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1 year ago

Archie and His Donkey | #Essential1 Unit 26

Old Archie needed some money. He decided to sell his donkey. So he and his son Tom went to town. It was situated many miles away.

Soon, they met a woman. “Where are you going?” she asked.

“To town,” said Archie.

“Any smart person would ride the donkey,” she said.

“What are you implying?” Archie asked. “I’m very smart!” Archie wanted to look smart. So he climbed onto the donkey. Then they continued in the direction of the town.

Further along the road, they met a farmer.

“Hello,” said Archie. “We want to sell this donkey. Do you want to buy it?”

“I don’t need a donkey,” said the farmer. “But if you want my advice, don’t ride it. The donkey needs to be in good physical condition.”

“Good idea,” said Archie. “Tom, I want you to ride it. You’re lighter.”

Neither you nor your son should ride it. It looks very tired. You should carry the donkey.” suggested the farmer.

“You're right,” said Archie. “Come on, Tom! We'll carry it for the final few miles!”

The donkey was very heavy, and they couldn’t maintain a good speed. They didn’t arrive until late in the evening. At last, they walked into the town. But there they attracted the attention of some teenage boys. They laughed at Tom and Archie. They started to throw stones at them. The donkey reacted by kicking. Tom and Archie dropped the donkey. It fell on the ground and then ran away. Archie lost his donkey. He went home with no money.

What does this story teach us? We cannot please everyone in our society. Don’t take everyone’s advice, but set your own standards. Prove to everyone that you can make decisions by yourself. Otherwise, you may end up with nothing at all.

?Qoraytirilgan so'zlarning ma'nosi va tarjimasi ?MANA BU YERDA?

Join us and answer the questions below ?*?*?**@Reading_Vocabulary


Essential Words | VOCABULARY

***📗*** Book 1 | Unit 26 ***📑*** Word list ***🔰***advice [n.] — maslahat ***🔺***>> Advice is an opinion about what to do. >> Advice biror narsa qilish haqidagi fikr. — I don’t know how to study for my exams. Can you give me some advice? — Men imtihonlarimga qanday tayyorlanishni…

1 year ago


? Iq darajasi 130dan yuqori bo'lgan odamlar uchun jumboq.
Odamlarning 87% javobini topa olmadi.

Rasmda nechta uchburchak bor



1 year ago

Joe’s Pond | #Essential1 Unit 25

Joe made the world a better place. He got the idea to do that at school. He watched a video there. It was about a factory. This factory produced a lot of trash and put it in a river. The trash and water were a bad mix. People populated the area by the river and drank its water. This made them sick. Many of them needed medicine and made regular visits to doctors.

But the video wasn’t all bad news. It showed ways to pick up trash and why it’s important to do this. It said people can make a difference to their environment. The video’s important features made Joe associate trash with hurting people.

One day Joe walked through a park. He recognized some of the problems from the video. One instance of these problems was the trash in the pond. It was full of plastic cups. There was too much trash. Joe didn’t want it to hurt anyone.

He told his grandfather about the park. His grandfather said, “You know, it’s a tradition in our family to help people. That’s why we give food to poor people. Maybe you can help people by cleaning the park.”

Cleaning the park would involve hard work. Joe decided to organize a group to help him. He chose a wide area of the park. It had the most trash. He asked his family and friends to come. On Saturday, he gave everyone a sharp stick. They wondered why. He said, “You use the skick’s tip to pick up trash. This makes it easier.” They worked for six weeks. Different people helped each time, but Joe was always there.

In that period of time, Joe saw a range of results. There was no trash in the water. People could swim in it. Joe knew that was a good sign. He was happy because he helped his environment.

?Qoraytirilgan so'zlarning ma'nosi va tarjimasi ?MANA BU YERDA?

Join us and answer the questions below ?*?*?**


Essential Words | VOCABULARY

***📗*** Book 1 | Unit 25 ***📑*** Word list ***🔰***associate [v.] — bog'lamoq ***🔺***>> To associate means to connect something with a person or thing. >> Associate biror narsani shaxs yoki narsa bilan bog'lashni bildiradi. — Most people associate birthday parties with having…

1 year ago
Ingliz tilida "**Men kasalman**" iborasi qanday …

Ingliz tilida "Men kasalman" iborasi qanday tarjima qilinadi?

1 year ago
*****⭕️***Qozog'istonlik millioner kim uning qiziga uylansa, …

*⭕️*Qozog'istonlik millioner kim uning qiziga uylansa, 25 million dollar to'laydi

Qozog'istondagi eng boy odamlardan biri bo'lgan umidsiz ota mana necha yildirki qiziga er topolmaydi. Vorisga uylangan kuyov uchun, u hatto kuyovga pul to'lashga tayyor. Ammo hech kim unga uylana olmadi. Chunki uning qizi...❗️**

1 year ago

Siyosatga qiziqasizmi?
Siyosiy jarayonlargachi?
Unda bu kanal aynan siz uchun. ??

?Tezkor dunyo yangiliklari.
?NATO Rossiyaga qarshimi?
?Siyosiy faktlar, siyosiy qarashlar, siyosiy nazariyalar
?? O'zbekistondagi siyosiy yangiliklar, siyosiy xabarlar
?Raqamlar, statistikalar
? Ukrainada vaziyat qanaqa?
?AQSh va Rossiya qanday siyosiy bahslashishmoqda?kabi savollarga ushbu kanaldan javob olasiz
?Osiyo mintaqasida va dunyoda ro'y berayotgan eng so'nggi yangiliklar haqida

? @xalqaro_siyosat

Ulanish ??



Bizdan uzoqlashmang, eng tezkor xabarlar faqat bizning kanalda. Barcha dunyo yangiliklarini birinchilardan bo'lib bizning kanaldan bilib borasiz. Reklama xizmati bor:***👇*** Reklama uchun:***👇*** @Siyosat\_564

Siyosatga qiziqasizmi?
1 year ago

A Strong Friendship | #Essential1 Unit 24

Tim was the strongest man in the town. When he played sports, he always won. He performed and exercised in the public park.  He did this to show everyone how strong he was. Most people liked him, but one man didn’t. His name was Jack.

Jack hated Tim. Jack was a movie critic and the smartest man in town. He could solve complex math problems. But no one cared. Jack wanted to be famous like Tim.

One day, there was an unusual event. A big storm came suddenly. Snow covered the town. No one could get out. They needed food. The people said, “This is a task for a strong man.” Tim was under pressure to save them. But Jack wanted to be the hero, so they both went. Tim said, “You can’t help because of your lack of strength.”

But Jack found some small passages under the snow. One of them led toward another town. That town had food.  Because Tim was so big and strong, he almost couldn’t fit inside.  They walked until there was a block of ice in their way. Jack said, “We can’t get past it.  But if you strike it, it might break.” Tim knew that was probable.

He broke it.  When there were more ice blocks, Tim broke them. That made him tired.  He couldn’t walk anymore. Jack said, “Let’s unite and support each other. I’ll get the food alone. You rest here.”

Jack came back with food. Tim couldn’t remember which passage led home. He needed Jack to be his guide. The men became friends by working together.

In town, people saw Jack with the food and cheered. They called Jack a hero. But Jack didn’t care. He was thinking of something else. He said to Tim, “I thought I was smart, but I learned a new term today: friendship.”

?Qoraytirilgan so'zlarning ma'nosi va tarjimasi ?MANA BU YERDA?

Join us and answer the questions below ?*?**?*


Essential Words | VOCABULARY

***📗*** Book 1 | Unit 24 ***📑*** Word list ***🔰***block [n.] — bo'lak ***🔺***>> A block is a solid piece of wood, stone or ice. >> Block tosh, yog'och yoki muzning qattiq bo'lagi. — I saw a block of ice on the floor. — Men pol ustida muz bo'lagini ko'rdim. ***🔰***cheer [v.] — qichqirmoq…

1 year ago

*?Full IELTS Mock Exams ?‍?*

?IELTS-ga tayyorgarlik koʻrayotganlar uchun bepul testlar va bularni yechish uchun pastdagilarni bosing. ?**
[•Mock 51                     •Mock 66
•Mock 52                     •Mock 67
•Mock 53                     •Mock 68
•Mock 54                     •Mock 69
•Mock 55                     •Mock 70
•Mock 56                     •Mock 71
•Mock 57                     •Mock 72
•Mock 58                     •Mock 73
•Mock 59                     •Mock 74
•Mock 60                     •Mock 75
•Mock 61                     •Mock 76
•Mock 62                     •Mock 77
•Mock 63                     •Mock 78
•Mock 64                     •Mock 79
•Mock 65                     •Mock 80


•Mock 81                     •Mock 91
•Mock 82                     •Mock 92
•Mock 83                     •Mock 93
•Mock 84                     •Mock 94
•Mock 85                     •Mock 95
•Mock 86                     •Mock 96
•Mock 87                     •Mock 97
•Mock 88                     •Mock 98
•Mock 89                     •Mock 99
•Mock 90                     •Mock 100](

?Bulardan tashqari har kuni soat 20;00 da Listening va Reading mock testlari boʻlib oʻtadi.
?Sharing is caring: @SHOCKING_IELTS

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