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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 months ago
The European Schengen zone is about to become a digital fortress. Starting this November:
"When EES is introduced, you will need to create a digital record on your first visit to the Schengen area at the port or airport on arrival. You will be required to submit your fingerprints and have your photo taken at dedicated booths."
And next year, UK (and presumably other non-EU/Schengen) passport holders will also need to apply in advance for authorisation to enter Schengen area countries.
Those wanting to enter the EU/Schengen are going to be treated like criminals, by default. Everything during the last 4.5 years has been largely about drastically increased digital surveillance, in line with the Technocrats' Agenda 2030. Crossing borders will also become an even more drawn-out and tiresome experience than it already is.
Only short-sighted big-state nationalists and well-trained slaves will celebrate this.
EU Entry/Exit System
Information about changing requirements for UK nationals travelling to countries in the Schengen area.
I have a theory to share...
In Europe, it is England, Wales and Ireland that operate a Common Law system, whilst most of the rest of Europe has some derivation of Roman Law.
The difference in systems is sometimes simplified thusly:
In Roman Law, everything is forbidden unless expressly permitted.
In Common Law, everything is permitted unless expressly forbidden.
I'm beginning to wonder whether Common Law has actually facilitated the exploitation of the common man by those with money and power; after all, anything goes until specifically disallowed. Whereas in Roman Law countries, although there tends to be more restriction on the individual, those restrictions also hinder corporations (such as fake courts, police, bailiffs, media and government).
Could it be that Common Law gives rise to a sort of 'tyranny of liberty'?
On the plus side, one simply needs to know how to use Common Law in defence. And whilst this puts more onus on the individual, it will ultimately allow for greater freedom and resilience.
Quantum Science has come to realise that the universe is more like a Great Thought than a machine; The mechanical universe of the Demiurge is an overlay upon this, like a crude painting of Picasso overlaid upon one by Leonardo de Vinci. But this idea opens a far greater idea, and that is the concept that if this is more like a Great Thought, then the minds of Man will be able to communicate with this. Hence the importance of some form of religion, since this should be the means to contact the Gods, and this would entail the direct contact of Man to the Gods, and not through some form of 'priesthood' that mediates, and thus opens the gate to misuse of such powers.
I've been living in Wales now for two years, and I have to say: I've become a bit of a Cymrophile.
As you can see in the above map, Cymru is by far the strongest remaining Celtic-language speaking country in the world. There are towns and villages near to me where Cymraeg is firmly a first language among locals. A neighbouring family to me have a young boy who couldn't speak any English until recently.
You want to talk about ethnic-preservation in the face of all odds; in the face of globalisation, capitalism, mass-immigration, and plain convenience, this is it!
FAO All you dissidents and New Agers converting to Christianity: You think the 'Beast System' hates Christianity. It doesn't. It created Christianity as part of an age-long psyop to rend you from your organic, ancestral way. Christianity played its part in bringing The West to Materialism and now the 'Beast System' has no further need of it...
...or does it? Notice how many among the controlled opposition are promoting Christianity lately. Human civilisation won't accept the Noahide Law unless it's at least nominally Christian.
It's really not that difficult to understand why most people don't see tyranny, authoritarianism and crimes against the common folk by the media and money powers for what they are. I'll explain using an analogy...
You take your lady to a party. There's a man there who takes a particular interest and starts hanging around both of you, being overly friendly. He's touching your lady's arm a little too often, eventually putting his arm around her neck, with a big, drunken grin on his face. He knows she's your woman but his flirtations are cloaked in humour.
He goes to the bathroom and your lady turns to you. 'Aren't you going to do anything?' she says.
'About what?' you say in response, feigning naivety.
'He's all over me and you're just stood there, doing nothing.'
'Nahhh, he's just drunk - a harmless character, clearly.'
But you know there's more to it than that. Problem is: If you admit to your lady that you're aware of what this other man is actually doing, you're obliged to knock him out. Far easier to pretend you don't notice and hope he just... moves on.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 months ago