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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
ADOLF HITLER ON LIBERALISM AND WHITE SUPREMACYby Guillaume Durocher with editorial annotations by The FascifistBefore we get into this speech delivered by Adolf Hitler on the 27th of January, 1932 at the Industry Club in Düsseldorf, we analyze how Hitler’s concept of “race” and “class” were heavily derived from Friedrich Niezsche’s worldview.
After this, we analyze the actual speech itself by Hitler. This speech represents the lengthiest known comments by Hitler discussing a so called “white race”, a subject otherwise almost entirely absent from his public speeches, and generally touched upon only briefly in his books and his supposed "Table Talk". It should be noted that Hitler takes a Nietzschean approach in that he uses “White Race” as a synonym for the “Bourgeois Class”.
Inside America’s Only Muslim-Majority City - Hamtramck, MI USA ??****A venture into one of the most interesting and surprising places in the USA. The locals come from all different backgrounds in America’s only Muslim-majority city, Hamtramck, MI. A 2.1 square-mile world of its own surrounded by Detroit.
Hamtramck reveals how the lack of liberalism in society can bring far greater harmony, social feeling and cultural enrichment. The candidate seen in the footage did in fact win the election and become mayor.
A Sense of Betrayal: Liberal Dismay as Muslim-led US City Bans Pride Flags
The Median Age of Populations by ContinentAfrica has the world's youngest population, with a median age of only 18.
In the next century, Africans will play a pivotal role in charting the course of humanity.
— Europe — 42 years
— North America — 35 years
— Oceania — 33 years
— Asia — 31 years
— South America — 31 years
— Africa — 18 years
The Modern World: White and Westerna production by the FascifistThis presentation diagnoses the ontological essence of the modern world. It touches upon the concepts of whiteness, white supremacy, westernism, western civilization and all other peripheral topics that relate to the socio-psychological and historical progression of the modern world from its inception to its current state.
?⬛? First of all, as traditionalists and thinkers, we note in Corneliu Codreanu (Captain) a philosophical thought entirely centered on the problem of redemptive death and the exit from linear time vertically into eternity, on the problem of mioritic space. The thinking of Legionnaire Codreanu has the character of initiatory, traditional.
by M. l’Abbé Henri Delassus
An important book that reveals how Americanism is the political manifestation of Enlightenment liberal philosophy designed to undermine and destroy Christianity. The spirit of Liberalism is proven to be Anti-Christ.
On the Ontological Difference
Between Medieval Europe and
the Atlanticist West
America was Founded as an anti-Christian Social Order
Race is Ontological: A Basic Question and Answer Introduction
The Three Characheristics of the White Man
Tim Wise on the History of Whiteness
They Gave Us ModernismA Critique of American Identity Politics and the History and Construction of White Identity
Nasjonal Samling åpner Frimurerlosjen for publikum i 1940 å avsløre frimureriet ??
The Nasjonal Samling opens the Masonic Lodge to the public in 1940 to expose Freemasonry ??
"Preußische Ehre suche ich darin, dass Preußen sich vor allem von jeder schändlichen Verbindung mit der Demokratie fernhält." – Otto von Bismarck
Quelle: Otto von Bismarck: Zur deutschen Frage. Rede gehalten am 3. Dezember 1850; In: Gesammelte Reden des Fürsten Bismarck. Berlin 1895. Band 1. S. 50-58, hier S. 53. ??
"I seek Prussian honor in the fact that Prussia above all keeps away from any shameful association with democracy." —Otto Von Bismarck
Source: Otto von Bismarck: On the German Question. Speech delivered December 3, 1850; In: Prince Bismarck's collected speeches. Berlin 1895. Volume 1. pp. 50-58, here p. 53. ??
Die zehn Gebote eines deutschen Soldaten (mit englischen Untertiteln) ??
The Ten Commandments of a German Soldier (with English Subtitle) ??
Les dix commandements du soldat allemand (avec sous-titres anglais) ??
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago