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2 days, 22 hours ago
Cosmic Gateway
2 days, 22 hours ago

There has been such a crazy irraciac upheaval in the collective field, which feels like enertic bombs going off all around the world!

There is a rapid increase of acceleration, which feels as though it's through all time and space.

So much discomfort, confusion & disorientation. Which feel like it's creating pockets of openings of new pathways ahead, very expected.

It all feels as though you're in nomands land at times, yet the fabric of reality seems to morph more, and false illusions are crumbling more rapidly.

I've noticed a down pouring of light blue frequency, which seems to be like light rain 🌧 💙
It's the truth frequency rising, that is, shaking core foundations.

What I know is in the depths of the shocking, unexpected changes and upheavals sometimes things can look the worst is actually the divine working through to rearrange things to come back into the highest order.

There is great strength in the shadows of our being that can preprell and guide us through the darkness and back into the light. All will be revealed, and all will become visible.

Just remember that in the midst of chaos, you can focus your dedication & will to reclaim your power and speak directly with your soul!

The watery energy of February continues through the depth of our emotions and helps to reconnect us with our higher consciousness.

No matter what you're facing, remember you're the power of your Soul, you came here to change the game, so let's go!

Much love
Alisha Braché

2 weeks ago

Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you feeling?

January has been such a big month. It's been long, powerful & exhausting.

This past week has been a transition portal & exit point for Soul transitioning & going home or to widen the gateways into new Earth 🌎

I've experienced in my personal life & know that many others are too! The human side of the sadness & grief is messy. However, there is so much excitement & joy for those awaiting 🙏🌟

January has been a slow build of much higher buzzing frequency that has been moving from the ground up. Or should I say the feet up through the body! Are you experiencing this frequency buzz?
As we now reach the New Moon in Aquarius ♒️ ✨️ & Chinese New Year, it feels that the foundations for this year are landing more fully.

Dream Space seems to be very intensive & very deep clearing phase, the bouncing of cycling through multiple timelines per day continues although it feels as though it's narrow down a little bit as we move into February it will be less and more stabilised.

There has been such heavy exhaustion as there is a big transition of light coming through, and our bodies are trying to adjust ✨️

Lots of Cosmic & Space Activity at night & visible craft in the Skyies during the day, too!

One of the most predominant energies that is present is the deep desire for change renewal, new energy & inspiration ✨️
Knowing that there is something over the horizon yet not quite sure what's in store...

It's coming. The key is through stillness. It's all there being prepared to become unlocked from with us.

I'm still offering the 2025 Alignment Sessions. This is a perfect way to connect with what to come & work with the unfolding of the energies daily ✨️

Much love
Alisha Braché

The Elevation Training Series is designed to support people with all the tips, tricks & processes to navigate through these Energetic times!

Training at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

For Personal Session:

2 months, 1 week ago
Welcome to the December Update!

Welcome to the December Update!

How are you feeling the energy as we've moved into the final month of 2024?

See the update on YouTube via the link below:

Sending much love
Alisha Braché

2 months, 2 weeks ago
Join us for round two of …

Join us for round two of Frequency Jump if you're ready to stretch your mind as we move past what we've previously known....

8pm Australian EST on YouTube

This series of videos where A’HaRa and Alisha speak about the new frequency jump that we are moving into as a collective and where we are heading with the changes that transform all aspects of society as we know it. Uncovering hidden truths and what is re-emerging as we take a massive frequency jump into the future.

CREATOR TYPES with A’HARA ~ Become a Force of Nature in Life & Business
Get Profiled @
Insta: @creatortypes
YouTube: @goldenbodies

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Thank you for sharing ?
Alisha Braché @Cosmic Gateway

To access all available resources, see the website:

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Hey Soul Tribe,

Wow, coming out of this weekend feels like a whirlwind of energies. If you've felt quite scattered, confused, tired & and stretced this information might resonate for you!

What feels is taking place right now is a deeper level of Soul aspects coming into the body. It's part of an intergration phase & reconciliation of soul frequency that have been scattered throughout multiple timelines.

More of us are coming online to operate in this moment as there is a big threshold that's being moved through... The new pathway are opening up!

As new ideas, concepts & and states of being are being offered to us, it might not yet be ripe to actulise just yet, however this part of what we could consider an aspect of our 'future' aspect in liner time connecting with us to bring this pathway forward for ourselves & humanity trajectory.

So pay attention to these even if they are only fleeting. What's being asked is to take the time each day only if it's for a few moments of align our frequency to that as it will become much clearer the closer we move into 2025!

So in tandem the other aspects which are occurring to facilitate this process is a pulling in of our energy that has been stuck or scattered, this can be vast in terms of from where that energy is coming in.

However, mostlikely where there has been a traumatic event or experience, or something that might not have been necessarily traumatic, but a period of time that we have been attached to which has created the identity we have created for ourselves.

As this energy comes back in, it might feel uncomfortable, overwhelming, sad, which can bring up unprocessed raw emotions & a releasing of some old versions or identity of ourselves.

There parts wish to be loving embraced with the tenderness as you would embrace a child. So allow yourself to go there as it's completely worth it for what's trying to breakthrough ✨️

If you need additional support I'm here you can connect with me if you need a helping hand ✋️

Also very deep processes might be occurring within your dreams space so pay attention to the information that might be coming through at this time ?

Much love
Alisha Braché

2 months, 3 weeks ago
Cosmic Gateway
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Oscillation of timelines back & forth almost, I felt guided to Re-Share this post which I wrote during the Eclipse, feels like book ends moving out of this phase to the higher end of the spectrum so just a gentle reminder of what you might be moving through ?✨️?

*We are also in the midst of a Solar Radiation Storm *

Hey Soul Tribe,

Have you noticed the oscillation of timelines at present?

One dream that expressed through a few days ago showed me 5 layers of old timelines being dissolved (these represented, scarcity, fear, isolation, separation & disease) I could feel my consciousness that has been operating in some of these realities via dream space for a few months, being pulled out of those.

Which now creates and holds more space to bring that energy into the present reality & be able to hold new frequency which are starting to move in its place. New Earth reality ✨️ profound new technologies, projects, creating new entertainment fused with consciousness ?
So as these are at play it feels as though, there is one stabilised day,  feeling into that higher or should I say expansive energy & then within 24hrs it's very dense energies.

I just wanted to honour the brave & powerful Soul’s that are moving through some very intense challenges right now ?

This is really putting lots of stress on vibration mismatches, this is when one starts to move further toward their Soul Destiny & the other says stuck in old circumstances & patterns.

This often happens when there is a big energy threshold that we are moving through!
It's been so very profound energy being worked through right now!

Lots happening within the multidimensional field right now so you might be super sensitive to energy bleedthrough from other realities or timelines.

Something notable that we may experience somethings on a timeline, days ahead before it manifests.

Really important through this passageway to come back & stay connected with your personal truth, energy & heart space ?

Signs & Symptoms:
?Fatigue & exhaustion ~ sleeping all night & multiple naps during the day
?Sleeping is actually being pulled into multidimensional experiences which is helping support the preparation for the shift
? Headaches ? pressure in the head as more energy expands into our consciousness
? As a side effects of more incoming energies this will highlight distorted mental, emotional & physical activity
?Very vivid dream space that feels more real than this reality in contrast
?Disorientation upon waking & sometimes during the day feeling confused & noticeable matrix glitches or Mandela Effect
?Moving through old experiences patterns & breakthrough them very quickly & noticing how easy it is to break patterns
?Changes in food consumption ~ no appetite to very hungry ?
?Feeling the need to be in solitude

Of course following you're own internal guidance is best to manoeuvre through this passageway ~ we are Ascension experts at this point & know what works best for our process ?

Keeping it simple, rest, hydrate, meditation, energy clearing & get immerse in nature.

Sending ?
Alisha Braché

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Elevate 2 Training ~ For Divine Partnership & Divine Soul Connection, how to actulise your highest potential within Concious Relationships:

5 months, 4 weeks ago

Hey Soul Tribe,

We have a triple combination happening this weekend & what feels like another distinctive timeline shift occurring!

The low pressure headaches, which started a few days ago, are one of my main incidators.

During these times, you tend to have a lot of pressure of things rising all at the same time.

Emotional, mental processing, and just generally feeling down or off can feel like a temporary disconnection or depression. It's just an overall feeling of apathy.

You might feel heaviness physically. Energetically, we are processing quite a bit right now, I see images of multiple streams of energy culminating into one singular line. So this to me, I feel like many Timeline converging into one!

This is helping support more of our Soul Energy intergrate into the one Vessel ✨️

I've been planning around with this since Friday and a modalities that is really powerful to support this.
I'll share more later as I'm guided to start to offer this one again!

The name that was given is Infinity Soul Session it's a 3 part Session which combines regression, so going back into a previous time to help understand current circumstances & and heal just via the information.

Then, an Energy Recalibration from there with that new energy we move into a progression state, so moving forward into your future timeline to connect with that version & an Energy Recalibration occurs to attune you into that new version ✨️

If you're interested in this session isn't available on the website, I will offer a few of these for the duration of August as we are now moving into the most pivotal time of 2024!

These sessions go for approximately 2-3 hrs, depending on how much is explored. I'm offering it at $255 AUD ~ If you're interested, please email at [email protected] with the subject Infinity Soul Session & we can go from there.

Looking forward to connecting with you

Sending much love to everyone for this weekend ?

Alisha Braché

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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago