
LeetCode 1300+

Motto: Победа любит подготовку

- Getting ready for FAANG | FAANGga tayyorlanamiz
- Data Structures and Algorithms | Ma'lumotlar tuzilmalari va Algoritmlar
- SE at Deloitte ??
- LeetCode: https://leetcode.com/tbekpro/
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Маркетинг: @CoffeeTrends

Last updated 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Здесь простым языком про TON, DFC и крипту.

Принимаем автоматически.
Ссылка для друзей: https://t.me/+-EOfWx2pRKhmNGE6
Связь: @deftalk_bot

Last updated 1 month ago

#1 канал о блокчейне, криптовалютах и децентрализованных финансах.

🔥 Реклама — @DCTeam

Last updated 1 day, 6 hours ago

3 months, 2 weeks ago


Hammaga salom!
Yana 100ta LeetCode masalasini yechganimni shu yerda qoldirmoqchiman.

Borgan sari masalalarni yechish qiyinlashib bormoqda. Lekin, albatta, to'xtash yo'q. Chunki yutish kerak ?

Yaqinda LeetCode ishlashida bug ?bo'ldi va yechilgan masalalarimning sonini 17ga kamaytirib qo'ydi. Bir oz o'tib, o'z joyiga qaytdi. Shuning uchun, kechroq bo'lsa ham post qilyapman.

Hammaga omad! ✌️

P.S. Uzmasdan LeetCode masalalarini ishlayotganimga 680 kun bo'libdi.


4 months ago
Future is here? Mindblowing ***?***

Future is here? Mindblowing ?

4 months, 1 week ago

Found this one really interesting



Advice to my younger self and you after 20 years in programming

I was approved a talent green card petition, became a GDE, and a lot more. Here is what I would do differently to make it faster.

Found this one really interesting
5 months ago

Hi, all! ??

Here is the the sneak peek of my first interview with Uzbek software engineers in foreign countries!

Subscribe to my channel to watch the upcoming video.




Hammaga salom! ??

Chet elda yashayotgan O'zbekistonlik dasturchi bilan intervyumning kichik qiziq qismini sizlar bilan ulashishmoqchiman.

Youtube kanalimga obuna bo'ling va videoni ko'ring!



6 months, 1 week ago

#Interview #Meta #Facebook

Hammaga salom!

Bugun Meta bilan bo'lgan interview tajribamni sizlar bilan ulashishni davom etmoqchiman.

Q: Shu savolga qanday javob berganingizni yozsangiz yaxshi boʻlar edi.
A: Shu payt bergan javobim so'zma-so'z esimda yo'q, ammo asosiy fikr ikkita:
1. Hozirgi ishlayotgan kompaniya menga juda yoqadi va kompaniya ichidagi muhit juda ham yaxshi degan edim.
2. Ammo Meta'dagi bo'lgan scale, challenge'lar, oxirgi texnologiyalar bilan ishlash meni professional sifatida rivojlanishimga va katta impact qila olishimga zo'r imkoniyat beradi deb aytganman.

Q: Davomi qani, Behzodbek?
A: :writes continuation: ?

Rekruter bilan gaplashgandan so'ng, ular ikkinchi bosqich, 1ta sessiya davomida 2ta masala yechiladigan technical interview, uchun menga qulay bo'lgan 3-5gacha 45 daqiqalik "oyna"larni yuborishimni so'rashdi. Men 5tasini email orqali yubordim.

Siz interview jarayonini boshlaganingizda sizda o'zingizning shaxsiy sahifangiz bo'ladi va shu sahifada kerak bo'lgan ma'lumotlar bor:
- Jarayonning qaysi bosqichida ekanligingiz.
- Keyingi interview qaysi kuni va soat nechada bo'lishi. Interview qiluvchi odamning ismlari ham bo'ladi.
- Tayyorlanish uchun kerak bo'lgan materiallar va boshqa sahifa va saytlarga havolalar ham bo'ladi.
- Xattoki, technical interview'da sizga uchrashi mumkin bo'lgan mavzular va masalalarning namunalari ham beriladi.

Men shularni ishlatgan holda va, albatta, LeetCode'dagi masalalarni ham olib tayyorlandim.

Esdan chiqarmang: Sizning asosiy maqsadingiz berilgan masalani faqatgina yecha olish emas, balki yechayotganingizda nima haqida o'ylayotganingizni ham to'g'ri muloqot qila olishdir. Boshqa so'zlar bilan aytganda, tayyorlanayotganingizda masalani xuddi kimdirga tushuntirmoqchi bo'lganingizdek yechishingiz kerak. Buning uchun LeetCode'dan masalani yechish paytida, qanday qilib yechmoqchisiz, qanday chek holatlar borligini va boshqa tafsilotlarni og'zaki aytib o'tishni o'rganishingiz lozim.

Davomi bor!

Omad! ?


6 months, 3 weeks ago


I do remember times when I commited to solving LeetCode problems regularly.

Even if I was a developer with some experience, cracking LeetCode questions was really challenging.
When I just started I was sorting the list of the questions and taking easiest easy problems.
It took me more than 2 hours to find a solution for such questions.

Man, when I tried medium questions in the beginning, it was awful, catastrophe!
Some problems took one day or several days to crack! I was angry at myself!
I thought "Am I so helpless?" How on Earth other people a cracking these questions during interviews?!

During an interview one has a lot of stress, no IDE, someone is watching, you should verbally explain each step, and you have to tackle a medium problem (which was taking several hours at least) - all of this is overwhelmingly complicated.

But there was one thing I believed: one was able to do this and I can.
I was stubborn. I didn't want to admit that I can't do what other person can do.

And, as a result, still some questions take several hours to solve :D, but these are mostly hard problems.
Just kidding! Yes, it is much easier right now, I feel much more comfortable writing in browser, talking as I code, and, the most importantly, feeling more confident.



7 months ago


Salom, do'stlar!
Kelajakdagi Behzod uchun yozilgan post. O'zimni yengib, har kuni ertalab ishdan 1.5 soat avval turib, bir kun uzmay 570 kundan ortiq LeetCode'da masalalarni yechayotganim haqida eslatma.

1200 - hozirgacha yecha olgan masalalariming soni.

Oxirgi 100ta masalani olsak, 83 vs 17: qiyin + o'rta qiyinlikdagi masalalar va oson masalalar soni, 83% - bu har yangi masala oldingi masaladan qiyinroq bo'lishiga qaramasdan erishilgan natija - yaxshi natija deb o'ylayman.

P.S. Meta'ga interview haqida postni joylash rejada bor, lekin keyinroq - so'nggi bir necha hafta bir ozgina busy bo'ldi.

Omad! ?✌️


7 months ago


Hi, guys!
Just a note to my future self that I was able to overcome my inner lazy self and consistently solve LeetCode problems for more than 570 days in a row.

1200 is the number of problems I managed to solve so far.

83 vs 17 is hard + medium vs easy problems which is 83% - not a bad result since every new problem is harder and harder to crack though.

P.S. I'll post about interview at Meta, but later - last several weeks got a little hectic.

Cheers! ?✌️


8 months, 2 weeks ago

Hammaga salom! ?

Meta (ex Facebook) da bir oy davomida interview jarayonidan o’tdim. Onsite bosqichiga bordim, ammo offer ololmadim.

Interview jarayoni haqida batafsil keyingi postlarda yozib o’taman.

Hammaga omad!


8 months, 4 weeks ago

Hammaga salom! ?

1. System Design:
- Youtube'da bitta zo'r System Design mock interview'ni topib oldim. Bu videoning zo'r tomoni shuki, interview olayotgan odam videoning oxirida o'zining feedback'ini beradi. Feedback'ning tuzilishi, qanday darajadan nimalar bilish va tushuntira olish kerakligini aytib o'tadi. Shu tarafdan juda ham foydali deb topdim. Havola -> Design Live Comments Feature: System Design Interview with a Meta Engineer

- Redis va Memcached cache'larning orasida nima farqlari bor. Va Google orqali topgan boshqa sahifalar.

  1. LeetCode:
    - Har kuni bittadan medium masalalarni yechishni davom etayapman.

P.S. Siz bugun qanday progress qildingiz??



Design Live Comments Feature: System Design Interview with a Meta Engineer

In this systems design mock interview, a Meta engineer asks the interviewee to design a live comments feature that displays new comments as they're posted without the need for refreshing or reloading the media content. This question is roughly on par with…

We recommend to visit

Официальный новостной канал криптобиржи OKX | www.okx.com на русском языке.

? Комьюнити: t.me/okx_russian

?‍? Поддержка: [email protected]

Маркетинг: @CoffeeTrends

Last updated 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Здесь простым языком про TON, DFC и крипту.

Принимаем автоматически.
Ссылка для друзей: https://t.me/+-EOfWx2pRKhmNGE6
Связь: @deftalk_bot

Last updated 1 month ago

#1 канал о блокчейне, криптовалютах и децентрализованных финансах.

🔥 Реклама — @DCTeam

Last updated 1 day, 6 hours ago