Monica Smit

Full-time Freedom Loving Activist.
Soon to be author
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1 month, 3 weeks ago

To those of you who have supported me throughout my ordeals…YOU GIVE ME STRENGTH. Thank you!

I promise I’ll never take a deal to be silenced.

Come to the county court 23rd July OR subscribe and I’ll update you daily during the trial

1 month, 3 weeks ago
Monica Smit
1 month, 3 weeks ago

"We can't live in fear" - Lise Smit

While preparing for my upcoming trial, I came across this goodie. Taken November 3rd 2020

How inspiring are my folks ey? Makes sense why I am the way I's my parents' fault for making me this way haha

I'll be giving daily updates of my trial, subscribe at

4 months ago
I am proud to be attacked …

I am proud to be attacked while fulfilling my calling. There is zero shame when you have nothing to hide.

Bring it on...I ain't going anywhere!

My motivation is Godly and truthful, what is their motivation I wonder?

See you next time folks

4 months, 1 week ago

Correction - I do have a conviction. I thought ‘convicted and discharged’ meant no conviction. I got convicted of not registering a fundraiser, that is all! No, it’s nothing to do with fraud…gees.

How shameful that I didn’t fill out an online fundraiser form. Oh and my other conviction last year was recording MY OWN COURT CASE and posting it on MY OWN CHANNELS.

Lock up your kids, bar your windows…there’s a woman taking videos and voluntary donations…run and hide.

The conviction is not serious in any way. It doesn’t stop me from travelling or ANYTHING.

Convictions from a tyrannical government don’t bother me at all, in fact, it means I must be doing a lot right haha 🙂 I wonder what the next one will be.

4 months, 1 week ago

I am so tempted to run a fundraiser to pay for my fundraising fine haha

4 months, 1 week ago
I surrender myself to truth and …

I surrender myself to truth and God.

Despite what the current news might have you think...I have not been taking donations for a very long time.

The only way to support me work is to buy something :-) A win/win. You support me, and get something at the same time

4 months, 1 week ago

**Channel 7 report from today’s case.

Correction** - I am not being charged for pocketing money! I’m being charged for not REGISTERING a fundraiser.

There has been no evidence or submissions that I pocketed funds. They are trying to establish if the funds were for RDA and me or on behalf of a third party.

Our argument - it doesn’t fit the definition of a fundraiser because the funds were to support RDA and its’ sole-director’s (me) legal costs. A fundraiser, by definition, is when someone raises funds on behalf of SOMEONE ELSE.

4 months, 1 week ago

Sorry the judge told them to delete link. Update you soon.

4 months, 3 weeks ago
Who doesn’t love and respect this …

Who doesn’t love and respect this man!!!???!!!

He’s in Perth soon…

Tues 23rd Stirling/NOR:

Wed 24th Willetton/SOR:

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Support: @HamsterKombat_support_bot




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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

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🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 21 hours ago