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EASY 8.0

Surrounded by IELTS

Laziz Omonov (Overall 7.5, with Speaking 7.5x2 and Writing 7.0x2)
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Owner : @aoinasa

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Last updated 2 дня, 2 часа назад




Last updated 3 недели, 3 дня назад

Last updated 1 год назад

1 month, 1 week ago

Kanalda videodarslar joylashni boshlaymizmi?

1 month, 2 weeks ago

#Writing#TaskOne#LineGraph The line graph compares how many people visited four clinics of a particular hospital per week between 2010 and 2016. Overall, weekly visits of people increased over the time in almost all clinics. While birth control and dental clinics saw an improvement in client numbers after a downturn in the same year, a rise was more pronounced in the figures for eye and diabetic sections during the six-year period.

All clinics in the chart exhibited an upturn in
weekly patient visits at the end of the span, though eye and diabetic clinics showed a consistent increase from the start, even with the second receiving the least patient visits in 2010. While the former started the period with approximately 65 patients per week, that of the latter was around 125 in 2010. Following next years, both figures rose, with eye clinic increasing rapidly in 2012 and a similar pattern in diabetic one two years later. In the final year, eye clinic become the most weekly patient receiving figure with a whopping 350, while diabetic clinic was offering its services to around 175 people per week.

In contrast, a section for birth control started with 240 people in 2010 which was the highest figure among the other clinics. The figure then reached its peak of approximately 275 weekly visits before experiencing a considerable decrease to 180. Dental clinic, meanwhile, helped roughly 100 patients per week in 2010, a figure which then fell to 55. Followed by 2014, however, both clinics saw an increase in
patient visits, with the former returning back to its initial patterns (240) and the latter reaching* 160 from 150 visitors at the end of the period.  

**Band score: 7.0-7.5
Examiner: Jurabek Sanokulov

👉🏻 EASY 8.0 👈🏻***

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Some people believe that modern communication technologies such as smartphones and laptops have more disadvantages than advantages.

***To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Exam question on Feb 25, 2024***Bu savolga argument (idea) laringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring.

3 months, 4 weeks ago
3 months, 4 weeks ago
4 months ago
EASY 8.0
4 months ago
EASY 8.0
4 months ago
EASY 8.0
4 months ago
EASY 8.0
4 months ago
EASY 8.0
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🇨🇳China: @NASAMODChina666

Owner : @aoinasa

SET-UP : @nasamodfiles
All Feedback : @nasamodwin

Last updated 2 дня, 2 часа назад




Last updated 3 недели, 3 дня назад

Last updated 1 год назад