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Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago

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4 months, 3 weeks ago ? +2.5k Shares as a first-time gift

4 months, 3 weeks ago ? +2.5k Shares as a first-time gift

6 months, 1 week ago


? So what? - Nima bo‘libdi?

*? speak one's mind - fikrini bildirmoq*

*? What are you talking about? - Nima demoqchisiz o‘zi!*

? What for? - Nega?

? You can take it from me - Menga ishonishing mumkin

? point of view - nuqtai nazar

? pro and con - rozi va norozi

? say one's say - fikrini bildirmoq

? side against - qarshi tomonni qo‘llamoq

? Mind one's own business - Birovning ishiga aralashmaslik

? no matter - ahamiyati yo‘q


P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ?❤️

? Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
? @Ruschani_Urganamiz1
? @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz ?
? @Ibrat_English_Grammar ?
? @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz ?

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Aniq bir shaxsga tegishli bo'lmagan firklarni ifodalash uchun iboralar

1. It is widely believed that...
Ko'pchilikning fikriga ko'ra...

2. It is commonly thought that...
Ko'pchilik shunday deb o'ylaydiki...

3. Many people argue that...
Ko'pchilikning fikriga ko'ra...
(Bahs munozarali holatda ishlatiladi)

4. Many experts argue that...
Ko'pchilik mutaxasislarning fikriga ko'ra..

5. It is often said that...
Ko'pchilik tez tez takidlaydike...

6. It is frequently argued that...
Tez tez takidlanadiki....

7. According to popular option...
Ko'pchilikning fikriga kòra...

8. It is widely known that...
Hammaga ma'lumki...

9. It is widely believed by many that..
Ko'pchilik ishonadike...

10. It is often cited as evidence that...
Ko'pchilik dalil sifatida keltiradike...

Prepared by Abdusamatov


P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ?❤️

? Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
? @Ruschani_Urganamiz1
? @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz ?
? @Ibrat_English_Grammar ?
? @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz ?

6 months, 3 weeks ago


If you please - marhamat qilib
○Take a seat, if you please.

Please God - Alloh sendan o'tinib so'rayman
○Please God, don't let him be dead.

Please yourself - bilganingni qil
○"I can't stand this place - I'm going home." "Please yourself."

God knows - Xudo biladi
○God knows where he's put the keys!

Oh my God - Voy Xudoyim
○Oh my God, I've never seen anything like it.

God willing - Xudo xoxlasa
○I'll be back next week, God willing.

God forbid - Xudo asrasin
○I always wear my seatbelt when driving, God forbid there's an accident.


P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ?❤️

? Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
? @Ruschani_Urganamiz1
? @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz ?
? @Ibrat_English_Grammar ?
? @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz ?

6 months, 3 weeks ago


?Ingliz tilida eng ko'p foydalaniladigan top-50 ta so'z

  1. the - aniq artikl
  2. of - ning
  3. to - ga 
  4. and - va 
  5. a - noaniq artikl
  6. in - ichida 
  7. colour - rang 
  8. it - u (jonsiz narsa uchun) 
  9. you - sen 
  10. that - ana u

  11. was - "be"ning o'tgan zamon shakli

  12. he - u (o'g'il bolaga nisbatan)
  13. for - uchun 
  14. on - ustida
  15. area - maydon 
  16. with - bilan 
  17. as - sifatida, ...dek
    18. I - men 
  18. his- uning
  19. they- ular 

  20. be - bo'lmoq 

  21. at - da 
  22. one - bir
  23. have - bor bo'lmoq
  24. this - bu, mana bu
  25. from - ...dan 
  26. or - yoki 
  27. had - "have"ning o'tgan zamon shakli
  28. by - tomonidan, ...gacha
  29. hot - issiq  

  30. word - so'z 

  31. but - lekin 
  32. what - nima?
  33. some - bir nechta 
  34. we - biz 
  35. can - qila olmoq 
  36. out - tashqi 
  37. other - boshqa 
  38. were - "be"ning o'tgan zamon shakli
  39. all - hamma 

  40. there - u yerda 

  41. when - qachon 
  42. up - tepaga 
  43. use - foydalanmoq 
  44. your - sening 
  45. how - qanday 
  46. said - aytmoq ("say"ning o'tgan zamon shaki)
  47. each - har bir
  48. which - qaysi 
  49. she - u (qiz bolaga nisbatan)


P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ?❤️

? Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
? @Ruschani_Urganamiz1
? @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz ?
? @Ibrat_English_Grammar ?
? @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz ?

6 months, 3 weeks ago

? bring [v.] — keltirmoq, olib kelmoq
▪️>> To bring means to take someone or something to a person or place. >> To bring birortasi yoki biror narsani odamga yoki joyga olib borish degani.

— Oscar will bring in all the boxes.
— Oskar barcha qutilarni olib keladi.

? castle [n.] — qasr, saroy
▪️>> A castle is a building with strong walls where royalty usually lives. >> A castle bu odatda qirollik oila a'zolari yashaydigan mustahkam devorlari bo'lgan bino.

— The castle was built many years ago.
— Haligi qasr bir necha yillar avval qurilgan.

? command [v.] — buyruq bermoq, buyurmoq
▪️>> To command someone is to tell them to do something. >> Birortasiga command qilish unga biror narsa qilishni aytish degani.

— The general commanded his army to attack.
— General armiyasiga hujum qilishni buyurdi.

? counsel [v.] — maslahat bermoq
▪️>> To counsel someone is to listen and give advice about a problem. >> Birortasiga counsel qilish uni eshitish va uning muammosi haqida maslahat berish degani.

— The teacher counseled the girl about her troubles.
— O'qituvchi haligi qizga uning qiyinchiliklari haqida maslahat berdi.

? ensure [v.] — ta'minlamoq
▪️>> To ensure is to make certain that something happens. >> To ensure biror narsa sodir bo'lishini aniq qilish degani.

— Eating good food ensures that we stay healthy.
— Yaxshi ovqatlarni iste'mol qilish sog'lom bo'lishimizni ta'minlaydi.


P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ?❤️

? Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
? @Ruschani_Urganamiz1
? @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz ?
? @Ibrat_English_Grammar ?
? @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz ?

6 months, 3 weeks ago

*➡️ You look lovely.? Siz ajoyib ko'rinasiz.

➡️ You have a wonderful taste in clothes.*? *Sizda kiyimlarga nisbatan ajoyib didingiz bor.

➡️ You look so well after the holiday! ? Ta'tildan so'ng judayam yaxshi ko'rinyapsiz!

➡️ You don't look your age.*? *Yoshingizga o'xshamaysiz.

➡️ Thank you for your compliment. ? Xushomad uchun rahmat.

➡️ Thank you for a nice day.
? Ajoyib kun uchun rahmat.

➡️ That’s very kind of you.*? *Judayam mehribon ekansiz.

➡️ You’re very generous. ? Siz judayam saxiy ekansiz.

➡️ You have a great sense of humor. ? Sizda ajoyib yumorlik hislati bor ekan.*

??????????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????????, ????? ???????? ??? ??????. ???? ???????????? ??'???, ?????????? ?'?????????????? ??'????...?

Don't forget to share ?♻️♻️
☑️Kanalimizga obuna bo'ling?
IELTS chellengers

P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ?❤️

? Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
? @Ruschani_Urganamiz1
? @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz ?
? @Ibrat_English_Grammar ?
? @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz ?

8 months, 2 weeks ago

TO BE VERB | Question Forms | 2-dars | Easy Grammar English

* Oldin bizda, keyin boshqalarda
? Kanalimizga a'zo bo'lishni unutmang*??

@Ibrat_Farzandlari3 ?

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Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

?Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
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Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago

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Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago