Telegram adalah sebuah ide tentang kebebasan dan privasi, memiliki banyak fitur yang mudah digunakan.
Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Drama Korea Sub Indonesia.
Update 1 Season tiap hari.
Paid Promote @sultankhilaf
Ikuti saluran Drakor Drama Korea Sub Indo di WhatsApp:
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
join :
promosi berbayar chat : @ofcbulolwithyu
laporan/kritsar/izin : @binimarkrobot
Request di @hatersrbot
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago
heyyyy admin jjnya ga kuat kalo sampe 60an, diubah jadi yb aja ya ?? yang tadi udah drop, tlonk drop namanya disini yh besfren, ataw bleh drop ulang
Mestic ada yang mau buka store atau udah punya store tapi belum punya setup ba gaa? 3 orang tercepat boleh send chat ke @ full ya, mau dibeliin setup ba fullpack. sekalian title apa yang bagus buat etmin khnz, diliat liat kopong bener titlenya ? tar malems danaterkejut
knp yb khnz dibilang lusyu, padahal lusyuan yg jangmet ituch ?? yearbook, pasti kalian ga espek bisa sehappy kiyowo ini, soalnya bukan si jamet yang bikin :p BTW @CEGILL ON OPEN PRICE ‼️
Pinnacle victory has glittered, all them gathered in the celebration area where game was finished, greeted with joy and hearts full happiness, a group sweet kittens knit hope on pink cloth full affection and beauty ꒰ ઇઉ⊹˚ ..
So precious to make, everything looks radiant, because they will get surprise from giveaway that was held, this is announcement you've been waiting for! Please see list below, are there any of you? Attack now bombs entire pink.
Congratulations to fighters who won, winning results above have been agreed upon and negotiated together randomly which has been up on @Gariis. We hope our gifts will always be useful and make you happy. For all sweet kittens who haven’t succeeded, it’s okay, don’t be discouraged and sad, maybe next time, so don’t leave this channel okay? Thank you to everyone who took part in this giveaway, I hope all dreams you wrote on small comsect can come true, all your prayers will come back to you. See you next time!
Mestic, mulai sekarang hati-hati ya kalau mau ganti/lepas username, karena banyak yang kecolongan dari bot anti limit. itu nanti kalo ada yang lepas username, di bot dia langsung muncul dan otomatis ke keep sama dia walaupun di kita masih limit. jadi buat sekarang jangan coba coba lepas username dulu kalau limit yap. @noirmart parah lu
Telegram adalah sebuah ide tentang kebebasan dan privasi, memiliki banyak fitur yang mudah digunakan.
Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Drama Korea Sub Indonesia.
Update 1 Season tiap hari.
Paid Promote @sultankhilaf
Ikuti saluran Drakor Drama Korea Sub Indo di WhatsApp:
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
join :
promosi berbayar chat : @ofcbulolwithyu
laporan/kritsar/izin : @binimarkrobot
Request di @hatersrbot
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago