
➡️ @FDroid on Telegram is a community run project

➡️ F-Droid is a catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for Android
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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

5 years, 11 months ago

?GADGETBRIDGE is an open-source replacement for the Android app of Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bip, HPlus ZeBand, XWatch and other smart bands

Application allows users to use various smart bands without constantly utilizing the vendor’s closed source application. It also does away with the need to create an account and transmit your user data to the vendor. What’s more, the open source nature of this app allows users to be confident about how their data is handled and ensure that it does not leave their devices..
? Download on F-Droid
? Source code

? @FDroid
#App #Alternatives

XDA Developers

Gadgetbridge is an open-source replacement for the Android app of Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit, and other smart bands

If you do not want to use the closed source vendor app for your smartband, check out Gadegtbridge, an open-source alternative!

***?*****GADGETBRIDGE is an open-source replacement for the Android app of Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bip, HPlus ZeBand, XWatch and other …
6 years, 2 months ago

? F-Droid: The privacy-friendly alternative to Google Play Store

At Google Play Store you can find millions of apps. But you need an account to install and use them. That enables the „omnipresent data kraken“❗️ to collect a lot of information on its users; and privacy isn’t exactly its priority. Not to talk about all those trackers to be found in more than two thirds of the apps listed there.
With F-Droid there’s an alternative that respects the privacy of its users, and even makes it a priority to protect it.

To know :
• What is F-Droid ?
• How secure is it ?
• What about its choice of apps?
• How to get F-Droid running on your device?
• How to setup and Use
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? @FDroid
#Review #Blog #Alternatives


F-Droid: The privacy-friendly alternative to Google Play Store

With Google Play Store you´re tracked without end: by the Play Store itself as well as by the most apps you can find in it. But you can escape that – e.g. by turning your back to Play Store and instead use an alternative focusing on free and open software…

***?*** **F-Droid: The privacy-friendly alternative to Google Play Store**
6 years, 3 months ago

▪️Updates : 67 Apps. Notably:
Tusky : a Mastodon client, had a major update to 4.0, with redesigned preferences, refactored media detail view with support for sharing media files and copying their links, collapse long statuses, share videos to Tusky, and many more. This update also removes support for Android 4.
Tower Collector : collects GPS locations of GSM/UMTS/LTE/CDMA cell towers and sends them to the OpenCellID.org database.
Simple Dilbert
Offi Directions
Mastalab : New battery profile setting, an indicator to highlight the toot is part of a thread, copy Mastodon account to clipboard by long-pressing it, auto-switch to offline mode if Internet is unavailable, several bug fixes, and other smaller UI/UX changes.
OpenTopoMap Viewer : removes a big bug that causes the crash of the app when opening a GPX file. You can now display your tracks easily in the map since it has been corrected.
Your local weather : Fixed a crash when the location has not been changed, OpenStreetMap API switched from http to https, and some translation changes.
ToGoZip : allows to send files (i.e. jpg-photos or mp3-music) or text (i.e. urls) to one predefined zip file by adding “Add To Zip” to Android’s share/send menu. Version 2.0.17 adds send/view/edit/delete of zip file to Settings-Menu and adds optional support for automatic zip-subfolder discovery.
* Major update

Solitaire : moved to the archive, as it is abandoned and has been replaced with SolitaireCG, which in turn has matured a lot, is well maintained and offers additional features and games.
OmniDroid : was moved to the archive because it has been abandoned. You should switch to its successor,LibreTasks

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? @FDroid

6 years, 3 months ago

? This Week In F-Droid - 32 #TWIF

• While the source code of Android SDK is Apache-2.0 licensed free software, the binaries that Google ships are not free software and even put substantial restrictions on the apps that are built with the Google binaries. Fortunately, @beuc has been leading the effort to make actual free software binaries of the Android SDK. @_hc is into it too, ?
@Bubu has been working on a Docker container of the buildserver which can run all F-Droid builds. It should become usable by app developers, so they can run it locally and test their apps against it. So far it looks to be a little over 7 GB, which is a lot better than the >30GB VM image. What’s still missing is the ability to download missing NDK versions on demand.
@Izzy is writing a 3-part series for the German computer magazine c’t. The first part just came out, and you can have a sneak peek ?
@nicoalt is making good progress on packaging Repomaker as a flatpak, with @Persival ?
• To help with TWIF ?

▪️Additions : 8 Apps
Arch packages : An Arch Linux packages browser, it makes use of the official API to browse the repos.
Simple Calendar Pro : Another Pro version of the Simple Mobile Tools
Yaacc : Upnp client and server.
FiSSH : SSH authentication via fingerprint scanning over the network (SSL sockets). It stores your SSH key phrase and sends it to your PC securely via the LAN when an authorized fingerprint is detected by the fingerprint scanner. Your PC needs to be running the complementary desktop app.
Firefly III Mobile : Unofficial mobile client for Firefly III, a self-hosted financial manager.
PiGrid Companion : Gridcoin stakebox companion app.
Open chat in Whatsapp
Frost for Facebook : fully functional web wrapper

? @FDroid

6 years, 4 months ago

? This Week In F-Droid 26, Week 42, 2018 #TWIF

Tagesschau (German TV series) official app's own F-Droid repository ?. A great step towards user rights and freedom but sadly app isn’t free and open source software)
@_hc & @uniq are starting up translation improvements around Weblate. The work is specifically targeted at Markdown, like we use on this website. Effort will also be going towards app store translations like Fastlane and Triple-T. In addition, there is a little bit of time to work on stabilizing Jekyll, so that it can support more than 9 languages on our site. Get in touch for latter, if you are a ruby dev
• Buildserver automation being finalized by @uniq with help from @_hc

▪️Additions : 2 Apps
Adaptive Brightness Tile : Quick settings tile for adaptive brightness.
BookmarkOS : Share urls directly from your Android browsers right into BookmarkOS.

▪️Updates : 79 Apps. Notably:
PilferShush Jammer : Apps tracking you via inaudible high frequency tones? ? This app acts as both passive & an active microphone jammer by exclusively locking on to the microphone. If that doesn’t work, or if you suspect system apps are in play, it also has an active jamming mode, emitting its own tones from the phone’s speaker.
Mastalab : Major update incl. Full PeerTube support; New layout; New video player
Open Link With : Major update
Yalpstore : Multiple accounts support; Bug fixes and improvements.
Password Store
MatLog Libre
Blokada v3 (ad blocker)
Emerald Launcher
OwnCloud : Beta update (Requires enabling “Unstable updates” in F-Droid settings)

• None

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? @FDroid

6 years, 6 months ago

? #Update - MicroG gets updated :) GMS Core bumped to version (12.8.79)

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? MicroG F-Droid Repo
? @FDroid

?Want better privacy on Android ?
Try MicroG, a lightweight FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) alternative to Google's proprietary Play(Spy) Services?

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? Go @NoGapps

6 years, 6 months ago

? This Week In F-Droid 18, Week 34, 2018 #TWIF

• Popular navigation apps get a bump
• Nextcloud Conference in Berlin started. F-Droid contributor Bubu will be giving a talk. ?
• Two years ago, F-Droid contributo @_hc gave a talk at FOSDEM 2016 showcasing how F-droid can protect users privacy and help users to evade censorship. @Bubu hopes that F-droid can return to FOSDEM in 2019. Discuss plans ?
• Decentralized Index Generation - @Tovok from the #fdroid-dev IRC channel has begun brainstorming ways to decentralize the index creation for the F-Droid main repository. As this seems to be a new problem, a new protocol will be needed. The goal of this new protocol will be to reproducibly build the repository index in a decenralized manner without relying on any trusted parties.

11 apps added
LaaNo : Bind notes to links and sync them with Nextcloud
IPCam Demo : MJPEG video streaming on Android
FIND3 Scanner : Scan Bluetooth and WiFi for FIND3
Wanicchou : Online Japanese-Japanese Dictionary with Anki support
wownerujo : Wownero wallet
Meshenger : An Open-Source P2P Messenger
OpenUntis : An alternative FLOSS client for the Untis timetable system
AnExplorer Pro : All-in-one file management tools
Mundraub : Unofficial App for Mundraub.org
Techahashi : Minimal presentation tool, Takahashi method with technical upgrades
OpenFool OpenFool is a free and open source Fool (Durak) card game for desktop and Android.

62 apps updated. Notably:
Maps : Now allows users to log in to OpenStreetMap.org so they can edit the map.
Gallery : Now supports SVG images making it one of the few Android apps to do so. Fulscreen support improved
A Photo Manager : Major update
Tutanota - Bug fixes regarding 2FA and perfomance
Skytube - Major update; New features including video blocking, volume and brightness gestures, search history, a new video player, better video and playlist support and a new icon.
OsmAnd~ - Improved OSM editing; fix for OSM notes
Gadgetbridge (https://f-droid.org/en/app/nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge) - Better language and notifcation support to the Mi Band 3 and began implementation of start and end of sleep statistics.
• Inventoryhttps://f-droid.org/en/app/org.flyve.inventory.agent

• None

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? @FDroid

6 years, 6 months ago

? This Week In F-Droid 17, Week 33, 2018 #TWIF

F-Droid Core
• Voting on the Fennec icon started. Vote - ?
• Like rocketchat, for foss build of Mattermost, discuss at ? & ?
• Update on Mozilla WINS competition - See the video - ?

• Quick guide on "Android as FOSS as possible" - ?
• Going FLOSS-only on Android - ?
• Idea for integrating F-Droid repositories with the fediverse - ?

Tutanota - e2e encrypted email app
Öffi - All-in-one public transit app
Device Locator - Android lost/stolen device locator
Briar - To download, enable F-Droid archive repo or add Briar Repo
Simple ToDo - To-Do/Task list with beautiful minimalistic design and reminders
VlcFreemote - Remotely control a VLC server
OSMTracker - GPS Track Recorder
GPSd Client - Service to forward NMEA messages to a GPSd server

72 apps updated. Notably:
Gadgetbridge - Use your Pebble/Mi Band/Amazfit Bip/Hplus/more & keep your data private
Markor - Markdown based text editor
QKSMS - Beautiful replacement for stock AOSP messaging app
Riot.im - Messenger
Taskbar - Use start menu to access apps
Vanilla Music - Simple interface replacement for stock music player
DeltaChat - Instant messenger using e-mail as its transport.
Commons - Upload images to Wikimedia Commons
Vespucci - OpenStreetMap editor
Twitlatte - Client for Twitter, Mastodon and Pleroma
Suntimes - Display sunlight and moonlight times
Tremotesf - Remote control app for the Transmission BitTorrent client
Cythara - Musical instrument tuner
Video Transcoder
Persian Calender

• None

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? @FDroid

6 years, 6 months ago

#Update : Tutanota got added to official repo? More


#NewApp #Addition #Email


Tutanota | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

Encrypted email & calendar service - easy to use, secure by design.

[#Update](?q=%23Update) : **Tutanota got added to official repo**[***?*** More](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.tutao.tutanota/)
6 years, 6 months ago

? This Week In F-Droid 16, Week 32, 2018 #TWIF

• Version 1.3.1 of F-Droid app released. "nearby swap" feature fixed.
• Added support for TLSv1.3.
• USB OTG and SD card support work continues. Hopefully in time for the Mozilla WINS competition
• We passed 3000 followers on Mastodon last Tuesday ! - ?
• Tutanota is coming to F-Droid - ?
• Rocket.Chat native application is coming too - ?

open-event-android - Events app to checkout nearby events
eventyay organizer - Event management app for Organizers using eventyay platform
log28 - Simple no-frills period tracker
Ellaism - Ellaism Mobile Wallet
Carnet - Powerful note taking app with sync capabilities
BwareArea - Offline GPS based POI alerter with overlay
Stethox - Xposed module that adds Stetho to every app
DNS Hero - Inspect DNS zones like a superhero
MetalabDoorWidget - Show the Door status of Metalab Vienna
Music - Lightweight and Material Music Player based on Phonograph
MyMusicQoE - Fork of ultrasonic with QoE evaluation features purposes
PasteBin - Client application for Ubuntu pastebin
Rosary - Very simple app helping Christian users to pray the Rosary.
Sun Time - Align your biorhythm with the sun
Weather Widget - Add widget to home screen with weather 5 to 7 day weather forecast

43 apps updated. Notably:
uNote - Lightweight minimalistic note taking app
TEdit - Simple text editor complete with graphical file browser and multiple file support
Lyrically - Shows lyrics overlaid on any app
Contacts - Simple contacts app
Termux - Terminal emulator with packages
Waistline - Free calorie counter and weight tracker
Pix-Art Messenger - Jabber/XMPP chat client
Simpletask - Todo list manager
Movie DB - Online/offline movie database
Telegram - updated from 4.6.0 to 4.9.0. Includes Telegram Passport, (open source versions for) suggested locations and search, location sharing fixes, https for map tiles

• None

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? @FDroid

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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago