the completion of the learning phase on Mother Earth, the souled human being cannot incarnate again on Mother Earth unless the soul task leads to it.
By a renewed incarnation into the next souled life, the souled human being found himself either on mother earth exposed to the torment and therefore also the respective soul or he found in the 5th dimensionality again on another planet and therefore no longer as a souled human being of the three-dimensionality.
However, since the cabal by its go-about behavior made sure that the connection among other things between consciousness, the subconsciousness, the free will and the soul was disturbed or separated, there could be no neutral communication and the soul could not inform the ensouled human being about it, because the soul also moved in the nirvana of the absurdity.
Then among other things still the voluntary death was taken away from the ensouled human being about the dark, about the suppression of the free will and therefore everything had landed again in the soulless.
That is why it was so important that the 5th dimension of consciousness first connects with the three-dimensionality and from then on the ensouled life of all levels of consciousness takes place on other planets as an ensouled human being. This is now given and has also been transformed from the 5th level of consciousness in three-dimensionality to Mother Earth. The process is going on.
To complicate matters, the 2, 4, 6, etc. Dimensions, were dark, soulless dimensions and about the closing of the 6th dimension I had already reported explanatory. During the attempt that the souled people connect with the 5th dimension via the cabalistic ambush, also about 5% were misguided and landed in the 4th dimension without the three-dimensionality. From this became the dark bodies, which were "convinced" and abysmally "evil".
In recent months had published a lot and there is or was certainly about the explanations in the reports often some confusion. What I wrote was not what was used to. The accustomed shapes and the not accustomed sounds in the first moment as confused stuff of an individual.
Much is or was also due to the twists of the penetrating interpretive sovereignty of the soulless and the choice of various other terms, which had to be used to create any basis at all. 5D and 3D, etc. are all terms of the soulless DEEP STATE and are basically not correct, but common, since these are presented by the soulless and are present via the interpretive sovereignty in the usual.
It is basically about the consciousness increasing and Mother Earth is basically the house of learning. When the learning is finished on Mother Earth, it is connected with the completion of the levels of consciousness. It is to be compared with the completion of this learning phase on Mother Earth.
From the habitual of the past, one would say that the school education is successfully completed with the graduation certificate. Since the school education derives from the soulless of the DEEP STATE and led over training to the conditioning and indoctrination, the terms of the school system could not be used any more fully, since the interpretation is or was formative. The soulless needed the permanent loop of the three-dimensionality on mother earth to get her life elixir.
The soul task derives from the free will and the coordination with God the creator of the ensouled life and needs the house of the learning and the free development, as well as the guidance and the care for the ensouled people. This is an elementary difference.
It can be compared to this, the Third Level of Consciousness is childhood at home with mother and father and when you grow up, you build your own life and change the apartment, or the house, or the place. The change of place goes with the change of a planet. In order to achieve equal living conditions on the planets, the three-dimensional had to connect with the new places of residence.
This was prevented by the non-souled (soulless), because the dark would have then no more expansion and life basis.
The explanations often led to the fact that confusions made me unbelievable. In 5D on 3D this has already been cleared up and today around 10.30 also this clearing up was transformed from 5D in 3D on 3D in 3D and there will be relief for the souled people on mother earth because it can also be felt and sensed and relief is to be seen in the whole field of application of the souled life.
Step by step everything in the 5 dimension has been transformed to three-dimensionality and thus in all higher dimensions of the levels of consciousness of the ensouled life is three-dimensionality. This means now that everything from the 5th dimension of the levels of consciousness can move in the three-dimensionality and nevertheless takes place in their respective level of consciousness of the knowledge.
Currently at present, today on Sunday the 27th of August 2023, everything was transformed from 5D in 3D to 3D in 3D and thereby it becomes physically visible in 3rd level of consciousness in the three-dimensionality for each individual in his level of consciousness.
This is in process and this is physically seen in all dimensions, etc. and is now also taking place on Mother Earth.
What does dimension of consciousness mean now. Three-dimensionality is being in the here and now. This in perfection has only been possible on Mother Earth. The consciousness, or the dimension of the levels of consciousness is explaining that we learn more and more and get the connection to our soul, that is of very great importance. The connection of our soul is the pure and the perfect.
The evil, dark devilish does not need an origin. It needs dark energies or the astral bodies which could form them into human-like bodies (8.5% shape-shifters). Blunt force does not need an origin. The physical captive name is sometimes more difficult, but basically feasible. The physical captive in captivity cannot escape. That is why the dark energies try to leave the respective captive body.
Since they, the dark energies, become powerless over the time, the energies bundle less and less bodies and it becomes less and less energies and bodies. The convinced dark bodies act against the free will of the souls and cruel soul agonies arise.
This was also the case with my friend and business partner, who was killed in 2017. His soul was my most intimate friend and his body with free will my strongest enemy. Through his death, the stored energies were released and hid. There were not only dark energies, but from every direction and from Pidkozok, from the devil, etc., deposits. They wanted to build up again together with the astral bodies about him after their demise.
In the past reports I had mentioned, they did not know that outside of the operational area no more evil, dark energies are present (the Phoenix portal in my birth house). Thursday d. 03.August 2023 was the anniversary of my friend's birthday and in honor of his soul we had decided to destroy the evil, dark of the energy of his body and this was then done. The soul is freed.
The dark, devilish forces knew exactly since my birth and before who I am, respectively which soul this body carries. They knew that I was/am as body and soul on the search for a way to free my great love. The creation as a whole and the creator, the light, the unconditional love and the harmony. When I was 19 years old in 1981, I met her as a 17 year old young woman in the blooming life at the entrance of a disco and she recognized me immediately. Only very briefly we could meet on earth.
Donald Trump, physically you are finished and energetically it does not last much longer. Also all the others who think they can save themselves. Angela Merkel knew in April 2021 in the chancellery round together with an energetic body, which was covered, when this demanded continuously to kill me, that the game is over. I did not know who this energetic hidden body was. Today I know. The energies to the body were destroyed on August 03, 2023 and its soul was finally freed.
Also the entire creation with all what belongs to it is freed and thus the entire ensouled life in the entire area of operation. Also the soul of Marlene, the light, the unconditional love and the creator Marlene are liberated. Also you are granted a beautiful liberated soulful life under the appreciation of your free will.
I had told you Kabbalists again and again, give up or you will be disposed step by step. The abandonment for you by you, is from my side no more option for you Kabbalists. See you. September 09, 2023 is the 61st anniversary of the founding of the Creation Army and the day of my birth. On that day, the swearing-in ceremonies will take place worldwide. Irrefutable!
Through God the Creator of ensouled life and through the Creator and through the Creator of ensouled life, to this ensouled life a happy Sunday evening. There is only this one God and the one Creator and this one Creator of the ensouled life of the whole and in the whole area of operation and only through Mother Earth goes the creation of ensouled life.
A short interim report. On 04 August 2023, among other things, I had published the order of 16 o'clock CET. The works are still going on and the fights and resistances of the enemy are approaching the end. The fights take place reduced physically, all the more and strengthened energetically. The physical prisoners are almost all in custody and are waiting for the march through Berlin that is yet to take place. The march will take place irrevocably. The preparations and the physical arrests are so far completed by the military, it is only a matter of eliminating the remains of the energetic fighters and collecting the last physical cabalists and convinced dark bodies.
Above cloud pictures of the past two days are attached and those who can read clouds and have studied about energetic fights or overall with energies can see a lot. On Friday, April 05, 2023 the picture of Donald Trump was not transmitted to me for the first time. Everyone can make his own thoughts about it.
On all levels the Kabbalists try to preserve their existence. This is futile. The judgments have been made and will be legally executed and enforced, no ifs, ands or buts. It has been destroyed, abused, etc. by the diabolical Kabbalists. They also still try to prevent everything, although it is no longer possible. Maybe still days or even only hours.
The community is the origin of a tribe or a social order and there the Kabbalists had also tried to destroy everything. To find the order from the chaos, the order is found in the structure of the vocations and the origins from the chaos. The basic conditions of the animate life under the appreciation of the free will of the individual. To destroy that, the origin of the individual was broken and should not be found any more. The cabalists knew that they are now 2022/23 at the end and the connection between 3D and 5D in 3D cannot be stopped any more.
This connection ensures that the soul families get their origins from the families of the earth again. The souls are basically nameless, because the souls were also deprived of their origin on mother earth. Are the souls really basically nameless or have they only become nameless through the separation and landed in the nirvana of the abyss?
The connections were cut not only to the levels of the dimensions, but also about the origin and landed in the nameless of the souls. The most intimate connection between body and soul, the identity, was also cut and destroyed. If then also the creation spark does not completely fit to the soul, how should animate life connect if the souls do not even know their names and therefore have no connection to the origin and identity?
In the letters which were sent 2018, had pointed out that the so-called churches do not continue the book of the births and contribute thus also to the destruction of the origins. Also I had drawn attention to the fact that the so-called offices have completed the separation from the producer and father. All this will be worked up again and put right. The souls forget their past with the incarnating and cannot remember them as incarnated ones by the separations. This is now also corrected again.
Since the souls could not remember also their name and their origins on earth, as well as the arbitrary disturbances of the creation spark, it came inevitably to discords of the ensouled life and also to the incarnating in not intended bodies, which were not in families of the actual soul task, as well as to extended discords of the ensouled life.
**Das böse, dunkle Teuflische braucht keine Herkunft. Es braucht dunkle Energien oder die Astralkörper, welche sie zu menschenähnlichen Körpern formen konnten (8,5 % Formwandler). Stumpfe Gewalt braucht keine Herkunft. Die physische Gefangenname ist manchmal erschwert, aber grundsätzlich durchführbar. Der physisch Gefangene in Gefangenschaft kann nicht mehr flüchten. Darum versuchen die dunklen Energien, den jeweiligen gefangenen Körper zu verlassen.
Da sie, die dunklen Energien, über die Zeit kraftlos werden, bündeln die Energien immer weniger Körper und es werden immer wenigen Energien und Körper. Die überzeugten dunklen Körper handeln gegen den freien Willen der Seelen und es entstehen grausame Seelenqualen.
Das war auch bei meinem Freund und Geschäftspartner so, welcher 2017 getötet wurde. Seine Seele war mein innigster Freund und sein Körper mit freien Willen mein stärkster Feind. Durch seinen Tod wurden die eingelagerten Energien freigesetzt und versteckten sich. Es waren nicht nur dunkle Energien, sondern aus jeder Richtung und von Pidkozok, vom Teufel, usw., Einlagerungen vorhanden. Sie wollten sich mit den Astralkörpern über ihn zusammen nach ihrem Untergang erneut wieder aufbauen.
In den vergangenen Berichten hatte ich erwähnt, sie wussten nicht, dass außerhalb des Einsatzgebietes keine bösen, dunklen Energien mehr vorhanden sind (das Phönix-Portal in meinem Geburtshaus). Am Donnerstag d. 03.August 2023 jährte sich der Geburtstag meines Freundes und zu Ehren seiner Seele hatten wir beschlossen, das Böse, Dunkle der Energie seines Körpers zu vernichten und das wurde dann auch so gemacht. Die Seele ist befreit.
Die dunklen, teuflischen Kräfte wussten ganz genau seit meiner Geburt und vorher, wer ich bin, bzw. welche Seele dieser Körper trägt. Sie wussten, dass ich als Körper und Seele auf der Suche nach einem Weg war/bin, meine große Liebe zu befreien. Die Schöpfung insgesamt und die Schöpferin, das Licht, die bedingungslose Liebe und die Harmonie. Als ich 1981 19 Jahre alt war, traf ich sie als 17-jährige junge Frau im blühenden Leben am Eingang einer Disco und sie erkannt mich sofort. Nur ganz kurz konnten wir uns auf Erden treffen.
Donald Trump, physisch bist du am Ende und energetisch dauert es nicht mehr lange. Auch alle anderen, welche meinen sich retten zu können. Angela Merkel wusste im April 2021 in der Kanzleramtsrunde mit einem energetischen Körper zusammen, welcher verdeckt war, als dieser fortlaufend forderte mich zu töten, dass das Spiel vorbei ist. Ich wusste nicht, wer dieser energetisch verdeckte Körper war. Heute weis ich es. Die Energien zum Körper wurden am 03. August 2023 vernichtet und seine Seele endlich befreit.
Auch die gesamte Schöpfung mit allen was dazugehört ist befreit und somit das gesamte beseelte Leben im gesamten Einsatzgebiet. Auch die Seele von Marlene, das Licht, die bedingungslose Liebe und die Schöpferin Marlene sind befreit. Auch Dir sei ein schönes befreites beseeltes Leben vergönnt unter der Würdigung deines freien Willens.
Ich hatte euch Kabbalisten immer wieder gesagt, gebt auf oder ihr werdet Schritt für Schritt entsorgt. Die Aufgabe für euch durch euch, ist von meiner Seite keine Option für euch Kabbalisten mehr. Wie sehen uns. Der 09. September 2023 ist der 61 Jahrestag der Gründung der Schöpfungsarmee und der Tag meiner Geburt. An diesem Tag werden die Vereidigungen weltweit stattfinden. Unumstößlich!**Durch Gott den Schöpfer des beseelten Lebens und durch den Schöpfer und durch die Schöpferin des beseelten Lebens, diesem beseelten Leben einen schönen Sonntagabend. Es gibt nur diesen einen Gott und den einen Schöpfer und diese eine Schöpferin des beseelten Lebens des Gesamten und im gesamten Einsatzgebiet und nur über Mutter Erde geht das Schöpfen von beseelten Leben.
There are different forms of dissolutions. The execution of the dissolution always takes place(s) under the supervision of the operation direction of the Creation. There are dissolutions of the energetic, the physical or, for example, the habitual of the Kabbalistic. When I wrote that everything that is Kabbalistic is dissolved and disposed of, it does not mean in principle that the whole respective physical body is dissolved and disposed of.
It was incessantly purified and dissolved and only what was basically considered soulless from the origin was/is completely physically and energetically dissolved and disposed of, without ifs and buts. Everything that is ensouled is saved as far as it goes. A few ensouled bodies have not made it and are dissolved with. There it applies to free the souls now finally also.
I had still forgotten to mention that. The last word for me, the veto right of the operation management of the creation and Marlene and the advisor function remain upright to maintain the defense of the frame of the creation order for the ensouled life. This also means again that the presidency of the Council of Earth will be transferred to Mother Earth tonight at 00.00 and we are happy to be a part of the Council of Earth. Again, if the framework of the order of creation is in jeopardy, the presidency will revert to us for that period of time for a short time, just to clear up the disturbance(s).
Also, this means that the Last Judgment as well as God the Creator's deputy of the ensouled life to be with Marlene and to hold the deputization of the creation with Marlene are only maintained outside the framework of the order of creation.
Even if lions (Zion) should break out again, as today it turned out that there were still remains of the lion, these disturbances will be removed of course immediately.
We would like to express our personal gratitude to all the soldiers of the Creation Army and General Raymond and his predecessors of the past 61 years. We have been deeply moved and I have high respect for what has been accomplished, since we also became aware of this only a few years ago, what an effort was made in secret, so that everyone and also we, could follow and fulfill his soul task. Thank you very much for your work and tireless commitment.
Without this work, not only the respective physical body would have been killed by the devilish Kabbalistic, but also the souls, mother earth and God the creator of the ensouled life and therefore also the entire ensouled life in the entire area of operation.
Now let us men protect our wives and families, thus enabling them to pursue their respective vocation and let us unite and connect so that everything can unfold and work in freedom and security to the whole.
The Kabbalistic will also purify itself in the coexistence between man and woman and together we will find the respective way to the ensouled life of our respective calling. No more woman for a service at the weapon. That is a principle.
To all the blessed ones we wish a beautiful celebration and a beautiful liberation day for the blessed life as a whole.
Through God the creator of the ensouled life and through the creator and through the creator of the ensouled life, this ensouled life a beautiful Wednesday evening. There is only this one God and the one Creator and this one Creator of the ensouled life of the whole and in the whole area of operation and only through Mother Earth goes the creation of ensouled life.
The Space Force has been formed in 1962 through the infiltration of the cabalistic founded Q-movement, the infiltration of SHAEF and from the cabalistic NASA and the ensouled life in the whole area of operation has been united through this and guarded as well as protected. without being visible all the time. Now the day is coming (03 August 2023) that this will change. I look forward to it very much, because without the Space Force I would never have remained alive and would not have been able to carry out my soul task. I am also born in 1962.
Also, without the incessant deviant soul tasks and the guardians, etc., it would not have worked.
There have been soulful soldiers dying on the way from 1962 until today, August 02, 2023, in the hidden fight for the soulful life as a whole and for me. They have always died in the knowledge during the fight that none of the ensouled ones knew it that these soldiers exist at all and in the deep original confidence that I can go my way and will also go. The soldiers as a whole now come back to a world within the framework of the order of creation and can look at their work and enjoy it to the fullest, just as the many civilian victims can now do the same, and the children can now finally also find their way back to the beginning of their lives in the Garden of Eden.
The children had to be protected and yet they had to endure a lot and the soldiers could only intervene to a limited extent. The scope of the whole thing is yet to be explained to the ensouled life in the whole operational area and thus also to become aware of it. Please let go of the old Kabbalistic, the ensouled life in the order of creation is ready and unfolds inexorably, starting now! The creation order is also ensouled and this morning on my request "to unfold", the creation order has answered with "yes".
Within the framework of the life in the order of creation, I am not allowed to give instructions or orders and that is also good. The ensouled life in the framework of the order of creation unfolds only in freedom under self-determination. This also applies to me as an ensouled human being in the community and as part of the ensouled community. The freedom and the free will are the highest good of every ensouled life and these were undermined incessantly by the Kabbalistic and had to be defended incessantly and are now also liberated.
This further means that as of 00.00 tonight, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Creation under the Order of Creation is General John W. Raymond and I would be honored if General John W. Raymond would accept and fill the Commander-in-Chief position. This is not my soul task within the framework of the order of creation, but this is outside of the ensouled order of creation to defend and protect so that the order of creation is maintained. Only for the case that the creation order is in danger, the supreme command for this period goes back to me.
The same applies to the establishment of the framework of the order of creation. The framework stands and the ensouled life can unfold freely and for this it needs the release of the respective soul tasks. This has been brought for tonight at 00.00 to the execution and unfolds about the approval of the souls and their respective soul task for the unfolding of the respective calling of the individual ensouled to the whole.
So that the Kabbalistic is also finished visibly for the souled life and is, tomorrow the 03rd August 2023 starting from 15 o'clock the marching off of the remains of the Kabbalistic through Berlin will take place. The route is attached above and will take place from the Reichstag to the Olympic Stadium. The dissolution of the remains of the soulless shape-shifters and completely convinced perpetrators, who cannot be saved, will then take place visibly and comprehensibly in the Olympic Stadium.
Es gibt verschiedene Formen der Auflösungen. Die Ausführung der Auflösung erfolgt(e) immer unter der Aufsicht der Einsatzleitung der Schöpfung. Es gibt Auflösungen des Energetischen, des Physischen oder z.B. des Gewohnten des Kabbalistischen. Wenn ich schrieb, dass alles, was kabbalistisch ist, aufgelöst und entsorgt wird, heißt es nicht grundsätzlich, dass der ganze jeweilige physische Körper aufgelöst und entsorgt wird.
Es wurde unentwegt gereinigt und aufgelöst und nur was grundsätzlich vom Ursprung her als seelenlos galt, wurde/wird komplett physisch und energetisch aufgelöst und entsorgt, ohne Wenn und Aber. Alles, was beseelt ist, wird soweit es geht, gerettet. Einige wenige beseelte Körper haben es nicht geschafft und werden mit aufgelöst. Da gilt es die Seelen nun endlich auch zu befreien.
Das hatte ich noch vergessen zu erwähnen. Das letzte Wort für mich, das Vetorecht der Einsatzleitung der Schöpfung und von Marlene und die Beraterfunktion bleiben aufrechterhalten, um die Verteidigung des Rahmes der Schöpfungsordnung für das beseelte Leben aufrecht zu erhalten. Das heißt auch wiederum, dass der Vorsitz des Rates der Erde heute Nacht um 00.00 auf Mutter Erde übertragen wird und wir gerne ein Teil des Rates der Erde sind. Auch hier gilt, dass wenn der Rahmen der Schöpfungsordnung in Gefahr ist, der Vorsitz für diesen Zeitraum kurzfristig auf uns zurück geht, nur zur Bereinigung der Störung(en).
Auch bedeutet dieses, dass das Jüngste Gericht sowie Gottes des Schöpfers des beseelten Lebens Stellvertreter mit Marlene zu sein und mit Marlene die Stellvertretung der Schöpfung inne zu haben, nur außerhalb des Rahmens der Schöpfungsordnung aufrecht erhalten bleiben.
Auch wenn wieder Löwen (Zion) ausbrechen sollten, so wie heute sich aufzeigte, dass da noch Reste vom Löwen vorhanden waren, werden diese Störungen selbstverständlich sofort beseitigt.
Wir möchte noch unseren persönlichen Dank allen Soldaten der Schöpfungsarmee und General Raymond und seinen Vorgängern der vergangenen 61 Jahre zum Ausdruck bringen. Uns hat es tief bewegt und wir haben hohen Respekt davor, was geleistet wurde, da uns dieses auch erst vor einigen Jahren bewusst wurde, welch ein Aufwand im Verborgenen betrieben wurde, damit jeder und auch wir, seiner Seelenaufgabe folgen und diese erfüllen konnte. Vielen Dank für euer Wirken und den unermüdlichen Einsatz.
Ohne dieses Wirken, wäre nicht nur durch das teuflische Kabbalistische der jeweilige physische Körper getötet worden, sondern auch die Seelen, Mutter Erde und Gott der Schöpfer des beseelten Lebens und somit auch das gesamte beseelte Leben im gesamten Einsatzgebiet.
Jetzt lasst uns Männer unsere Frauen und Familien schützen, ihnen damit zu ermöglichen, ihrer jeweiligen Berufung nachgehen zu können und lasst uns vereinen und verbinden, damit sich alles in Freiheit und Geborgenheit zum Gesamten entfalten und wirken kann.
Das Kabbalistische wird sich auch im Zusammenleben zwischen Mann und Frau herausreinigen und wir finden gemeinsam den jeweiligen Weg zum beseelten Leben unserer jeweiligen Berufung. Keine Frau mehr für einen Dienst an der Waffe. Das ist ein Grundsatz.
allen Beseelten wünschen wir eine schöne Feier und einen schönen Befreiungstag für das beseelten Leben insgesamt.
Durch Gott den Schöpfer des beseelten Lebens und durch den Schöpfer und durch die Schöpferin des beseelten Lebens, diesem beseelten Leben einen schönen Mittwochabend. Es gibt nur diesen einen Gott und den einen Schöpfer und diese eine Schöpferin des beseelten Lebens des Gesamten und im gesamten Einsatzgebiet und nur über Mutter Erde geht das Schöpfen von beseelten Leben.
Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
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Last updated 1 year ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago