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**1 January 2024
An Open Letter to the American People from Signatories of this
Declaration of Military Accountability** (DMA)
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams
In the course of human events it sometimes becomes necessary to admonish the lawless, encourage the fainthearted, and strengthen the weak. We have reached just such a time in our history.
The affairs of our nation are now steeped in avaricious corruption and our once stalwart institutions, including the Dept of Defense, are failing to fulfill the moral obligations upon which they were founded.
Standing upon our natural and constitutional rights, we hereby apprise the American people that we have exhausted all internal efforts to rectify recent criminal activity within the Armed Forces....
We intend to rebuild trust and restore the rule of law, particularly within the Armed Forces.
While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion.
Service members and families were significantly harmed by these actions.
Their suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally, and physically. Some service members became part of our ever-growing veteran homeless population, some developed debilitating vaccine injuries, and some even lost their lives.
In an apparent attempt to avoid accountability, military leaders are continuing to ignore our communications regarding these injuries and the laws that were broken....
These individuals enabled lawlessness and the unwilling experimentation on service members. The moral and physical injuries they helped inflict are significant.
These leaders refused to resign or take any other action to hold themselves accountable, nor have they attempted to repair the harm their policies and actions have caused.
Since there has yet to be any accountability, the undersigned give our word to do everything morally permissible and legally possible to hold our own leadership accountable.
We intend to rebuild trust by demonstrating that leaders cannot cast aside constitutional rights or the law for political expediency.
However, as service members and veterans, we feel particularly responsible for the DoD and, in accordance with our oaths, we will make every effort to demonstrate by example, how an institution can put its own house in order.
We the undersigned, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of service members and the American people, while appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for guidance and purity of intention, mutually pledge to each other that we will do everything in our power, through lawful word and action, to hold accountable military leaders who failed to follow the law when their leadership and moral courage was most desperately needed.
In the coming years, thousands within our network will run for Congress and seek appointments to executive branch offices, while those of us still serving on active duty will continue to put fulfilling our oaths ahead of striving for rank or position.
For those who achieve the lawful authority to do so, we pledge to recall from retirement the military leaders who broke the law and will convene courts-martial for the crimes they committed.
For those of us who attain legislative offices, we pledge to introduce legislation to remove all retirement income for the military leaders who were criminally complicit, and we will ensure none serve in or retire from the Senior Executive Service"
Link to the full letter and signatories:
General Mike Flynn:
Admiral Mike Rogers and the importance of THE OATH:
See also
?Follow and Share??
?? @RWMaloneMD
Robert W Malone, MD
Overview Video of mRNA Vaccine Technology ***📌***Follow and Share***👇🏻*** ***🔬******🧬*** @RWMaloneMD
Its time to update my profile picture and I'm choosing to revert back to this. The reason being, for me this is a symbol of unity. It represents a basic principle of togetherness and an ideology of a collective coming together on mass, working together in unison in a coordinated effort for a cause much greater than ourselves, to fight an agenda far more important than our own! It helps me identify others who believe in those same principles, so, if you have uploaded this as your profile picture and its still there thank you. Please keep it for as long as possible. If I see profiles with this picture I friend request, or when I have room I will accept first the profiles with this image. It tells me that in the cesspool of division, drama, jealousy, hatred, distraction, ego and self interests that has become the "freedom movement" you are not a complete and utter fruad. For others it means something else. Those more than happy to criticize, more than eager to point the finger and more than willing to destroy rather than build. In fact the meeting to set this up was one of the most positive moments by far that I've experienced for a long time as I wade through the swamp, so thank you to those who chose to turn up and for Mark for putting it together. Getting that amount of people from across the UK together in one place at one time must have took some work. For me it is a badge of honour to be on the "shill list". Better that than sat behind a screen gossiping for clicks and kicks. This logo will still get priority over the BLFF badge, because BLFF is just part of a much bigger picture. A spoke on the wheel so to speak, a wheel that needs many spokes to maintain stability, and desperately in need of direction and someone to steer and drive it forward. There was alot of discussion on social media over the wording in this logo. Well, there was also alot during the meeting. Just remember that the target audience is not always just members of this movement but for the general public as well. A general inquisitive nature and legitimate questions I would say are always welcome but basic sniping to serve something other than the cause when some are working very hard is not. Not as far as I'm concerned.
Documenting Crimes Against Humanity
Post 4 of 4
Report 76: Pfizer Had Data to Announce Its COVID-19 Vaccine’s Alleged “Efficacy” in October 2020. Why Did Pfizer Delay the Announcement Until November 9, 2020, Six Days After the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election? Report 77: Women Suffered 94% of Dermatological Adverse Events Reported in First 90 Days of Pfizer COVID “Vaccine” Rollout. 80% of These Adverse Events Were Categorized As “Serious.”
Documenting Crimes Against Humanity
**Documenting Crimes Against Humanity
Post 2 of 4**
Report 01: Where Are Pfizer’s 20,000 Missing Patients?
Report 02: Pfizer – 136 Deaths and 1625 Serious Cases of ‘Ineffectiveness’ Revealed
Report 03: Phase 1 /2 Study of COVID-19 RNA Vaccine BNT162b1 in Adults: Key Processes Missing.
Report 05: Pfizer mRNA Construct – Why Spike Protein Causes Disease
Report 07: COVID-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy: Risky Business
Report 11: Pfizer Vaccine – FDA Fails to Mention Risk of Heart Damage in Teens
Report 12: Secret Documents: How Pfizer Covered Up a Flood of Adverse Events
Report 13: MISSING – 50 Pregnant Women From Pfizer Clinical Trials
Report 14: Were We Lied to by the FDA?
Report 15: Adverse Events Rise in Babies Breastfed by Vaccinated Mothers
Report 16: Daily Clout Report: MicroRNA, the Hidden RNA in the Pfizer Vaccine
Report 17: Why COVID-19 Vaccine Consent Must Be Informed
Report 18: Vaccine ‘Shedding’: Can This Be Real After All?
Report 19: Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine
Report 21: What Did Pfizer Know, and When Did They Know It? Neurological Harms Concealed
Report 22: Effects of N1-Methyl-Pseudouridine in the Pfizer mRNA Vaccine
Report 23: Harmful Cytokines From Vaccinated Mothers Passed to Breastfed Infants – Report
Report 24: Dr. Fernando Polack – Real Person or Ghost?
Report 25: Strokes – What Did Pfizer Know, and When Did They Know It?
Report 26: Proof the TrialMax App Unequivocally Contributed to Pfizer’s Deception of Safety
Report 28: Vaccine Trials for Infants and Children Show Little to No Benefit
Report 29: Did Pfizer and the FDA Conceal An Existing Remedy for COVID?
Report 30: Inconsistencies in Pfizer Clinical Trials Are Surfacing
Report 31: Pfizer-BioNTech “Equivalent” Half Truths or a “Lot” of Lies?
Report 32: If Pfizer Controlled the ‘Data’ They Controlled the Outcome
Report 33: Pfizer’s New Two-in-One COVID-19 Booster: Are We the Clinical Trial?
Report 34: Understanding C-19 Vaccine Efficacy Clinical Trial in Lay Terms
Report 35: Pfizer Evidence So Far: Coverups, Heart Damage, and More
Report 36: Pfizer Used Dangerous Assumptions, Rather than Research, to Guess at Outcomes
Report 40: Data Do Not Support Safety of mRNA COVID Vaccination for Pregnant Women
Report 44: Is mRNA-LNP Vaccine-Induced Immunity Inheritable? A Preprint Study Shows It Is.
Report 45: Failure of Serialization By Pfizer Flouted Established Pharma Industry Rules
Report 47: Blood System-Related Adverse Events Following Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
Report 49: Clotting System-Related Adverse Events Following Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
Report 50: 20% of Post-Jab Strokes Fatal in the 90 Days Following Pfizer COVID mRNA Vaccine Rollout
We will be doing community outreach and leaflet distribution from 1pm until 3pm for anyone arriving early. The event starts at 3pm with the first of two marches setting off at 3:30 pm. The V for Vendetta march will be starting at 6pm with an ending not to be missed. The exact location will be released at 11am on the day of the event.
Having fought in elections we realise there isn't going to be a sudden quick fix. Talk of winning the next election with a coalition of indepenents as a first step to liberating the entire world is beyond naive.
What we are trying to do at Vote Freedom is to ensure that some freedom minded independents get elected so that we have a platform to build on and with candidates like Sam Lee for Hartlepool MP - Page for positive ideas and solutions that's an entirely realistic objective.
We will support and resource the 12 candidates we already have and are looking for another 15-20 candidates to actively support and resource. Beyond that we will provide extensive free resources to support anyone who is happy to manage the process themselves. Link to website in comments. If you are interested in being a VFP supported candidate please message me.
In short the support we can provide will include
Completion of nominations forms
Royal mail liaison
Pre election campaigning especially raising your local profile.
Leaflet design and print
Building a social media profile
Spending returns
Optimising your limited press coverage- it's not true that the press give equal coverage to all candidates , but they will give you some.
Elections are rubbish and very hard work. But they are one of the few things we have and we need to use them in a focused and realistic way.
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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