Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅
‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!
Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!
? https://Qashqadaryo24.uz
⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin
? Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin??
Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅
??Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
?Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
? UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646
?Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut
Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago
You are your actions. Your actions are you. Your self-image doesn't matter as much.
Very soon, you will smile and say, this is more than what I prayed for)
People who have a high spiritual intelligence don't just read words. They read moods, they read energy, they read vibes and body language.
Their senses are supreme.
They might not say much, but they notice everything.
If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. But if you spend your time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you.
When you focus on improving yourself, everything you want will come to you. We attract based on who we are, not what we want.
Don't chase, attract.
The saddest part of Ramadan is that at the end of the day we get to eat while some people continue to stay hungry...
U ertadan tavba qilib, namoz o'qimoqchi edi. Lekin ulgirmadi..
if you want to know the reality of people then always notice this how they behaved with you, a true person will never hurt you with things you hate, will never give you stranger feelings, will never use abusing words will never ignore your love, and never lies, Do good and good will come to you
Make peace with the fact that people hold a different versions of you in their mind... And that's okay.
Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅
‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!
Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!
? https://Qashqadaryo24.uz
⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin
? Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin??
Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅
??Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
?Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
? UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646
?Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut
Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago