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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
One of the oldest, most mysterious, confusing, and energetically powerful places on Earth.
Visit Adam's Calendar in South Africa dating back over 150,000 years.
Discover the largest concentration of ancient ruins and the advanced vanished civilization that created them.
See our website book your stay and tour. See the breathtaking tools and artifacts, and fossils of creatures and giants in the Stone Circle Museum.
[email protected]
You will never see our ancient history the same way again.
Keep exploring, Michael Tellinger.
Most people have no idea about MONEY - what it really is - where it comes from - and why we started to use it.
Who controls it, and who has the right to create money out of thin air.
Once you know this, your perception about the world and our problems will change forever. And you will know what we need to do to create a beautiful utopian world of abundance and prosperity for all.
This is the fundamental idea behind the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative. The UBUNTU book is the foundation for this beautiful plan of action.
Get the book - be informed - and tell everyone about ONE SMALL TOWN. In unity - Michael Tellinger
Most people have no idea about MONEY - what it really is - where it comes from - and why we started to use it.
Who controls it, and who has the right to create money out of thin air.
Once you know this, your perception about the world and our problems will change forever. And you will know what we need to do to create a beautiful utopian world of abundance and prosperity for all.
This is the fundamental idea behind the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative. The UBUNTU book is the foundation for this beautiful plan of action.
Get the book - be informed - and tell everyone about ONE SMALL TOWN.
In unity - Michael Tellinger
We live in truly interesting times.
I will be talking to Gareth Icke about ONE SMALL TOWN on his show ICKEONIC this evening at 7pm
In Unity - Michael Tellinger
This is the official OST International FB page.
Follow us there and participate - comment and respond.
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See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
ONE SMALL TOWN Implementation
We have learnt very valuable lessons over the past 2 years, of implementing OST in various towns of the world. We learnt that there is a huge difference between a simple idea of people cooperating and collaborating to launch OST in their community, and the unexpected challenges that emerge when we start doing it.
The first point is that nothing that will last and thrive is ever achieved without planning and structure. That is why we created the OST Platform, to manage this structure and provide oversight systems for Ambassadors and members to plan their businesses and activities, monitor progress, see their success and analyze if things go wrong.
It is a very powerful tool that all OST Ambassadors and members have access to for free. Very few large corporations have access to such systems.
2) APPOINTING AMBASSADORSThe next big thing we learnt, was that appointing Ambassadors is a very serious thing, that could backfire badly on our credibility. Just because someone likes what we do, and wants to be involved, does not mean they will make a good Ambassador. We have had to learn how to profile and interview potential Ambassadors.
The role can be equated to an experienced CEO or General Manager with diverse skills and experience managing people to deliver their best for the company - except in this case, it is for the community.
We now have a detailed system to identify the best possible people to become OST Ambassadors, and know exactly what is expected of them. The OST Platform provides all the tools they require.
The third big thing we are still learning about with new Ambassadors of different countries, is what the best corporate structure is for the national OST office, and the individual businesses started by members in the many towns of that country. We are dealing with Non-profit companies, LLCs, Trusts, Community Trusts, Community Co-op's, and others. It is a tricky and challenging task to ensure we use local laws and tax legalities to our advantage that benefit the OST members most effectively, with as little bureaucratic meddling from local and national authorities. We have a growing team of very smart people finding amazing solutions.
We are entering a new era of ONE SMALL TOWN growth that will deliver the results all of us have imagined.
Become a member of ONE SMALL today. Get your INFINITY TOKENS, and start using them among other members, the way we all gravitated towards bitcoin in the beginning.
This is our token, let's make it vital.
In unity, Michael Tellinger.
Both My Hacked Facebook Pages Recovered.
I have now regained access and control of both my FB Pages that were hacked about a month ago.
It was not easy - and for a month or so I thought that I had lost control of this page forever.
I will start removing all the junk posted here by the hackers over the past few weeks - and I will be really extra careful to spot potential hackers if possible in the future.
Thank you all for your Patience and understanding.
Let's get back to sharing good news regarding my research into the ancient vanished civilizations of Southern Africa and the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative taking off around the world.
In unity & resonance
Michael Tellinger
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See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
My Hacked Facebook Page is Recovered.
It seems that I have regained access and control of this FB Page.
It was not easy - and for a month or so I thought that I had lost control of this page forever. I still need to recover the other page.
I will start removing all the junk posted here by the hackers over the past few weeks - and I will be really extra careful to spot potential hackers if possible in the future.
Thank you all for your Patience and understanding.
Let's get back to sharing good news regarding my research into the ancient vanished civilizations of Southern Africa and the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative taking off around the world.
In unity & resonance
Michael Tellinger
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See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago