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I find it very unlikely that Americans will have an election this year.
1. An assassination attempt on Trump
2. A "putsch" to remove Biden
Americans have/are being conditioned to accept martial law to defend democracy and their security.
Democracy will likely be defended by either delaying the election or having mail in ballots only, and Trump will lose.
Enjoy the summer. But Brace yourselves for war.
What can we conclude from these latest attempts to remove two presidential nominated candidates from the Election?
America has executed more Coup d' etat's in history than any other nation- So much so, they accept it as a legitimate form of democracy.
Rather than being outraged many Democrats are ecstatic with the subversion of democracy. While many Republicans express outrage.
Many Democrats are disappointed the assassination attempt failed and Trump will stay on the ballot. While many Republicans are ecstatic that he survived and galvanized the party.
First the majority of American's do not want an elected representative government that seeks to govern in the best interests of all Americans.
Second, they would prefer to be ruled by a political party.
Thirdly, he majority of Americans accept assassinations and a Coup D' etat as legitimate means to determine political candidates as long as it improves the electability of their party.
Fourth- Open primaries and a fair nomination process are unnecessary.
Fifth- Most Americans prefer to exclude, dismiss or prohibit Independent candidates (RFK Jr) from meaningful participation in elections.
-Randy Hillier-
Many Canadians share these attitudes
No More Lockdowns Canada | Randy Hillier
Covid-Just another covert Military medical experiment, with Lethal results? Part 1
How Tuskegee & MK Ultra etc mutated into covid
The Biggest Con is political parties
The endless con- Voting for the Red team will save you from the Blue team, but voting for the Blue team is better than the Red Team. From my talk in Tiverton, End the Con. See all my videos on
The Biggest Con is political parties
The endless con- Voting for the Red team will save you from the Blue team, but voting for the Blue team is better than the Red Team. From my talk in Tiverton...
There are further consequences hidden from our view as strategic voting and winning replaces the objective of representation. When people deny their first choice of a fringe party (like the Green, Freedom or Family Coalition parties here in Ontario) and choose an alternate, the perception arises that there are few people who share the principles and values of the fringe. In reality, there are far greater numbers of people who share these values and policy platforms, but strategically choose someone else – who will win. This corruption of choice insures fringe parties never become mainstream and democratic choice is limited to two or three "main parties." It further provides mainstream parties with a false sense that their policies' are acceptable to the majority.
In Canada approximately forty percent of voters choose not to vote. Many people cannot find a party that represents their principles, but also have a chance of winning. These disenfranchised stay at home on election day and are never represented; they in affect create their own destiny of unrepresentative governments.
Democracy is not a horse race or a game of roulette where placing a bet on a winner is the payoff. Democracy's payoff is found with quality representation, and with governments that represent people's principles, values and ideals. Democracy's wheel spins easily on an axle of freedom, which must be oiled with the individuals best "choice." Strategic voting creates a playing field where parties with money, candidates with name recognition, and those who are perceived to win, will always win; and it assures quality is subtracted from the odds of winning.
In our efforts to pick a winner, we defeat the very purpose and objective we expect of democratic governments, and we deprive ourselves of the tactical advantage of a quality democracy.
The old adage "We get the government we deserve," is tried and true in Canada. We have strategically downgraded our democracy, and the results are obvious: strategic voting insures Canadians are always "led by lesser men."
People no longer fully comprehend the objectives of democratic elections. They now believe winning an election is the prime objective; good governance and representative candidates are merely secondary thoughts or the means to win.
Ive often been asked about my lack of support for established political parties. Here is a brief explanation. I'll attach an oped I published 21 years ago regarding vote splitting in the replys.
@PierrePoilievre & @JustinTrudeau represents about 0% of my values. I dislike dishonesty, cheaters, Liars, duplicity, destructive economic policies and debt,and am opposed to man made global warming, unfettered immigration, expanding bureaucracy, absolute party discipline, corporate influence in political parties, the LGBTQ tranny agenda, the removal of individual responsibility & Freedoms, unneccessary wars in Ukraine & the Middle East, UN agenda 2020, sustainable development, UNDRIP and BIO-Digital convergence to name a few, and in which there is not a sliver of daylight between the two leaders. OPINION
by Randy Hillier
Thousands of years ago the ancient Greeks developed a simple and practical form of self-government and created democracy. However unlike today, the ancient Greeks did not have to contend with partisan political parties, backroom boys and media spin-doctors, strategic voting, and televised debates. Canadian elections are as far removed from this simple and practical democratic process, as we are from the ancient Greeks.
The objective of elections are to debate opinions, policies, and discuss principles; and to elect representatives that have principles and policies which best represent the majority's views. The recent Ontario election is evidence people no longer fully comprehend the objectives of democratic elections. The objective has become corrupt and no longer achieves the ends it was created to meet. People now believe winning an election is the prime objective; good governance and representative candidates are merely secondary thoughts or the means to win.
The objective of voting is to choose the person to best represent your principles and ethics, within parliament. The choice is to evaluate and determine which candidate has the best leadership skills, and who will listen to your concerns and vigorously defend them, and which policy platform coincides with your priorities. Canadians have one vote and it is reserved for the candidate who best represents their views. There should be nothing strategic, complicated, or confusing in this election process.
However, many Canadians believe there is more to this simple task, that we must forget who is best and strategically vote against who we don't want elected. That we should cast our ballot for whichever party we expect to win – not who's best.
Lost votes
Fringe parties illustrate this strategic and modern, but faulty thinking. Many Canadians believe voting for a fringe party is a "lost vote," because fringe parties will not win. Nothing can be further from the truth. In fact votes are lost when they're cast for people other than your first choice. It is evident that strategic votes don't represent the electors' views. A spoiled ballot is more valuable than a strategic vote, because it's truthful and states: no candidate represents my views. Strategic votes cast for second choice candidates are lost, as they reward candidates you do not value. There is another consequence of strategic voting; electing second-rate candidates from "mainstream" parties lowers democracy's overall standard and the quality of elected politicians.
« Many Canadians believe voting for a fringe party is a "lost vote," because fringe parties will not win. Nothing can be further from the truth. In fact votes are lost when they're cast for people other than your first choice. »
Looks like a great day shaping up this Sunday. Come and join us live music, potluck lunch, meet and greet and talk about - The Hard Truth, about The Big Bold Lie.
The Endless Con
I went to bed as a child having nightmares of a looming ice Age, only to wake up as an adult to global warming. My speech to the International Crisis Summit in Washington.
The Endless Con
I went to bed as a child having nightmares of a looming ice Age, only to wake up as an adult to global warming. I've lived through them all; the coming ice age, ozone holes, acid rain, Y2K, the population bomb, global warming, peak oil, and now Covid and…
Hillier gives evidence in the USA Senate-What did they hide?
While Canadian politicians try to runaway from their devilish actions-Hillier provides a detailed description on how the Ontario government knew they overreacted during the "pandemic," but were manipulated into promoting the Con Job. You can watch the entire…
Looking to get away for a few days, my camp in Lanark County is available until May. The camp is a 200 year old log homestead that Sleeps 4, indoor plumbing with shower, wired, large screen Tv, internet, full kitchen, 1 queen and 1 double bed in loft bedroom. Everything included even the firewood just bring your food & beverages, no pets $175 per night. Send me an email [email protected] or text 6134642063 to book
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Last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago
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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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