Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman - Nur diese beiden Kanäle sind ein Projekt von uns:
sowie bei Odysee unter
Last updated 2 months ago
Dr. Michael Nehls Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos, Anlagetipps, Kontoverwaltung.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Freier Journalismus für den Durchblick in einer Zeit, die geprägt ist von politisch motivierter Desinformation.
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Last updated 10 hours ago
🔥„Sächsische Separatisten": AUF1 spricht exklusiv mit der Frau des SchussopfersDie sogenannten "Sächsischen Separatisten" haben bundesweit Schlagzeilen gemacht. AUF1-Nachrichtenleiter Martin Müller-Mertens ist es gelungen, als erster Pressevertreter mit der Frau des Mannes zu sprechen, der bei den Razzien fast von den Sicherheitskräften erschossen wurde. Wie brutal die Staatsmacht gegen die junge Familie vorging, sehen Sie heute um 18 Uhr in den Nachrichten AUF1.
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*⚜️ Erläuterungen für folgenden Beitrag ‚WAS KANN ICH TUN?‘In einer Welt, in der alles Kopf steht und lebensfeindlich ist, stellen sich viele die Frage: „Was kann ich tun?“Es geht darum, was der Einzelne tun kann, ohne selbst den politischen Kampf auf sich zu nehmen, weil er das nicht will oder (noch) nicht kann.Es geht nicht darum, den politischen Kampf zu ersetzen, sondern ihn zu unterstützen und vorzubereiten.Nicht jeder muss Alles machen oder können, es genügt einige Punkte zu erfüllen. Je mehr, desto besser. Vergesst nicht, wir sind nur eine kleine Minderheit und müssen daher um ein vielfaches härter arbeiten, als unsere degenerierten Gegner.***
I have grown weary of the excessive victim mindset that so many of you express in our interactions (by "you" I just mean people who participate in "prowhite" or "dissident right" online spaces), this mindset is deeply unproductive because it denies our agency and therefore creates a disempowering framework for discussing racial issues.
It's not that Jews aren't subversive or White women aren't submissive or blacks and browns aren't violent - obviously this is all the case. But the more pertinent questions to be asking ourselves is why Whites are so easily subverted, why White men aren't dominant, why Whites aren't organising effectively to demand justice for White victims of non-White violence and more importantly to keep them out of our communities and countries in the first place. Too many of you have an aversion to diagnosing these problems in ourselves and taking active personal responsibility to work on addressing them because you want the comfort of victimhood where you console yourself in blaming the other. The implication of apportioning more blame to the other than to the self is an acknowledgement that you lack the ability to resist the will of the other and impose your own.
If the White race is truly powerless in the face of the forces which are destroying us then we are helpless and condemned to destruction and defeat by our own weakness and deservedly so. I however do not believe that, I believe the source of the crisis is most fundamentally within us. The best of us have largely lost ourselves in hedonism, status-seeking, wealth accumulation, escapism and most fundamentally a lack of determination to take responsibility for imposing order and cultivating health and vitality both within ourselves and our relationships, but also the wider civilization we are a part of. We do not love ourselves enough to demand enough spiritual development from ourselves, and we do not love our race enough to inspire it to submit itself to our leadership for its own good. We are not committed enough, we are not taking enough initiative, we are not supporting each other enough and we are not producing enough.
If we reached inside hard enough with the determination to actualise our full potential we would win and win easily. I don't ultimately blame peasant-tier Whites (which is the majority of them frankly), White women or even Jews for our predicament - all of them would subordinate themselves or be swatted away with ease by our movement's surge to victory if the best of our race got their shit together, actualised our potential and started leading both culturally and politically again. The enemy is not particularly inspiring nor is their culture spiritually edifying - we just aren't putting forward a genuine alternative, not at the scale required for most to even be able to perceive it let alone participate in it.
The only solution to what is happening is White Power, but to cultivate this we need to remember what the source of our racial power always was - it was our commitment to honour. This is what "Aryan" literally means etymologically - it translates to "honourable" or "noble." Our greatness came from our nobility, our virtue, our spiritual depth. It didn't come from complaining, trying to out-complain jews or out-complain women or out-complain blacks and browns will not work. The White man cannot be organised to fight around victimhood, trying to do this will fill your movement with losers that will inspire no one, who will lack character. And such men will always end up dishonouring one another and disintegrating. The White man must be organised to fight by a conviction of his own nobility, only then will White men of genuine nobility be mobilised - the only men spiritually capable of exercising virtuous leadership.
Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman - Nur diese beiden Kanäle sind ein Projekt von uns:
sowie bei Odysee unter
Last updated 2 months ago
Dr. Michael Nehls Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos, Anlagetipps, Kontoverwaltung.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Freier Journalismus für den Durchblick in einer Zeit, die geprägt ist von politisch motivierter Desinformation.
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LION Media TV (Videos)
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Last updated 10 hours ago