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1 year, 2 months ago

Nobody Knows What’s Happening Online Anymore
Dec 2023 - Charlie Warzel

You are currently logged on to the largest version of the internet that has ever existed. By clicking and scrolling, you’re one of the 5 billion–plus people contributing to an unfathomable array of networked information—quintillions of bytes produced each day.
The sprawl has become disorienting. Some of my peers in the media have written about how the internet has started to feel “placeless” and more ephemeral, even like it is “evaporating.” Perhaps this is because, as my colleague Ian Bogost has argued, “the age of social media is ending,” and there is no clear replacement. Or maybe artificial intelligence is flooding the internet with synthetic information and killing the old web. Behind these theories is the same general perception: Understanding what is actually happening online has become harder than ever.

1 year, 2 months ago


“Because Physical Wounds Heal”

The Psy-Op Realism of an Active-Duty E-Girl's Post-Ironic Memetic Propaganda + Gen-Z Recruitment Woes, Žižek's Obscene Ideology of Military Culture & We Are All FEDs Now.

Meme Research
1 year, 4 months ago


Propaganda Dump

Telegram propaganda observatory - content warning - forwards are maintained for context - post not forwarded are mainly from groups

Meme Research
1 year, 6 months ago

ForceAtlas2 for PythonA port of Gephi's Force Atlas 2 layout algorithm to Python 2 and Python 3 (with a wrapper for NetworkX and igraph). This is the fastest python implementation available with most of the features complete. It also supports Barnes Hut approximation for maximum speedup.

ForceAtlas2 is a very fast layout algorithm for force-directed graphs. It's used to spatialize a weighted undirected graph in 2D (Edge weight defines the strength of the connection). The implementation is based on this paper and the corresponding gephi-java-code. Its really quick compared to the fruchterman reingold algorithm (spring layout) of networkx and scales well to high number of nodes (>10000).


GitHub - bhargavchippada/forceatlas2: Fastest Gephi's ForceAtlas2 graph layout algorithm implemented for Python and NetworkX

Fastest Gephi's ForceAtlas2 graph layout algorithm implemented for Python and NetworkX - bhargavchippada/forceatlas2

**ForceAtlas2 for Python**A port of Gephi's Force Atlas 2 layout algorithm to Python 2 and Python 3 (with a wrapper …
1 year, 6 months ago

Table 2 NetExtract a network from a table. Set a column for nodes and a column for edges. It deals with multiple items per cell.

Table2Net allows you to get a network from a table. You will get a GEXF file that you can visualize and analyze with Gephi.


GitHub - medialab/table2net

Contribute to medialab/table2net development by creating an account on GitHub.

**Table 2 Net**Extract a network from a table. Set a column for nodes and a column for edges. It deals …
1 year, 6 months ago

ImageXVisual Computing Group @ HTW Berlin

ImageX is an application to visually explore and search your private image collection. It runs on all common operating systems and consumer hardware. The entire image gallery of a user is transformed into a hierarchical image graph. A new navigation scheme allows exploration of this complex data structure in an intuitive way similar to mapping services such as Google Maps. Images do not need to be tagged to be searched by 14000 common keywords.


Visual Computing Group at the HTW Berlin

Research projects and publication in the area of information retrieval, machine learning and computer vision.

1 year, 6 months ago

Offline Image Query and Extraction ToolOffline Image Query and Extraction Tool serves the study of visual content for social or media research but it is not limited to this purpose. It allows researchers to use the image name file as query, helping them to navigate visual content according to its different characteristics, such as:

- Image query according to user accounts or link domains (the site of image creation or appearance)
- Image query according to engagement metrics, e.g. shares, comments, views, likes, re-tweets, etc. (the site of image audiencing)
- Image query according to computer vision outputs, e.g. labels, top-level link domains, web entities, not safe for work content, etc. (the content of the image itself or sites of image circulation)
- Image query according to published time, date, month or year

This tool was created as a response to the short life of online image URLs, allowing researchers to explore and analyse specific collections of images on demand.


GitHub - jason-chao/offline-image-query

Contribute to jason-chao/offline-image-query development by creating an account on GitHub.

**Offline Image Query and Extraction Tool**Offline Image Query and Extraction Tool serves the study of visual content for social or …
1 year, 6 months ago

4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit4CAT is a research tool that can be used to analyse and process data from online social platforms. Its goal is to make the capture and analysis of data from these platforms accessible to people through a web interface, without requiring any programming or web scraping skills. Our target audience is researchers, students and journalists interested using Digital Methods in their work.

In 4CAT, you create a dataset from a given platform according to a given set of parameters; the result of this (usually a CSV or JSON file containing matching items) can then be downloaded or analysed further with a suite of analytical 'processors', which range from simple frequency charts to more advanced analyses such as the generation and visualisation of word embedding models.


GitHub - digitalmethodsinitiative/4cat: The 4CAT Capture and Analysis Toolkit provides modular data capture & analysis for a variety…

The 4CAT Capture and Analysis Toolkit provides modular data capture & analysis for a variety of social media platforms. - digitalmethodsinitiative/4cat

**4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit**4CAT is a research tool that can be used to analyse and process data from online …
1 year, 6 months ago

Memespector-GUIMemespector-GUI is a cross-platform client for computer vision APIs with a graphical user interface. Memespector-GUI supports Google Cloud Vision API, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, Clarifai Computer Vision and an API for Keras' built-in open source models.


GitHub - jason-chao/memespector-gui: Cross-platform GUI Client for Computer Vision APIs (Google Vision, Microsoft Cognitive Services…

Cross-platform GUI Client for Computer Vision APIs (Google Vision, Microsoft Cognitive Services, Clarifai and Keras' open source models) - jason-chao/memespector-gui

**Memespector-GUI**Memespector-GUI is a cross-platform client for computer vision APIs with a graphical user interface. Memespector-GUI supports Google Cloud Vision API, …
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